Dash 8, Saab 340, Dornier 328 Turboprop

Any announcements from 3rd party developers on having any of the above in development?

The regional turboprops are the biggest hole we now have in MSFS 2020 as far as a balanced range of aircraft to choose from.


There is a F28 on the way


And Asobo is developing an ATR scheduled for release next year


Development of the ATR by Asobo is great news!

But I wish Just Flight would have gone with an F50 instead of the F28.

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Just found pics of the Asobo ATR 72, and it’s looking great!

Asobo Developing ATR 72

Microsoft Flight Simulator – ATR-42/72

Glad to see they are also including the ATR 42!


Yes, Majestic will have the Q400 out. As far as I know there is no S340 on the cards but the sim definitely needs a good one.


Nexgen will be releasing a 340 eventually


I’ll take up this old thread here.

One Jetliner after the other is currently coming onto the market, but what about Turboprop regional aircraft?

There are a few announced, such as the Milviz ATR 42/72, the Asobo ATR 42/72. but what about the others, e.g. DO 328 or Dash 8?

it’s about time that these aircraft get more attention from the developers.


I’m a huge fan of the Dash 8 series especially the 300.
I would love to have the Dornier 328 aka C146A in the USAF livery.
As someone from the Caribbean it would be great to be hopping around the islands with the Atr72 alonng with Liat and Caribbean Airlines liveries. You are not alone.


there was a lot of talk some time ago with Majestic re Dash 8s, and the plan was for DHC8-400 hopefully followed by -300/-200. They’ve gone very quiet unfortunately. They do produce a very good Dash 8 in P3D, so here’s hoping they come across to MSFS.
besides the Dornier, a S340, YS11, ATP, HS748 or F27/F50 would also be welcomed by me!


Hope some developer makes the Dornier 328 JET!
Is there any announcements regarding developing on it?


i wish i could say yes

Haven’t heard a word from any dev about an D328!

Unbelievable this thread was started almost 4 years ago now.

In the meantime we’ve had 65 variants of the A320 family :roll_eyes:


Any developer releasing a proper Dash 8-300/400 will be a millionaire day 1


It seems so weird cause it doesn’t seem to have any unique quirks that would make it something developers would shy away from (like the E-Jets FMS, for example). The Q4XP for X-Plane has a UNS-1, the same sort of instrument suite you see on the PC12/45, nothing strange that comes to mind in terms of air or electrics… and yet still nothing on the MSFS side.

My guess no one has touched the DHC8 because they assumed Majestic would have released theirs by now.

It’s kind of a long running flight sim addon tradition that developers tend not to touch planes that others are working on with few exceptions - A320s and 737s have been covered by multiple devs since there’s apparently enough market for more than one developer. The other scenario being when the product target audiences are vastly different - an example being when one developer makes a product for casual CTRL-E simmers while another makes the same plane but aimed at the simmer that wants realistic systems and procedures.


Hopefully someone can get going on a Dash 8, it seems clear the majestic version is arriving sometime in between a long time from now and never.


I’m really looking forward to Dash 8 from Majestic Software, I hope when they release something =)


I hope the release the dash-8 as well. Maybe some progress news? If i knew how to code, graphics, etc i would do it my self…

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Hindsight is such a wonderful thing but man… im not a programmer in the very least and would have had an anruism trying to figure out what the… is programming but. … if someone did a, what I would imagine, a complicated and digital F117… all from the comforts of their home… flip… doing a full Dash 8 range and starting way back in August 2020… especially with the help of “covid funded” leave… as a great head start…
I could have well and truly brought myself a business class ticket return from Glasgow to Auckland, or First with emirates…
I’m guessing it would be far to late to start now…
Q100/200/300 and the 400 as the cherry on top… that would have definitely been a bit coin equivalent… I’m sure it wouldn’t have been rocket/nuclear scientists hard…
I’m now wondering if there is much market in a metro…? Give it a go and see where it goes… at the very least… frewware for donation on flightsim.to like that guy who did the F27…
Knowing my luck… a week out from years of mind destroying computery stuff… Just flight have “just released” an advanced metro… fully op with circut breakers and wear and tear… which would definitely leave a tear in my eye…

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