DarkSpace xEnviro 2020

MSFS has stated they have zero intention of opening the weather SDK to third party developers, so DarkSpace’s hopes of having their own clouds seem like a pipe dream. Not to mention their clouds in X-Plane absolutely destroy performance (I am a customer of theirs on that platform.) xE Transitions look awful in MSFS, as well. Can’t see myself ever picking this up.

Edit: I’ll contend that it does look better at depicting METARs so far from Q8’s stream, but not sure how it stacks up against other addons that do the same thing.

Edit 2: DarkSpace is saying they’ll definitely be able to get their own clouds into MSFS using “magic,” so we’ll see. This was said during Q8’s stream.


Just another cash-grab. We already have injection software like REX etc.

Also feeling very doubtful about these:

  • Atmosphere quality includes humidity, pollution and fine particle amount.
  • Actual wind direction and speed for all levels and temperature, turbulence and wind shear.

If I’m not mistaken, Asobo’s visibility injection is handled internally (METAR based). I’m not even mentioning their “visibility” feature in custom weather, because that’s just a renamed feature that’s always been there and it does nothing new.
Also, how are they gonna inject turbulence and wind shear? Atop the CFD that’s already running?

The weather engine is closed due to Asobo’s contract with Meteoblue.


Since I had a discount I bought it. I will post up my thoughts for what they are worth if I can fly tonight.

Also Q8Pilot is doing a live stream now:

Watched the video. Seems to be doing a better job than what MSFS is currently giving us in regards to depicting the cloud coverage from the METARS and the cloud puffs seem to have disappeared. But, does this also provide support for high level clouds and cirrus as well or is this only limited by how high the METARS report? No clouds above 30,000? If this changes as you say with whatever the closest airport is reporting and changing as you fly, then it’s another generic engine that uses the same logic from before. Once and if they get the weather with Meteoblue sorted out this will very quickly fall to the wayside.

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I’m already not sold, because you can see how xEnviro just uses the METAR to create the weather. Along with METARs own limitations.

Even though the METAR at Zurich reported CAVOK and xEnviro injected few clouds at higher altitudes, IRL it’s completely overcast with middle and high level clouds (altocumulus/altostratus/cirrostratus). Probably because Zurich doesn’t report clouds above 5k feet.

I’m definitely looking forward to your tests and thoughts. Mainly how xEnviro handles visibility, storms, wind shear etc.

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Just climbing out of KCLT using XEnviro. One thing that is a plus for me is the crazy wind changes which I felt were just way overdone and caused a lot of issues IMHO.

No FPS hit either.

I am also not seeing changes as pointed out in Q8 Pilots stream, I am not seeing any weather refresh stutters or seeing the changes at all.

The biggest thing for me not having rudder pedals is the ability to reduce surface X wind without having to turn it off or using the Auto rudder which disables all X wind effects on the plane.

So far I am liking it.

It definitely looks like this addon is a bit of give and take. While it seems to do a really good job at some things, it brings us back to METAR-only limitations. I’ll keep my eye on it but I’m staying on the fence for the meanwhile. A good ole case of “too soon to tell.”


I bought it since it was an upgrade for me anyway - did like it as very first impressions just loading at airports and taking off. Haven’t done proper flights yet so don’t know how it will behave with updating weather over time. Clouds felt quite realistic and winds seemed spot on. Having the historic data is very much a plus.
Guess even it’s METAR - it’s in a similar position as the MSFS weather which was kind of ruined after METAR was implemented. The dynamic weather before that was so much better.

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no, not a single weather addon can do this.
that’s why i will stick to Asobo weather.

literally no use for such addons with the SDK/API fully locked down imo.
Especially since live weather keeps getting better and better each sim update.


I had the same problem. This morning someone in this forum helped me and the problem is solved.
You do NOT have to install your xEnviro in Program Files folder, but in Root C:
Then the program works :slight_smile:

It’s currently raining in Zurich so if the guy in his stream is using live weather, there was nothing to indicate a storm nearby.

I think he tried both. It does appear to be 50/50 for both default live weather and XEnviro. But I think the Xenviro dev’s will do the best that they can, Xenviro was a breath of fresh air in XP11, and the dev does seem to always try.

They can’t do anything more than what other weather injection add-ons do.

The weather system is closed because Asobo is contractually bound to Meteoblue. That’s the exact same reason why they can’t provide a proper API for weather radars.

All you can do right now is create a weather preset.

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They claim to reduce the clouds size. How is it possible?

seems like xenviro generates clouds that aren’t as big in height, the msfs are taller which looks overdone sometimes, this is my observation after a few flights so far

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Yes, you are probably right.

However, looking at the Q8pilot stream I think that I personally actually prefer the look of the default Asobo clouds (realistic or not).

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Yes, and it makes sense because Meteoblue data comes with cloud thickness info as well.
Unless xEnviro uses their own APIs and datasets from sites like Windy etc. the stock MSFS live weather will always have an upper hand.


Does xE20 resolves this?

this is localised fog, seems fine to me?

There’s no forest fire in this region