DC Designs F-14A/B Tomcat Announcement & Discussion

Ok, after taking into account the complaints of some of you about the difficulty of the AP, in addition to your proposals, I have been reviewing the documentation of the SDK in regards to the autopilot and the default settings. For those of you who know how to do it and are interested in test, I propose you to make the following changes in systems.cfg for each aircraft (those who do not know how to do it and are interested in testing, contact me privately to send the files).

First of all make a backup of the file which is located here (for f-14A, so you will have to do the same in B model):

I attach a screenshot of the autopilot section (left side proposed values, right side current values):

I will attach here the values to replace the old ones:

max_pitch = 30
max_bank = 38,35,28,15
auto_max_bank_table = 0:15, 275:28, 650:35, 1350:38
auto_max_bank_min_alt_angle = 15
max_bank_acceleration = 30
max_bank_velocity = 15
max_throttle_rate = 0.05
min_IAS_ref = 100
default_pitch_mode = 1
use_no_default_bank = 0
use_no_default_pitch = 0
altitude_english_slow_increment = 100
altitude_english_fast_increment = 1000
altitude_english_fastest_increment = 2500

and now I will try to explain the most relevant ones:

default_pitch_mode = 1

According to SDK, there are 4 default modes available when you engage AP:


My purpose is to set pitch at default value (attitude hold), this way the aircraft will autotrim until remain leveled, so you can choose between alt hold (alt hold will maintain the current altitude until you set a target altitude) or VS hold (you set the target altitude first and press VS hold after, followed by VS keys to control climb or descend rate).

default_bank_mode = 0

According to sdk:


My purpose is set it to 0, so this way the aircraft will not try to follow a managed or direct heading by default (which should prevent the plane go in circles), otherwise you can test the 1 or 3 option if desired. Then, you can choose between GPS/VOR mode or HDG mode (I remind you that the HDG knob on the right console has the modes selected and managed even though it does not have a tooltip, up arrow managed, down arrow selected, the “managed” mode will follow the flight plan in a similar way to NAV, while “selected” one follow the HDG bug, so I recommend that you center it before by pushing HDG in central console).

max_bank = 38,35,28,15
auto_max_bank_table = 0:15, 275:28, 650:35, 1350:38

This is a table enabling 4 possible bank levels (@DeathPantsX , This part interests you especially).
As you already know, the f-14 is not an airliner so there is no knob that allows you to select between these bank limits, so instead I have created an autobank table with the following behavior:

  • from 0 to 275 knots the max bank will scale from 15 to 28 degrees max.
  • from 275 to 650 → 35 degrees max
  • from 650 to top speed will be 38 degrees max.

We are replacing the 65 degrees bank we had before, so this should correct undesired oscillations at different speeds.

max_bank_acceleration = 30
max_bank_velocity = 15

This should basically soften bank changes handled from AP.

max_throttle_rate = 0.05

this should contribute the throttle movements carried out during autothrottle to be smoother when accelerating or braking, or maintaining speeds compared with current one.

Before carrying out any update that leads to changes in this regard, I will always want to hear your proposals and opinions, but always within a reasonable context. Remember this is a fighter
that as Dean said, it has a basic Pitch and alt hold system, NAV and HDG modes and autothrottle with ACLS MODE, not an airplane with a system that does it all for you.

however, the idea that some of you are using it to practice real procedures is something that pleases me enormously and I want to keep it that way.

Always at your disposal.


All good…its pretty slight but it’s there at least

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That looks great!! The plane is already amazing, but these fixes will most likely make it much better. I will try these values once I get the chance, it has been a hectic last few days for myself so I may not get to it for a few more days… so until then, I say thank you to you and the rest of the DC Designs Team for all the GREAT work!

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I have been reading the various posts in this thread concerning the autopilot and radio functions and I had an idea that might work for keeping the current functionality of the F-14 while also making it a little closer to being prototypical. Right now the RIO’s seat in the back behind the pilot is not really being used for anything other than as one of the views. I don’t believe that most of the functions that would be controlled by the RIO are implemented in MSFS. Would it be possible to move some of the controls for the things that the F-14 did not have in real life but make it easier to use in MSFS like the advanced autopilot or radio controls to the RIO’s seat in the back since it isn’t being used for much right now? I don’t know if this would be possible or how hard it would be to incorporate into the aircraft but it would make the pilot’s seat more like it was on the real aircraft while keeping the functionality that makes it easier to fly in MSFS and giving the RIO’s seat a purpose. Again, I don’t know if this is possible or how hard it would be to do but I thought that it might be a solution.

From my observations as a newbie to the DCD F-14 and to autopilot in general, there appears to be a discrepancy in results after use of one of the two cockpit ALT select switches to initiate “ALTITUDE HOLD ON” versus use of a controller (Saitek X52) switch also assigned to “ALTITUDE HOLD ON” (F-14B V1.0.1 and SU6).

When wanting to hold current altitude, clicking a cockpit ALT switch to On will move both switches and update the HUD reference altitude accordingly, as expected. When using a controller switch assigned to the same function instead, both cockpit switches move as expected, but the HUD reference altitude does not change. This happens pre-takeoff as well as during stable flight.

Hope somebody can explain what I need to know or do in order to use a controller switch for this, thanks.

According to SDK there are these two different events for alt toggles:

AP_PANEL_ALTITUDE_HOLD: Turns altitude hold mode on/off (without capturing current altitude, mostly used in airliners or some planes in the game).
AP_ALT_HOLD: Turns altitude hold mode on/off (capturing current altitude).

Probably you are mapping the first one, while f-14 uses the second one (as in real life).

well, there are more events:


AP_PANEL_ALTITUDE_ON (This also probably describes what you could be mapping too)

This is making me to understand where the confusion is in what some of you expect the buttons to do respecting what they actually do: you are setting a target altitude first followed by pressing alt hold after, expecting for the plane to capture that target altitude, when it is not, even if you set the target altitude previously, if you press the button Alt hold on the right console or the switch on the left, what it will do is capture the current altitude and not the target. You must do it the other way around, or as an option: you set the target altitude and use VS hold plus the knobs to reach that target altitude.

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I figured out what as going on with the AP. I was using it in the same way I do in DCS- select what AP modes you would like to activate then hitting the AP master arm switch. Doing this causes big problems. If you turn the AP master on FIRST then toggle whe functions you want turned on the autpilot engages as you’d expect.

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you’re right, but I see it more like a button labeling problem: the label for an “alt_hold” event is the same for an “panel_alt_hold” event, while the response is totally different from what is expected. In fact you commented that the same thing happens to you on the f-15, and that is why: we use alt hold to capture and retain the current altitude, not the target.

Exactly what I’ve been saying. It’s the sequence that one toggles the switches in that is what’s causing people issues. Do it in the right sequence, and you’re money.


Thanks so much for the response, getting closer to knowing what is happening.

Here is some additional explanation:
The Saitek X52 has three switches at the base of the stick. Each switch has a spring loaded lever. A switch normally sits in a default neutral position at the center. Flipping a switch up generates a unique Control Option input (such as "Joystick Button 11), then the switch immediately returns to neutral. Flipping the same switch down generates a different input, such as “Joystick Button 12”.

My current plan and setup is to use all three switches for autopilot, and with following Control Option assignments:

  • First switch for AUTOPILOT ON and AUTOPILOT OFF (via inputs of joystick buttons 9/10)

I chose not to use “TOGGLE…” assignments because these three switches are available and they provide a means to make specific on/off choices regardless of current status if I choose to do so. At this point my focus is on holding current altitude, not a selected one.

I was hoping the three switches worked in the same manner as their corresponding cockpit switches.

Regardless of the outcome on this, I can adapt and continue on up the learning curve, thanks.


You are welcome!

There would be no problem in that, as long as you are clear that you are adding extra events to your device that do not match any of the cockpit buttons behaviors even if they have the same description, but I do not see a problem if that function serves your purpose and it does not generate confusion to you (you have already seen the different mappings available with respect to the ones we have mapped on the plane). That is to say, that a function is not mapped inside the aircraft cabin does not mean that you cannot map it on your external device and use it successfully since MSFS does recognize it. For example: we have not implemented wing leveler or the Backcourse on the plane because the plane does not include it, but that does not mean that you map it and it does not work, because it would work.

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That is new news to me, and good to know.

Decided to give up on using the on/off approach via the controller for altitude hold. Tried the toggle (on/off) approach instead. During first and subsequent re-tests, the toggle approach updated the HUD reference altitude to current value as desired, but the on/off approach still does not.

For some reason and somewhere, the update to the upper right altitude value of the HUD is handled differently when using a controller button for AUTOPILOT ALTITUDE HOLD ON versus use of a different controller button for TOGGLE AUTOPILOT ALTITUDE HOLD. At some point I may check to see if same behavior with other aircraft, but for now I would much rather use the toggle approach in order to spend my learning time on this great aircraft.

So, time to move on. Thanks again for your attention on this.


Sorry to all users for my lack of input on the autopilot issues, but I’m as in the dark as everyone about them as a complex AP is not a part of real fighter aircraft so it isn’t something I’ve studied ( or used at all really ) in MSFS. Concorde is a different matter though, so hopefully when that project releases I’ll have a much better understanding of how the MSFS AP works in its various modes and can circle back to the Tomcat and Eagles and incorporate things a bit better :+1:


Is there any possibility of offering a simplified (more realistic 3 axis) autopilot option for those that would prefer it? Perhaps a replacement cfg file or some text to copy/paste into a file?


With an more realistic AP I might think I will do some more flight with the F-14.
But in it’s current state?

Each to their own I guess but to me it boggles the mind that you’d want to fly any fast military jet on Autopilot!!


Everyone has their reasons for having their own particular style of flying. I see where you’re coming from, but one reason might be because people might have real life stuff going on in the background and they need to step away from their PC temporarily

Dean - congrats on the F14. It’s another great plane and really fun to fly. It’s amazing how the f14 can operate at slow speed with those full flaps and big wings and make some precision landings. It’s really stable. The sound is great too. Quick technical question - do you know if the gear can be extended if the fuel is shut off - I love practicing dead stick landings thanks !

For anyone - does anyone also know of an aircraft carrier out there that we can use the f14 with? It would be fun to try it :slightly_smiling_face:


You can get a pretty great carrier by Hard Deck Simulation. It’s also on JustFlight and SimMarket so may be worth checking prices. It does have limitations such as being static due to the SDK and doesn’t have the hanger or the lights on side that help guide in (minds blanking name!) but none the less is still a really fun addition at a great price.

It also can be used with ANY plane and the arrest cables / catapult can be launched from anywhere using the external Module

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JustFlight has it listed at a higher price than Hard Deck’s own website, and it shows “Out of Stock” (LOL) to boot. How the heck does a digital download go “out of stock”? Talk about artificial scarcity. Absurd.

Anyway, thanks for the reminder. I’ve been meaning to pick this add-on up and I just did.