CRJ flight plan setup

plz wath is the solution EHBD airport from Skypad , in CDU : not in Database :frowning:
impossible to import simbrief flightplan too becose EHBD is not inside the database

CRJ aerosoft

Apparently, as the CRJ requires 4,500ft to take off and land safely, its database does not include airports that do not have a runway long enough to meet this requirement.

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But I want to fly to St Barts!!

You still can. Youā€™ll just have to find it and land at it without the FMS.

I wonder if you can engage reverse thrust before you land??? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Ho yes i need to check maybe wrong option in skypark , :confused:

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The Skypark doesnā€™t tell you what aircraft to fly, soā€¦ just pick a different aircraft for that particular airport.

Takeoff: 5,500 feet (1,676 meters), flaps 5
Landing: 4,850 feet (1,478 meters), flaps 30 in internet but were find in manual? i try to find it but no seeā€¦

Try Vol1_Aircraft Operating Manual_part-1.pdf , at the bottom of the table on page 1-1-10.

So your asking us to ignore you??

it works I have nav graph and simbrief and you can make a plan in Simbrief download it into the CRJ and MSFS using the simbrief download program bring it into Navigraph make changes then save it to MSFS load it into the flight planner in MSFS start the flight load it into the FMc of the CRJ and have MSFS ATC coordinated flights in the CRJ and I can do it all with minutes faster then entering the flight plans manually into the FMC.


What are you editing as an extra step in nav graph ?

I have the issue when i download everything from simbrief ā€¦ msfs starts on selected runway in the MSFS flightplanner.

Then when i select a parking spot from the drop down in msfs ā€¦ the SID stays ok ā€¦ but somehow another runway is connected.

Can you select parking spots in nav graph to start a flight and export that to MSFS ??

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Maybe an idea that Aerosoft should inform potential buyers of this aircraft that its not compatible with the standard MSFS flight plans? Thereā€™s not a word about it in the product description, at least not that I understand.

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Yup. I wouldnā€™t have purchased it then.

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I have a question as well about the CRJ

Now I bought the Aerosoft CRJ 550/700 and Iā€™m trying to setup the route with the FMS, I practicing everything again with the manual from Aerosoft themselves, in volume 3 page 38 you start adding the Dep and Arv airports and runway etc. Now here I run into trouble already, the FMS makes a direct flight until you start adding legs. This direct isnā€™t showing up to me, so on page 2 I dont have the first wps (wrb1x). And canā€™t continue.

Thanks allot in advance


This is the one I meant, direct is not showing up
