CTD with BN Islander

I have just bought the BN Islander from BlackBox in the Marketplace. When I was about to start a flight, I got a CTD. I tried the usual workaround. My MSFS can only be restarted if I take the BN Islander out of the official folder. Then everything works normally again.

I would be very happy about a solution and a tip on what to do. Thank you very much for your efforts.

Kind regards

Did you check compatibility with other mods? So start MSFS with empty community folder?

Iā€™ve just tried a completely empty community folder. The MSFS loads up to 2/3 and then (at the last two images) CTD.

Is this loading the sim, or loading your flight after you have loaded the sim?

Iā€™m assuming the latter. Does it do this if you pick one of the default planes, and not the Islander?


it only loads the Sim until 2/3.
I can only get into the sim if the BN Islander is not in the official folder.

Odd. That said, I had a similar issue prior to SU4. If the Islander was present, trying to download anything from the ā€œMy Contentā€ page caused a CTD. The update to SU4 fixed this.

Can you confirm that you have both the latest version of the sim loaded, and the latest Islander version as well, which is 1.1.2 IIRC?

I had something similar happen last night - crashed at the 2/3rds mark, which Iā€™ve not seen happen before. Reloaded the sim with no changes and it worked the second time, so something strange going on somewhere. If it happens again Iā€™ll try removing the Islander.


it is the latest version of the sim and I have
just even purchased the BN Islander at MSFS Marketplace.

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Iā€™m not sure what else to suggest in that case, other than perhaps ensuring the Islander is the only single addon you have in your Community folder when you test. It could be another addon masking things.

It wouldnā€™t hurt to delete the ā€œcontent.xmlā€ file from your MSFS profile folder as well, though I doubt that will make any difference. The sim will rebuild that file based on what it can find in the OneStore as well as the Community folders.

Yes, I deleted content.xml, also rollingcache.ccc. I started PC new. IĀ“m at a loss.

After all deleting the BN - I installed the it again, and if I try to return to the main menue, the result is a CTD. It changes very fast by itself from the Cessna 152 to the BN Islander - no chance for me to do something - and after that very quick action it follows a CTD.

MSFS is 1.16.2 (but only installed Cessna 152 / TBM / Savage Cub)
BN Islander in store is 1.1.3

Kind regards

Thatā€™s really weird! I have not seen other messages with this issue. The developer is very active on this forum as well (in the thread on the BN Islander), so maybe contact him there?

Just even I wrote also to the support of Black Box. +1:

I have the same problem, version purchased on Marketplace.

Hey, same Issue here.

I am using MSFS from Steam and BN2-Islander and CRJ500/700 are causing CTDs.

I installed the game fully new, without any mods or content from marketplace (including WU etc) and the SIM runs fine. Downloading either CRJ or BN causes the SIM Crashing in World Map selection the plane or at least when u click Flying. You can also select the plane and look at in in your Profil->Hanger and the Sim will Crash.

After the first download and the first crash running the SIM, the sim is CTDĀ“ing everytime at loading and doesnā€™t even will start in Menu anymore.

Only Solution is to delete content folder under X:path\msfs\Official\Steam"STOREPLANE". The Sim will start up and run normally again. This CTD is reproduceable for both aircraft for me.

With BN just hitting the MSFS ingame Store just yesterday. the Problem with CRJ existing after the last crj Patch and with lastest SU4. There is a huge thread of people in Aerosoft Forum experience the same issue. (thread got closed because mods wont move it to right forum section, and asking to reopen ticketsā€¦) One response was a Guy testing CRJ download from AS itself and not from MSFS ingame worked, because aircraft was installed to community folder and not in official.
Aerosoft Forum CRJ CTD

I hope it will be fixed soon.

I already reported in the planeā€™s thread, but being a separate forum iā€™ll add on here too, maybe Microsoft will notice - Iā€™ve got the same CTD with the Islander and it is consistent. I can load and fly the game up until the second the BN-2 is installed, once its in the folder the game will crash on hitting ā€œflyā€, and wonā€™t start again until the addon folder is deleted from the OneStore.

Community folder is empty, and only have the L-19 birddog; WYMF5; Bandeirante; A103 installed, but they all have been just fine. I bought and installed the WYMF5 after the BN-2, and it also works fine.

EDIT: Microsoft support replied to my bug report, and the short of it is any CTD caused by a third-party addon is not their problem, and theyā€™re not going to entertain fixing it.

If theyā€™re not going to support the Marketplace, or even have minimum functioning standards, I see no reason to keep using it, its a negative-value added feature.

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Just seen this post ā€¦

I am Totally disgusted with the Developer ( And customer ) Support for this Sim !

As developer of the BN2 Islander, I have been in direct contact with ā€œThe Teamā€ over the last few weeks on befalf of those customers suffering from CTD when running the BN2ā€¦

Graham Unfortunately, my test team still has no repro of the CTD with or without the CRJ installed. Iā€™ve passed off the information I have and we can still look into things, but itā€™s seeming like we donā€™t have any other ā€˜leadsā€™ at this point.

This, IMHO Is total BS ā€¦ I have offered Crash reports and Videos along with my own interpretation of the error but ā€œnoooo its not our faultā€ seems to prevail :frowning:

So ā€¦ ā€œIFā€ anyone with a little authority is reading this ā€¦ here AGAIN Are your clues !

1 - The web based version (From BBS Store) Works without fault !
2 - The Marketplace version can CTD For some users ā€¦
3 - the ONLY DIFFERENCE Between these versions of the product is the DRM And encryption
4 - This is NOT Being caused by any Third Party Add On

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This does not sound very professional for a developer IMHOā€¦ I would remove this and sort it out with Asobo, how difficult it might beā€¦

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I agree that the airing of dirty laundry like this doesnā€™t look great. But I also understand Grahamā€™s frustration. I am not sure what Iā€™d do if I were himā€¦ Aerosoft is currently catching a lot of flack for their handling of the situation - they refuse to send their own copies to the users who are unable to use the CRJ and have handled it ā€œprofessionallyā€ - they basically said that Asobo is aware of this and they said they will fix it, but their priorities may be a little full considering the impending X-Box release. All they did was ask for patience, but users are becoming fed up. I have already seen threads here of them cursing Aerosoft left and right and even using personal insults against Mathijs Kok. On the other hand, you have @NightMercury358 whose product is also affected by this. He is basically showing here that he is doing everything he possibly can to stand up for his customers and demand a resolution as quickly as possible and is frustrated with Asobo dragging their feet.

I honestly donā€™t know what the way out of this is. Itā€™s a lose-lose situation. But one thing I do know - there is a REASON I NEVER buy aircraft from the Marketplace anymore. This is just one of them. I purchased all my Carenado and the Kitfox products there because I have no choice. Outside of that, I only have IndiaFoxtEchoā€™s LongEZ in the Marketplace - and I also bought the same aircraft on SimMarket just because that aircraft was getting updated a bunch and I wasnā€™t about to wait for Marketplace to get the new version up. It now seems that their DRM encryption is not working right. I can buy airports there, cause I can wait for THOSE updates. Aircraft? Sorry. Not waiting. Not buying in the Marketplaceā€¦ And at release I had full intention to ONLY buy on Marketplace. Graham can tell you - I messaged him when Bird Dog released and asked when itā€™s coming to the Marketplace because I was willing to waitā€¦ it took too long, so I bought it direct from him and now I am so happy I did. Iā€™d be EXTREMELY frustrated if a bunch of my aircraft purchases were through the Marketplace. They REALLY are not managing it well. I am not sure itā€™s even Asobo, because I am pretty sure Microsoft is the one controlling Marketplace directly. I can tell you that they are doing A LOT of damage to the reputation of the Marketplace due to these crippling issues. Itā€™s literally the worst place to buy aircraft right now!

No idea what to suggest for developers. I feel for them.

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The MS/Asobo response will simply warn people off the Marketplace. They should be doing everything they can to protect that service.

Who would trust a platform where there is the possibility that your purchase wonā€™t work, and you will be obstructed from getting a refund if it doesnā€™t.

BBS did the right thing, and stood by their customers by offering the web version to those affected. I would urge Aerosoft to do the same, as this will affect them also from a PR perspective.

With regards to that post, I agree with @BostonJeremy77 The reposting of private emails without the other parties consent is generally considered poor form. Nothing said here will make a difference to what has been said over more official channels.

What will get them to move is the community reminding Aerosoft/MS/Asobo that this is unacceptable through the usual means: refusing to make purchases from the Marketplace, or from Aerosoft in general. Engaging on Twitter as well, in a polite yet forceful manner can have an effect too. No company wants bad PR.

For different, more technical reasons I had already decided not to buy aircraft from the Marketplace because of the way they implemented the DRM. I see no reason to change my mind in light of his recent development.

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I agree with everything but one thingā€¦ Not buying from Aerosoft. What did they do? They literally have nothing wrong with their product! It works! I have their direct version and donā€™t have these issues. They have stated multiple times that what they sent to Microsoft is the same thing they have and are selling directly. There is nothing wrong with it! Just like there is nothing wrong with Grahamā€™s BN2. The problem occurs when Microsoft packages it with their DRM. So in a way, I also understand how Aerosoft feels about this, because they are literally being held responsible for something they didnā€™t cause. Now take the usersā€™ frustration and extrapolate that to TONS of b***ing and demanding and insultingā€¦ Think of the abuse they have taken over this whole ordeal. How would YOU feel? You made a good product and someone else Fs it up. Then you are being made the bad guy. Their sales are much likely MANY TIMES the sales of @NightMercury358 Islander. Think about the resources it would take to just keep sending tons of users their version - all without proof of purchase, cause rememberā€¦ Marketplace doesnā€™t provide receipts of WHAT you bought. Thatā€™s a serious potential for revenue loss. Some guy can just register on their forum and complain that his stuff doesnā€™t work, all without ever buying the thing, and then they have to give away free product? Thatā€™s not fair to them either. Just a different perspective to consider. :wink: