I’m struggling to complete any flight now without it crashing, it’s getting infuriating to say the least! I’ve invested a fair old sum in this sim, but getting to the point where I’m asking myself if I’ve wasted a great deal of money! Shame, as when it is actually working properly it’s a joy to behold, but the continuous CTD’s are rendering it all pointless.
Do you use any addon? Because many have CTDs cause of this
I feel reasonably confident that my CTDs are caused whenever I try to do anything with the T-45C on my Series S. I did submit a trouble ticket through Zendesk. See what happens.
I would say they mostly are while using addons, but not exclusively , my go to planes are the islander the Emb110 and the caranado arrow, however the bug seems more prevalent since I installed my velocity one yoke, but I can’t see why that should have any bearing on the issue. 4 flights yesterday, and 3 of them CTD, one of which was the std Citation, that one CTD’d before I even got to taxi it!
There’s a big problem with the Xbox version of the sim, and is that you CANNOT Delete an airport that is part of the “Standard” Flight Simulator from the Content Manager. You can Delete airports that are either part of the Premium pack or part of a World Update, but if they are part of the Standard package, the Delete button it’s just not there.
That’s a problem on the Xbox version only. On PC, the Delete button is always available.
This creates a problem at Zurich because, for some reason, instead of being part of World Update 6 (Germany, Austria, Switzerland), as logic would dictate, has been set to be part of the “Standard” package, so it cannot be Deleted, on XBOX ONLY, because of the above limitation of the Xbox version of ths sim.
This is of course a big problem because, the payware Zurich has been available on the Marketplace way before the Microsoft Zurich which means, considering on Xbox you cannot Delete the Microsoft versions, you have NO WAY to fix the conflict between the two, so you see double objects. And, I guess the CTD is due to just memory exhaustion, since the sim is loading both airports at the same time, and they just won’t fit in memory.
Again, on PC this is easily fixable, just Delete the Microsoft version using the Content Manager, but on Xbox, the Delete button is just not there, because for some reason it has been decided you cannot Delete anything that belongs to the Standard set of packages.
So, basically, on Xbox, until the problem of the missing Delete button is fixed, anything you buy on the Marketplace is at risk of being made unusable by future updates, should Microsoft decide to make a default version and included it as part of the Standard package instead of a World Update.
We obviously reported this to Microsoft as soon SU7 came out, and they promised some kind of resolution/fix, but of course there’s no way to know when it will came out.
Anyone having CTD issues with McCarran/ Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas, loading into it causes an immediate CTD on my Series X?
Yes a problem with a lot of citys causing a crash to the main screen. Not just Vegas.
That fix did nothing good for series x users with paid for add ons. We really do need a scenery manager built into the options menu.
Saying that the Sim was running better (not perfect) before the last update. As for the server side ‘Live Weather’ fix, well that did nothing here for me.
As it is the crash to desktop /main screen makes the sim unplayable at this time.
Great project, so impressive when it runs but for such a cash cow it might be an idea to test that the fixes don’t break anything before release.
Xbox series X.
There is no problem with McCarran International Airport in Asobo.
Today CTD during approach on LFMN after a 1hour flight
- XBOX series X
- Real Weather : On
- Real Trafic : On
- Plane : Default a 320
- No add on
Are Asobo aware were having these issues on Series X?
Getting the same issue with the Las Vegas airport. Just bought the bundle and every time I load into the airport, it crashes. It’s happened 5 times now and it’s getting frustrating.
Im starting to get the feeling they are overwhelmed!
Well, the CTD issue appears to have fixed itself, none since my last post!
The CTD have very different triggers. on the one hand the weather and on the other hand the XBOX OS. Or codes or or or. Had another CTD for a long time. After the last update I installed another airport (GCFV from MK-Studios) for testing. He was already causing trouble before the update.
Live weather and traffic on. From EDDH to GCFV. Departure 6:33 am Flight time approximately 4.25 hours. CTD shortly before landing. Strange is that according to the logbook entry I should have crashed in France. near LFDU. A flight time of 1:33:46 is also entered in the logbook.
Update from me: No CTD after the last update. I just completed my longest flight so far, JFK to KLAX, 5 hours + more than 15 minutes of taxi. The sim is stable now. I have to add that I use no third-party add-ons, though. Live Weather is back on and doesn’t cause any issues. For me, the sim’s the best it’s ever been.
I have never had any direct sim issues, all my reports on this thread and others have related to DLC causing the CTDs. Good to hear yours are resolved, the DLC will be a much bigger problem to resolve as we know
Yes, for now I’m happy that the “vanilla” version (well, the Premium Deluxe at least) works now without add-ons. The add-on situation seems incredibly hard, though, since there are so many developers out there, and most of them probably has never touched an Xbox. Even if they try to optimize their content, there’s no comprehensive testing process for this kind of problems. It’s enough if the sim goes over any CPU or memory budget on the consoles and it crashes. It’s such a complex “game” that, I’m not even really sure how they will want to rectify the issues. Or if it’s possible at all.
I was able to do a just under 5 hour flight from EGPR to BIKF with 40 to 60 knot headwinds. No CTD. The issue was with ATC not 'knowing where BIKF was. They were about 10 to 15 miles off. And the cherry on top is my logbook ‘lost’ the flight completely. Got to laugh - greet flight but no record.
Are you using Quick Resume? The couple of times I’ve done that is when I’ve seen the logbook, well, not log.
I’ve gotten into the habit of quitting and reloading the sim every time I stop or want to start up again.