Creating a "proper" KAP140 mod

That’s why I asked the question. I’m sure the original asker has other planes he wants to use the mod in… While the WB-Sim plane is very impressive, as you noted, the KAP-140 in it is not usable anywhere else. Understandably so.

Well, you buy a PMDG plane … Do you expect to be able to take the systems and gauges out of that plane, and put them into say a Captain Sim plane !!
Does not work that way :scream:

the KAP 140 in the JP Logistics c152 is excellent as well

I’m not ASKING to use WBSim KAP140 anywhere else. I thought I was clear about that.

The question was, can the KAP140 mod at fix his problem. He didn’t ask about the WBSim KAP140. He can’t use that one in other planes. Since you’re familiar with both of them, you are a good person to ask. Yet you keep extolling the WBSim KAP140, which he can’t use. It’s totally irrelevant how good the WBSim KAP140 is to his question.

Then maybe m-chomiczewski is the best person to ask, as he would be far more familiar with his own mod, than I will ever be.

I only mention the WB-SIM’s version of the KAP140, as a possible Reference to how the KAP140 works in RL.

Has anyone else had difficulty assigning the KAP140 functions to external devices? I have the updated JPL152 with the KAP140, and I’m primarily trying to assign the Increase/Decrease Reference Altitude functions to a couple of buttons on my CH Products Flight SIM yoke. Assigning to the buttons is a no-brainer, but I’m having zero luck with the reference altitude controls for the KAP140.

Is this related to your issue?

It’s similar, yes. I reassigned the Increase and Decrease Reference Altitude controls to switches on my yoke. The switches correctly control the altimeter altitude setting on other autopilots, for example it works fine with the G1000. But the KAP140 in the JPL152 doesn’t respond to them at all.

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You might want to talk to WT about this, as it looks as if their new GNS530 has “taken over” the actual AP functionality, just leaving the original KAP140 as a “Button Box”

ie The GNS530 that thjnks it is a G1000 with integrated AP to control the plane ?