DC Designs F-14A/B Tomcat Announcement & Discussion

I appreciate the quick response Jack. I tried moving the camera with the arrow keys to show the target speed and altitude in the HUD, but the view ended up being too far or not enough. Decided to modify the “[CAMERADEFINITION.0]” portion of the “cameras.cfg” file for both F-14 models. That worked. Now the HUD has the targets and all of the rest of the HUD values except for the bottom line, which is partly exposed.

For anyone who wants try it, do the following:

  • This change modifies the default opening pilot view to slightly lower the view on the “Y” axis
  • The mod is to be made within the “cameras.cfg” files of the F-14A and the F-14B
  • Navigate to the “—\Community\dcdesigns-aircraft-f14\SimObjects\Airplanes\DCDesigns_F14A” folder
  • Open that folder then copy “cameras.cfg” file and paste it elsewhere as a backup if desired
  • Open the original “cameras.cfg” file in a text editor
  • In the [CAMERADEFINITION.0] portion at the top, look for “InitialXyz = 0, 0.211998, -0.000009”
  • Replace that line with “InitialXyz = 0, 0.202000, -0.000009” without the quotes
  • Save that file then repeat the modification for the 'cameras.cfg" file in the F-14B folder
  • If a “cameras.cfg” file becomes corrupted or does not work, restore with the backup or re-install the F-14
  • Any re-install or install of any F-14 model will replace the mod

Can anyone help/

I’m trying my best to do this update. I’ve even contacted Just Flights.

  1. Engine switch 1 now maps both engines, correct? Is my mapping correct? See photo 1

  2. What is engine switch 2 mapped to now, or is it even mappable? See photo 2

Thanks for any help in this matter.

Map it as
APU generator. Should work.

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CodenameJack447: Thanks for that info but I don’t have an APU generator. see photo

Also, do you know when the Marketplace F14 will drop? I want to try the update again before it drops/

Again! Thanks.

The engines need bleed air to start but the APU starter needs also to be set on in the process. That is what the CROSSBLEED switch does internally.

I think you need to map the Apu starter and the bleed air for engines and APU too.

Try the toggle APU.

Don’t know when the MP releases.

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If this works I’ll be able to keep the update. I will however miss having a manual wing sweep toggle. That was very handy after landing.

Nope!! that did not work. But!! that’s ok, I don’t have a problem with the pre-update version. Other than not doing a good job at lineup with the runway, but I can just hand fly it in. Hopefully Just Flights will honor my request and send me a pre-update version so I can keep trying to get the update to work.

Note: Both engines try to light at the same time, they both start the process but stop very early on in the procedure.

Thanks again for the help. Looking forward to the A-10 release. Hopefully I will not have a mapping issue as I am using the warthog throttle.

If you have a HDD with space you can spare, save your versions of purchased planes there. That saved me on the F35.

As for the 14, I’ve been keeping an eye on the chatter here. I think I may have to get back in the air with it tonight. I miss it.

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I bought the F-14 from MSFS and then realized it had no weapons. So, I bought the one from Just Flights but that has the new update on it and I can’t map it to my WARTHOG. :woozy_face:

Don’t you just LOVE!! the Tomcat.

I’m doing a flight now to JFK. Need to take her on a LONG!!! flight. Trying to get to 500 hours.

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Manual wing sweep still works with the cover up, and following the Interactive Checklist works correctly as I fly the Tomcat almost every day ( shows how much I enjoy MSFS, despite working for endless months on these airplanes, I still enjoy using them ). Can’t say much about the Warthog but there are not really that many switches involved in starting the Tomcat. Once crossbleed is on, you flick the Engine Crank switch and ENG2 will start, once running, flick the crank switch again and ENG1 will start, same as the real Tomcat basically.

ETA: Tomcat updates reach the Marketplace on Thursday July 14th, according to the Markerplace team.


Just wondering if the wing sweep lever will be labelled as such in the new update?
At the min when highlighted on xbox it shows as logo lights??:man_shrugging:

Yeah that’s changed in the update


The ability to map switches to my WARTHOG is BIG!!! That tactile sensation adds a more realistic, enjoyable feeling to MSFS. Plus, I’m lazy :laughing: I don’t won’t to have to use the mouse for anything other than increasing/decreasing, throttle/altitude parameters. Also, some people using MSFS have very!! expensive devices and they want to map everything. You should try and keep that in mind when developing future aircraft and maybe adding a mapping log sheet. DC Designs is already one of the best aircraft designers in the business (IMHO) making it easy for people to map their device and adding a mapping sheet will make you the BEST!!! of the best. (IMHO)

I do not regret buying the F-14 from DC Designs, I just regret buying it from MSFS and not Just Flight. If I bought it from Just Flights, I would have a copy of the F-14 pre-update and would have the ability to roll back if I did not like the changes.

This was my first aircraft… Live and Learn.

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If you get creative, you can get all you need for their planes on the Warthog, including altitude, heading, and speed increase/decrease. I use it too(warthog). I didn’t, however, know there was a way to sweep the wings manually. Gonna have to add a button for that today…

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My WARTHOG arrived the other day and I have been trying to set it up. Any advice would be welcome.

You have the F-14 working with the WARTHOG post-update??? If so, I would love!!! to know how you did that. I hope it was not by changing code, I’m not good at that. :face_exhaling:

wing sweep was under Logo Lights I don’t know what it’s set to now.

I’ll be on the runway with it in a few minutes. I haven’t flown it since the update. I set up my WH for their F-15 the day that was released and have only had to make minor changes/additions since for planes that have come out after that. If I remember correctly, everything I have for the 15 and 16 works for the 14. I use the same profile for all of their planes.

Everything works as it did before. I haven’t found a setting that sweeps the wings on the ground yet. Still looking. As for the basics, here’s what I use. I’m right-handed and prefer the HOTAS on the left and stick on the right. Keep that in mind…

AP speed increase/decrease: 4/6
AP V/S increase/decrease: 3/5
AP ALT increase/decrease: POV up/down

Set altimeter: 2
Active pause: 1
Wheel brakes: 15

Below that:

Toggle hook: 7
Toggle AB(for planes that recognize it): 9
Disconnect AT: 8
Parking brake: 11
All lights(Very rarely used for me and will be the sweep once I find it. More for airliners currently.): 12

Throttle levers are split with the right as the throttle and left as spoilers/speed brakes. I pretty much only activate spoilers via the lever if I’m landing. My engine switches are as they’re labeled on the HOTAS. A full shutdown of the plane for me requires that 14 be all the way back(towards me).

On the stick, the POV switches are as they’re labeled. I use the black 8-way for free camera movement in the cockpit.

Pause sim(to menu): 2
Switch from cockpit to exterior: 5
Reset camera: 1
Flaps up/down: 7/9
Rudder left/right: 10/8
Increase/decrease heading: 15/17
Set AP ALT hold: 16
Set AP heading hold: 18
Reset rudder: 19
Spoilers(I have this on the HOTAS and stick. If I’m flying fast and don’t want to use the lever, I use this): 4

Is there a setting it’s tied to in the controls menu?

Thank you for that info. As I am also R handed, I will definitely try those settings out. We WH have to stick together. :wink:

Photo one shows my switch 31 (engine switch left side) settings in MSFS Question: is it the same as your settings?

Photo 2 shows my switch 32 (engine switch right side) it’s empty

Photo 3 shows my APU starter switch

Dose this match your MSFS settings? Again! THANKS!!! for the help. :hugs:

No problem. I use 31/32 for the engines. 31 should be the left switch. APU is 20.