Crispy's Liveries

Retro style livery for the Beechcraft Bonanza G36 (compatible with the G36 improvement mod).

Available for download at


Nice. Would this also work with Robert Young’s Turbo Mod? And is the Tail Number customizable?

Yes and Yes. In fact you can only see your customisable tail number if you use the Turbo mod as the default 3d model can’t display the tail number. Asobo appear to have accidentially deleted the tail number part of the 3d model.

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We’ve also fixed this in the community mod :slight_smile:

@BilingualHarp7 do you have any other JT-A liveries please? I remain mindful of the decal issue behind the wing strut but haven’t found any that seem to be low effort in that regard. Just looking for anything that will let me put my own tail number. Thanks!

Haven’t done any for the JTA with a changeable tail number. But you can use any 172 livery with the JTA by changing one line in the aircraft.cfg file using a text editor like Textpad or Notepad.

Change this line
base_container = "..\Asobo_C172sp_AS1000"

To this line
base_container = "..\C172TDI"

This change will mean that the livery is not available for the regular 172 though. You can get one livery to work with both (or all 7 of the 172 versions in MSFS) but that is a more complicated process.

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Thanks, that did work. I have some warnings for Low L/R fuel and alternator in the PFD and the custom XML gauges MrTommyMxr made isn’t responding (i.e., power/torque). I guess there might be more steps?

To ensure full compatibility with mods, liveries should not have a panel or model folder. The model folder is totally unnecessary for a livery and was only needed to get around an earlier MSFS bug which has long been fixed. The panel folder is often used to change the default tail number location, colour or hide it altogether. But using the panel folder on a livery can cause conflicts with mods like the JTA, which uses the panel folder contents to control various aspects of the G1000 or NXi. Delete the panel and model folders and regenerate the layout.json in the main livery folder (required anytime you rename or delete files or folders) .

Note that removing the panel folder may effect the tail number, depending on how it set up in the livery. To maintain full compatibility with mods like the JTA my liveries never use a panel folder I either use the default font location and colour or remove it entirely and have a tail number hard coded in the textures.

Everything in MSFS is a compromise.

There is a utility that does the update of the layout.json for you as editing manually can be a pain. Some info on the layout.json updateer “Layout.json File Updater - This little utility will automatically updates the layout.json file for you. You just have to drag and drop the layout.json file onto the .exe of the program to update it with any changes you have made to the folder names. Beats updating the layout.json file manually and is a must have tool for a repainter.”

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I just downloaded this from earlier and was reading through some threads to figure out how to make it work. Thanks again. I’ll try to check and see if there is a panel or model folder in this livery I’m trying to make work. I also did the update to the Textures fallback per notes from you earlier.

No luck, I must have messed something up. Deleted the Model Folder (there was one) and updated Layout.json after making changes to the aircraft.cfg and texture.cfg files. Now the livery doesn’t appear at all in the Aircraft Selection-Liveries list. Back to the drawing board!

Repaint of the Cessna 172 in a retro style livery inspired by N2699L. G1000 & classic gauges versions, Wheel, ski & float versions. Also compatible with the Cessna 172 JTA TDi mod. Tail number is changeable.

Now available for download at


Community request for the repaint of the Pipistrel Virus Sw121 in the livery of IFA Aviation Training Center.

Now available for download at


Hello Sir, would you like to make a livery of this DA40NG from my flightschool please?

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Welcome to the forums, looks like a nice paint to me too!

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As OAC would be a quick update for one of my existing liveries, I’ll do it for you. Just working on another project at present, so will look at OAC after that.

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Great, many thanks in advance

Thanks for this, Crispy! :grinning: :+1:

Community request for the Cessna 172 in the Hawk livery used by N75549. There appear to be only two C172s that use this unique livery, N75549 and N733EJ.

Now available for download at


Community request for a repaint of the DA40 in the livery of Ostend Air College.