CTDs with V-SYNC OFF and G-SYNC ON with no FPS Limits


This reminds me of an Problem that i posted months ago. I have similar Problems but i did not come to the idea that could be a G Sync Problem.

I did a few things and ended up with that 40 FPS Cap so i can avoid that CTD.

Suprisingly we are using the same GPU. Here is the link to my Thread: CTD in DX11 mode without FPS Cap

We found there a few others with the same Problem and they are using the 2080 too.

Thanks for your Thread! Maybe this is the last step to proove that there is a Problem with the 2080 and with the newest infos a problem with G Sync too!

I name the Peoples form the other Thread, i hope they read it and can tell us if they use G Sync too.
@ Grzybciu @ Housefrau3355 @ HethrMasn @ DrivenImpala805 @ Lynkk @ adamziek