DC Designs F-14A/B Tomcat Announcement & Discussion

Someone told me in private that actually is possible to toggle L:VARS to your devices with FSUIPC.

This is a list of relevants local vars used on F-14:

(L:Bomb_Mode, Bool)
(L:WingSweepCover, Bool)
(L:Wing_Sweep_Lever_Pos, percent)

(L:ACLS_Switch, Bool)
(L:ALT_HOLD, Bool)
(L:XMLVAR_AirSpeedIsInMach, Bool)


Re-installed the update version but still can not do a cold/dark startup with the WH. :weary:

Would love to know what your APU is programed to do in MSFS.

I have 3 more days to try and get this to work. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

You shouldn’t need it for this plane. Dean posted the instructions a little while ago. I go in and out of C&D when I land at various airports so I don’t have to go back to the main menu(PTSD from when the sim’s logbook didn’t record anything without the stat box popping up). Never had to bother with the APU switch on this one.

What do you have this switch programed to do in MSFS? see photo I think this is the problem. I know it’s the crossbleed starter but my MSFS has no crossbleed starter control.

It sets Apu starter and apu bleed to on. Two events in one

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Thanks!! Apu starter set. Now, what APU bleed and do I toggle or set?

I think you need both. Bleed to Apu and bleed to engines, since you need to bind this one:

And then engine starters.

I had to cheat and just set the auto start to the engine 1 switch. :face_exhaling:

Sorry!! I know you worked hard on the update and I still love DC Designs but too much of a change too quickly for me. Have to use auto start, auto throttles not working correctly, can no longer dial in alt, no wing sweep button anymore, I can’t figure out how to get the GPS to work. I did setup my flight with world map GPS.

I’ve mapped the buttons, but I’m not getting a consistent startup using the latest posted method. Still working on it. It’s not as simple as flicking the crossbleed switch then the crank switch twice. I wish it were. When there are systems changes in updates, it would be GREAT if we got a video or instruction on how to manage them.

I know how to cheat it with one button. I’m trying to avoid going there.

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These are indeed bindable using FSUIPC. It was easy to do, but you might need the paid version of FSUIPC to bind a joystick/throttle button.

Create a macro file with the LVAR bindings you want and then assign each of them to a button (possibly an axis with the wing sweep slider).

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Here’s part of the issue. Both of these buttons are coded the opposite of what they do. On is off and off is on. The plane starts with both on. Engaging them turns them off. Second pic is before I’ve touched anything. It’s on from the start.

Set APU Starter at 20 and Toggle Starter 1 and 2 to 31. Before you do anything in the plane, switch both of those to the opposite of what they’re set at when you load in. They’re backwards. Follow the checklist aside from that.

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Hey, nice find and the bonus for that is 14, an awesome number.

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Yep. That did it. I want those 2 hours of my life back. Lol.

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Ya, it does take expertise to do what you did, an ordered attack against the software. It takes a real “wanna do” effort.

Oh, thanks for that effort!

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For those of you on a Warthog(can’t speak for any other HOTAS), just map Auto Start Engine to 13. That will fire up everything from C&D. C&D is a mess right now with the switches backwards doing it the ‘right way.’ Save yourself the pain until it’s fixed.

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Thanks!! for working on this and finding the problem. Only 2 hours. lol I’ve been trying for over a day. Warthogs rule. lol

I deleted the updated version and so, I will have to reload it again!!! :roll_eyes: But! I may not keep the updated version anyway. I like having the ability to dial in my Alt (NEW PILOT) I’m more in control and it’s FUN!!! Plus, I think the wing sweep switch is so cool. The only problem I had with the pre-update was it’s landing left of runways.

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Start with the side switch in the middle slot then map auto start engines to 13 moving it forward/away from you. That’s how I eventually figured it out. You can see all of the proper switches move when you click that. Should be an easy coding fix.

The button mappings I posted earlier control the AP perfectly in all of the SC/DC planes as well as the 78X, 747, PMDG 737, and F35. I don’t really fly much else besides the FENIX although I own the Concorde(yet to try it). They’ve slowly evolved over the 2 years the sim has been out to what they are now. Give them a try. I’m at 2,940 hours or so flown. They’re solid.

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I took a photo of your settings. :laughing:

How do you like the warthog stick? I was going to order one today but hear people bashing it online. :thinking: