CTD on launch caused by ucrtbase.dll with Exception code c0000005

One more thing. I wonder how many of these CTD issues people are reporting, like the one discussed in this thread, are actually caused by the game code. Versus all code and stuff going on in the background to make sure no one can play this game without a proper license.

Don’t get me wrong. I fully appreciate you want to make sure people don’t steal from you. And I’m a very strong advocate of knowing the difference between mine and yours. Not only for computer licenses but in every regard in life. However, when your measures trying to make sure that won’t happen affect people who really did pay for your product. To a degree where they can’t even launch your product. Then there is a problem.

Looking at this specific example again where the game won’t even launch. This to me feels very much like it could be caused by these secret things going on in the background to make sure I’m a valid user. Compared to issues where the title crashes in-game when you perform a certain action.

Here’s an example of exactly this I posted back in August. Where’s it’s clearly seen all hocus-pocus going on in the background when you play MS titles.