DA62X Improvement Mod (v1.04, 05 JAN 2025. FS24 compatible)

I also want to say a big THANK YOU to @MrTommymxr for his work on this mod. I’ve flown two flawless flights with it since yesterday’s update. The flight dynamics are superb. Excellent work.


Yeah they changed something with the autopilot roll modes, again. sometimes its only banking like 10°

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Justed completed a IFR flight from Charleston to Charlotte (USA) with live weather. Plane and systems worked perfect (except 10 degree turns). As always only hiccup was crazy ATC instructions on final approach. Big thank you to Mr. Tommy and his team. :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

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Yea… they really changed the roll behavior. I am now having to switch off the AP to make a turn flying most approach plates.

I posted a thread about this in the “Bugs” section, hoping it gets noticed by the devs… we’ll see…

There is alot of discussion about the AP. I think they tried to smooth it out, in the process made it to slow. Even on a GPS nav course, it is odd and slowly goes back and forth on course. And intercepting the LOC is wonky slow.

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I’ll see what i can do tonight after work.
i have a suspicion what they changed


ok nope, they changed core things. Gonna have to deal with this for 2 weeks till they fix it :roll_eyes:


The strange thing is that it does not seem to apply all the time.
Also the HDG bug reaction to mouse wheel or button click is messed up again.
Sometimes each mouse wheel detent is 10° and sometimes it is 1° left or right.
Single mouse click left or right may adjust the bug 1° in the desired direction or send it spinning without stopping :slight_smile:
And then on the same flight suddenly it goes back to working normal.

I do love this sim, and with the mods by MrTommymxr and the folks behind the G1000/G3000 equipment it was pretty much perfect for me.
And since update 5 and 6 it is buggier than ever. Plus on my very slow DLS connection curtesy of German Telekomm I have about 16-17 hours of download time that has netted me a net regression :smiley:

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Loving the modded DA62. Do you have a discord server up for your projects? (this plus the DA40 plus any other I might not be aware of).



No i dont. I want to keep all the discussion in one area

You know what they say. “If it stupid and it works, it aint stupid”

I kinda made a “Full FADEC” with a toggle and it, works…

ok hear me out. The engines have automixture, meaning the mixture knob does nothing.
So yeah. You can use your mixture knob to control engine power. its weird, but it works…

How many of you have a full throttle quadrant? technically you can have a FULL FADEC…

so… uh… yeah… lol?

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Sounds like it might work. I have a throttle quadrant with two mixture levers, so this would work for me. How does it work? Are you remapping the mixture axis to control the FADEC?

Just for my understanding: how do you control FADEC in the real aircraft? I’m only aware of the throttle as engine/prop performance manager.
I’m using a Thrustmaster flightpack, I could use it, since I’m using the stick throttle for mixture settings, I just don’t get the point why it’s important if it’s fully automated IRL.

The mixture axis sets the target power and the script does the rest

IRL you can set the power and forget it. If you get 95% the engine will produce 95% power at sea level, all the way up to ~16000 feet.

At the moment the power changes depending on the temperature, for example as you climb

Ok, I get it, so the current “automated” version does not properly manages the performance that’s why a “manual FADEC” would help. Am I right?

I have a Saitek Yoke with an additional quadrant, so 6 levers in total :smiley:
Would be nice to try out at least.
Though I must say I really have not missed much in the DA62 as it is now.

Currently, it sets the RPM based on the actual power, however the actual power can change with air temperature and pressure.

This sets the RPM based on the target power and the actual power will match the target power up to a certain altitude

the current system is reversed in a way. it gets the job done

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Return of the google drive

Nah, if you would like to play around with the “mixture FADEC”, go ahead. This is not an official update!

Toggle switches are the FADEC voter switches
Similar rules apply with prop Axis and the throttle. Make sure they are not moving (put them on an end stop)
Due to the propcontrol engine.cfg setup, it can make more power at a lower power setting. Ive limited it to 2250 RPM.
When starting the plane up the mixture is all the way forward

Its not perfect, hence not being an official update, though there are other changes that will make it to the main version.



Nice (ish)

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I will give it a shot, but probably not before next week.
And I think I may have to take one quadrant apart again first to clean to potis as it seems to have a new flutter :unamused:

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