I received an update from tech support, as follows:
" Patch is live. In addition to our UK & Ireland Free World Update, a wide range of fixes and improvements that we hope will have a positive impact on your experience have been added to the build, including various crash and performance fixes.
We recommend moving your community package(s) to another folder before installing the new update. To do so, please follow the guidelines detailed in this article: How to maintain and update Microsoft Flight Simulator?
Additionally, if you are using the manual cache feature, please make sure to delete your existing manual cache and create an updated version as we performed some backend technical updates.
To read the full patch notes make sure to visit the forums: [RELEASE] Release Notes ( World Update III"
I am in the process of downloading the new version and fingers crossed this will help with many (or even better ALL) CTDs! I will pay close attention to the instructions about removing manual cache etc before trying to run the sim!