I look forward to the day when we have as many choices of Skyvans as we do Spitfires. Didn’t see that coming!
Looks amazing!!
Where or when can I buy this aircraft?
When its ready, Microsoft will release their Skyvan on may 28th
Microsoft just released their Skyvan as Local Legend via MSFS Marketplace
I read comments from real pilots who referred that their planes were much less dirty and worn than the models! That being said, I admit that some degree of wear and tear adds a lot of realism anyway.
BlackSquare don’t have wear and tear (textures) and people love their planes.
I’ll skip the iniBuilds version. Their GA planes aren’t that good imo. They tend to look beautiful but the flying bit is often meh.
yes and the flight model sucks. It also doesn’t have the option for the 5-blad props
Don’t worry, we are working pn our own Skyvan to have 5 and 7 blade props. We are working with Pink Aviation to build a very accurate Skyvan. We hope for a release next year
Yeah guys… I was just getting to work on my Short Skyvan textures to bring it at an higher level when I saw the reviews of the Inibuilds SC7… this is a hard blow on my project. Cockpit images don’t look unbeatable, but the exterior model looks very good. I don’t know if it will be possible to keep on this work, even if I love the Skyvan and would like to continue developing it just for my passion and for fun.
But I didn’t expect that I could be released so suddendly… well, I will probably buy and test if, it is good I will enjoy flying it.
It may be a coincidence but I am noticing more and more big developers suddenly and unexpectedly bringing out aircraft that small devs are already working on
The smaller devs have proved themselves to be far superior on pretty much every occasion
Please do not let this be a blow to your project and give up if you still have the energy and are passionate about this, I am certain you will be able to bring something worthwhile and even better to the table
Thanks Ariana! I really appreciate your words. Yes I’ll continue working on my SC7 if only out of passion, I at least want to apply new texturing technics and see how it will look like after this “make up”.
Of course, to do a good job I would need very detailed HR images of the real plane, but I think that with the material I have I can still do some reasonable good work.
You can never have too many Shorts, and its a good one to practice new techniques etc.
Keep up the good work, I’m sure you’ll get lots of interest and you’ll get better skills in the process. Here’s one from a while ago on the ramp at EIDW in the 80’s
I need to reaffirm you with what Ariana said.
Don’t give up on your Skyvan. Treat it as a piece of art, as a labor of love. Improve your techniques and skills by applying them to her first and don’t feel discouraged. There is an improvement project for Carenados 182RG, so I can only guess you could start improving the Inibuilds SC7 on that end and again learn skills for yourself to apply in other projects.
Look at the Porter by FlightSimGames. Announced in April 2021, overtaken by Milviz with their release in September 2021, again by Asobo with their offering as part of 40th anniversary edition in November 2022. They are still working on it and plan to release in the fall this year.
Yes I agree with you. I don’t know exactly why I love this “ugly” little plane but I do, since I bought the Airfix model a LOT of years ago.
I found it so rational and efficient, and then I studied it to discover it’s great performances and I loved it more! So yes, I think I will keep on working on it because I enjoy doing so!
Another good reason to continue your work on your Skyvan:
it seems the marketplace one is not so good and no way to improve it because it’s encrypted.
If your Skyvan is available as a third party plane the community can help you to improve it. For free…
Thats also the reason we continue our project, we have 3d scanned model and real recorded Sound from sim acoustics but we will concentrate on the Pink Skyvan which is a bit different to normal skyvans
So it will have digital avionics, right? You will be only releasing the modernized version with the digital PFD like the OE-FDN has? Please, consider still working on the 3 blade version and classic flight instrument options. The IniBuilds model really sucks as far as I’m concerned.
Yes it does, but the problem is too many models, too muxh work for a small team like us and sadly most of the people are pleased with the inibuilds version.
Maybe we will do old panel oprions and 3 blade in future but first only the Pink Skyvans because we have 3d scans of their panel and get data from them, maybe new glass cockpit from FDV aswell.
Also some of their pilots have offered us help in flight testing etc but its a lot of work, i think second half of 2025 maybe for a first release
This is the problem when mediocre models are released and people are pleased with them. Shame on Asobo and iniBuilds
Shame is a bit much. I think of it like this.
In addition to being a flight simulator, MSFS is also a storefront via the Marketplace. To keep revenue, and interest, going they have to keep introducing new content. There has to be a new bullet point to add in a month or two. The quality of these commissioned addons is variable to say the least, and I rather think it’s a case of “Wow, you made a great plane here!” rather than “We asked you to make a good quality plane!” Planes made to a price point are always going to be a gamble.
To put it another way, of the few LL, and FF planes I have bought, none of them I fly regularly.
By all accounts the Skyvan isn’t terrible, but it is a concern if another third party developer is either working on one, or thinking of it, and one of these comes out that are quicker to produce as less work may have been put into them, and that puts them off from proceeding.
Airmax top!!!