CTD in VR with AMD 6800XT / AMD 6900XT

My CTD seem to have stop also since SU5 3 flights back to back and no CTD I was lucky if I’d get 1 flight in

Reverb G2
RX 6800xt
Ryzen 5600x

Update: 10 flights no CTD No vcruntime140


So it survived the night… I do occasionally get a full black screen within VR triggered sometimes when controllers are connected (or woken up) and other times more randomly lasting about 7-8 seconds, the audio continues and then the game comes back and continues… it feels like the same frequency as past crashes but the game does come back every time and carries on so I can live with it!

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Cautiously optimistic that this update has improved the crash rate. I flew several times yesterday and only experienced a couple of screen lockups, which I think was due to my g2s wmr randomley freezing. Also one ctd in the menu after I had finished my tour of London flight which I didn’t mind, the main thing was I had just had a blast flying over the City .I own a 6900xt .

Seems to be fixed* and only had a couple of crashes so far at the world map and in menus, flights have been smooth and stable and I’ve been able to activate and deactivate VR reliably.

Ryzen 5600X + 6800XT

*Clearly I will have jinxed myself

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Well, so far so good ! Able to fly more than 45min at a time without any issues. That includes swapping VR/Desktop mode back and forth and waking up VR controllers in flight…

MSI X570
XFX 6900XT
AMD 5950x
Reverb G2 w PCIE USB-C
Radeon driver 21.6.1

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For me, I can only fly without CTD in VR if I set SteamVR as the API to use OpenXR. Without it, it’s CTD as soon as I press “Fly”.

No issues since the release of SU5!!! Both 2D and VR are running fantastic for me!!! 5900X PC RX 6800XT and 32 GB G.Skill 3600MHz RAM. I’ve done 3 flights of varying lengths in VR. 30 min, 60 min, and 90 min. For 2D I’ve done a 90 and 120 min flights and no CTDs!!! I understand people are frustrated with some of the other minor issues, but for me, I feel like I got my sim back!!! I can do a flight without being worried that it’ll crash on me without warning.


I had the same experience. After update 5 I spent HOURS just marveling at what the SIM looked like in VR. Was full of praise for Asobo and what they had done with the update.

And then there was the hotfix :frowning: and once again, I cannot use my G2 in the sim any more. I guess it was just too good to be true. Random C2D in flight. C2D when activating a Bush Trip.

Ah well, it was good while it lasted. At least we now know that the issues CAN be fixed in the game

Edited: So, it turns out, all I needed to do was delete my rolling cache and increase the cache size before recreating it. Managed to do the first leg of the Norway Bush Trip with no issues

Absolutely yes! I have a Rift S and I never had any problems before. I just got finished flying the same flight (Ellingsburg, Wa to Bremerton, Wa) in non VR mode and I was able to complete it successfully. In VR mode, I flew three flights in different areas, including the one from Ellingsburg, Wa to Bremerton, Wa and I experienced a CTD every time. I have logged many hours in VR before this update without a hitch. I hope it’s remedied soon because I really enjoy VR. I use my headset for very little else besides MSFS.

My System
GeForce RTX 2080 Super
i7 9700k 3.6 GHz
16GB Ram
Lenovo 24" Curved Screen Monitor 144Hz high refresh rate
Oculus Rift S

I found a CTD bug while loading a flight, it is the Textures Setting, when set to High all is good and it loads, with Ultra it crashes while loading the flight! Tested numerous times, always the same! :face_with_monocle:

64gb ddr4
m.2 ssds

Guys, please test who have the loading ctd bug!

Just tried changing to ultra while in flight ,no problem so far.
Intel i9000, 6900xt,32 gb ram

it crashes while loading a new flight, it also says in the settings “restart required” to make an effect.
if you don’t have this problem be glad, mine crashes when i set ultra Texture Quality.

For me SU5 fixes all CTDs. But I have still AI trafifc and Azure text to speech turned off. 3800xt + 6700xt.

hello everyone, I have a 6900xt and msfs2020, I have a strange problem with the g2 and this combination, I activate the vr, take off and everything is ok, even switching from vr to 2d. all ok until the end when i am about to land or approach the airport it goes to ctd. the weird thing that only happens at the end, always first ok, only happens to me?

Might not be your g2 or video card causing this.Reason is my vid card is a 6900xt with a g2 ,i am not ctd on approach.Try turning down setting from ultra to high.Also turn off AI traffic .

thanks, I use the online traffic, I try to lower from ultra to high

You could also empty community folder.If that stops ctds ,I did this and have just been loadng back one plane ,testing before adding another.

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good morning, here I am again. I’ve done all the recommended steps and let’s say it’s pretty good but I have a little problem. usually all flights go to an end but last night once landed, already on the runway it started to go a bit jerky, once stopped the image froze and no longer responds to commands until everything was closed giving me windows error 0x80000003. this morning I turned on the pc without the game and it appeared again the word wattman reset the settings or something like that.

Maybe this helps?

I don’t know, I don’t wish it was caused by me cleaning up the C disk, but could the wattman error be a consequence? that kind of error has already happened to me 2-3 times, but is it possible that microsoft and asobo can’t get the amd gpu to work?