CTD in VR with AMD 6800XT / AMD 6900XT

To start I run 6900xt Sapphire Nitro SE edition, 5800X, 64 gigs Gskill 3600 XMP @ 16 22 22 22 42 and VR Quest 2 @ 1.2 SS @ 90hz anything more will CTD the Sim, Using AMD driver version 21.5.1 and have tried everything form original 6900 drivers from AMD to the latest but have settled on the 21.5.1 as these have been most stable.

I have since dug out some old gold 32 gig G-skill 4x8 cl 15 3600mhz XMP 15 15 15 15 35 ram I had in my old build from Intel Z390 days.

First thing I did was take the Old Ram from 3600 mhz xmp with same timings to 3800mhz @ 1.40v from 1.35v with infinity fabric @ 1900mhz. Thought Iā€™d get a CTD right away but I did not get a crash in the testmem5 or errors or the latest flights Iā€™ve done which was a little strange as my 64 gig kit of G-skill 3600 with xmp @ 3600 1.380v or 1.420v I would just quit to desktop at a drop of the hat looking out to the left or right of my aircraft in VR running the quest 2 @ 90hz and 1.3 SS.

Iā€™m going to leave the 32 gigs of G-skill ram in for now even though it is only 32 gigs. So far MSFS is more stable in VR and Iā€™m not getting a CTD with the higher SS in quest 2 settings @ 1.5 and render scale @ 100 and both LODā€™s @ 150.

Strange to say the least. Maybe MSFS or AMD drivers not playing well with the 64 gigs of G-Skill?
Note: I have tried the 64 gig kit @ stock but still was getting the CTD with it.

Well, obviously this is becoming one of the most popular topics on MSFS forums. Since there are good chances this is a a driver problem, I would encourage you to submit requests to AMD Support : https://www.amd.com/en/support/contact-email-form

I already reported to amd a couple of months ago.

I donā€™t think itā€™s amdā€™s job to fix this, as other games run ok with no crashes.

I see your point and youā€™re probably right. However, if Asobo does not care about its customers, maybe weā€™ll have better chances if these issues a brought to their attention directly from AMD.

Well, unfortunately, it does affect nVidia GPU users also.

In the case of AMD, I filled close to 30 reports. They know about it.
But, for most of my CTD, the culprit is in the Renoir library.

Looking at the exception code and its offset, you are the proud new member of the RLEC, better known as the ā€œRenoir Library Exception Clubā€. Congratulations!

Joke aside, this is the signature of the ā€œmemcpyā€ crash caused by the Path::Create method in this library. This is a 3rd party piece of code used by Asobo.

I really wish they could get rid of this weak cr4p.

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Itā€™s under investigation :pray:t3::heart_eyes:

Itā€™s taken them 6 months to reach ā€œunder investigationā€ so youā€™ll have to be praying pretty bloody hard if this is the rate they work at.


:joy: I agreeā€¦

Same her, 6900xt . CTD in VR G2 after few minutes in flightā€¦ Not happyā€¦:angry:

It looks like, weā€˜ve already been kicked off the ā€œFeature Snapshotā€ list. I guess my praying didnā€™t helpšŸ˜…Now I really donā€™t think July 29th update will make any difference for us. I guess I will start looking for a NVIDIA 3080ti now. I just waste too much time restarting the sim. Two weeks ago I was able to fly up to 30-45mins before a crash. Now, after having changed nothing, I am hardly able to fly out of the traffic circuitšŸ˜

@nathandrake295 Iā€™ have seen postā€™s on here with people using 3080 that have suffered CTD I went from a RTX 2080 Super that was CTD to a Rx6800xt that continued to CTD so its a bit of a gamble switching over as it might not fix your problem Iā€™ve changed nearly everything in the system and still CTD

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Yea seems like a sneaky action to hide the problem, rather strangely under a huge heap of other problems.

Anyone tried the new Sim Update ? Still crashing in VR ?

Was able to fly for 45 minutes without issue but thatā€™s all the time I had tonight to test. Game did crash at the world map before I got flying mind you.

Tested for no longer that 20min, looks promising as NO F$%$%$ CTD! Will try a longer flight in a few hours.

Crashed after 5min in VR. RX6800 and WU5
Like the last monthsā€¦

I am happy to report that CTD is finally fixed (at least for me) with SU5. I just finished 5 hr flight in VR, did everything I could think of to get the sim to crash to desktop, and failed miserably.

This is with 6800XT + 10900K overclocked to max (2550Mhz and 5.2Ghz allcore).
I hope everyone else is having the same success.

Similar experience - about two hours in VR flight, bush trip 1hr, then live weather/multiplayer etc, no crash!
Switching in and out of VR, no crash!
No world map crash, but a friend reported it happened to him going crazy with zooming.
So preliminary testing good. Will be able to test more later tonight, but SU5 so far so good.

Powercolor Fighter RX6800
Reverb G2 w PCIE USB-C
Radeon driver 21.7.1
OpenXR 70 / RR 90
47fps-ish in C172 G100 2k ft

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Same here Reverb G2, 6800XT , no ctd since update 5ā€¦ only played about 1-2 hours so far but that would have been far more than I got beforeā€¦ and as AudiChron said, I am provoking it with things like switching in and out which were high risk CTD before, not having issues now. I couldnā€™t even start VR except from main menu before, once in game it could not detect VR, but now its working in both. I am leaving a transatlantic flight going in real time tonight, if its still going in the morning I will be smiling but to be fair even if I get 1-2 hours inbetween CTD, that will be a darn sight better than before!

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