This issue is still present, I found this thread after Googling the cause as I’m a new player and am seeing the same behavior.
While cruising I get a constantly flashing RPM at a value of 2100.
It doesn’t matter where I put the throttle it’ll continue to flash. Lowering the throttle will sometimes stop the flashing for a few seconds but then it continues again immediately.
Has this been addressed or confirmed to be looked at by the team?
Please fix this bug. I fly with simshaker jetpad and I can’t properly use NG40 without having my butt anesthetized by vibrations due to rpm always to the max.
I would so love to fly the 40 TDI as I did have some hours in it and it was one of the reasons I bought the premium deluxe. Please Asobo fix this plane and its FADEC
I have the same issues and have reported it some days ago again. Can’t understand why Asobo/Microsoft knows this bug for so long and don’t do anything to fix it. When modders are able to find solutions then Asobo should be too. This should work out of the box.
For me it’s ashaming, because of the hard work of Diamond they put in their products and then imagine you’re a Diamond Worker and fly the planes you love and see that they behave in such a bad way and not as you would expect they should.
For me this would be the first parts of development haveing the systems workeing in a right and realistic order to give my customers and partners a good feeling. Because the next customer is maybe one who flys it in the sim. From this point I can’t understand why Asobo/Microsoft isn’t able to handle this issue for this long time.
I don’t fly this aircraft much at all but just noticed this issue myself.
My honest guess is that they push the devs into working on so many new things that they don’t have a system in place to fix/maintain what already exists. Quite a few of the Reno aircraft that have been out for nearly a year and a half have various bugs that don’t get fixed. And there’s been a pretty huge graphical bug affecting Xbox users for the past 7+ months that hasn’t been touched. The only reasoning I can come up with as far as why things don’t get fixed is that Asobo itself just doesn’t care enough about what they’ve already released. They’re too focused on the next thing and don’t have a proper system in place to allow devs the time to fix issues like this.
You’re right with this I think. But I can’t understand that they’re don’t care about this issues. Because when you as a company allow them to put your product into a simulator which claimed the title of the worlds best one your next customer could sit behind the screen as I said before.
From this point I don’t understand why you don’t take care of the existing features and make them as best as possible.
And on the other hand the forum is here where you can take a look at failures, reports and all the things goeing on. Then you have to hire someone who take care of this things and helping for better workflow and all the things.
From now I haven’t seen any plane on such a good level that I could say that’s as real as it gets by Asobo. I have the opinion that they’re doeing many things a bit but not doeing anything of this right because they may have lost the focus.
For me the focus should be on the Engine, with the weather and the planes and their systems. And not putting more and more aircraft into the sim that are only workeing like acarde mode planes. That isn’t the thing I like.
So in most ways I only fly verry good made 3rd party Planes in the Sim and not that much with the Asobo Stuff because I haven’t a good feeling because when you try to use their planes you allways finds switches and systems which are mandatory when you want to fly them as real as it gets and they’re not workeing fine. That isn’t the thing I expect form this simulator. When you have this realistic looking planes in it they should work like the real model in all features the real model has.
My theory on why the planes in the basic package don’t get updates and aren’t better:
They’re good enough to sell the game. A lot of players (like me) buy the program, see the planes, find them impressive. I probably had 300 hrs in before I realized there was a point to changing the prop spin. My first thought on the DA40 redlining was “Oh, it’s only 30 rpm over, whatever.” Then I, like them eventually found the Market, spent more money on more planes and got some experience beyond what the game comes with. And then we all eventually realize the ones that come with the game aren’t top notch. But does it matter now? No. Folks are already spending more money and they’re happy with the product. And that doesn’t even count the many players (probably - I’m guessing here a bit) that are perfectly happy with them as they are. Look at all the players that are seemingly happy with Cap’n Sims planes. A quick glance at FB posts show quite a few are and their sales continue despite the dismal ratings - by people who don’t bother to rate and like them for what they are.
The Sim comes with, what? Up to 35 planes now? Or even more - I’m not even sure anymore. All that for $100 give or take. These are $3 planes at best folks. Putting time and effort into making them better costs money and makes none. They’ve already served their purpose. Minor issues can be easily fixed by the community for free.
Then comes the fact that making them top notch (while getting no return from it) makes it so that there’s less market for 3rd party aircraft that might be the same or similar. If all the planes in the game were on the same level as some of the top planes on the market, there’d be a lot less 3rd party sales from which MS also gets a %. Honestly these are the cheapest of planes and unfortunately, I think expectations for them to be better are misplaced as unfortunate as that may be.
Im new to MSFS and just stated flying at 43 rs old, what got me here was the annoying flashing on the screen rev count…but i just ignored this and followed the specs on diamonds web page and achieved this outstanding results. I just bought the game for the first time and rather shocked it was reported years ago and not fixed…I really like this plane after all.
ok this test run is now at 10000ft, i had to divert as there was no re-fueling or (buggy) at ENSB rather , sad for the most northern commercial airport on the planet.
There’s dozens, probably hundreds of airports that don’t fuel properly. Even many of the paid custom ones don’t. It did irk me at first, but now I’ve settled with the fact I need to just park, turn off the engine, and add the fuel manually.
About the red line on the DA40. Yes, that’s been a thing for a long time and to me it ruins the aircraft. There is a mod on that fixes it, but it also makes your aircraft wig out if you try to increase your speed to x4. If you don’t use that and always fly real life speed, the mod is pretty good I think.