DC Designs F-14A/B Tomcat Announcement & Discussion

Just checked the Marketplace and no F-14 Update

The team said it would be there on the 14th, but I don’t have any control over it I’m afraid.


Understood. I wasn’t trying to place blame on you. It was more of a heads up. I guess I should have typed it that way. I apologize.

Edit to add: The update is available today. Is there a timeframe when the updates are pushed out? I checked after 1700 Eastern Time and I didn’t see it.

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In rugby there is a term called a hospital pass and replying to this would be exactly that…


I totally agree with you regarding liveries from a certain time period and learning from the past and celebrating it for what it was and how far humanity has come…
But I have friends from overseas who, when we first met… apologized profusely for that world wide advent that didnt affect me directly nor theirs (It did affected my grandfather and their grandparents but they are all soldiers following orders along with many other victims…)
I definitely know they would but feel incredibly uncofortable about seeing or flying something in a livery from a very dark past that has brought an unimaginable weight to their shoulders…

Anyway with this amazing summer deal that is now on and following this thread with great intrigue…
I’m going to take the plunge, purchase and indulge in a huge love for me and fly in a color scheme of the only other operator flying these beautiful F14 “Persian cats…”
An aircraft with a huge pedigree currently flying for that operator, that I was very lucky to see in real life during a visit to an incredibly beautiful and incredibly hospitable country!!

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They seem to operate entirely on their own timetable I’m afraid - at least the update got there safely in the end :slight_smile:

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Just updated to latest version and now I’m unable to change how much fuel I have. If I try to move the sliders they just jump back to 100%. I’m stuck at max fuel.

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Hi Dean,
Can’t tell you how much I love these Tomcats. Even on Xbox they’re an amazing piece of work. Anyway, not sure if this has been brought up already, but I noticed an issue after the update with the wing sweep switch where I’m unable to move it out of the AUTO position during the startup/securing sequences.

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Yeah that’s a bug with MSFS, I see it sometimes too, it clears up after a while. No idea what causes it.

@SaUcEmOnStErS You have to lift the cover first, then pull the handle back to max. The wings should be fully swept when starting from cold and dark.

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shut the sim down and re-start. that should sort the fuel weight

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Only issue im finding on xbsx is it no longer kneels when you drop the launch bar apart from that some solid upgrades.

Thanks again Dean and Jack for some Stirling work o7

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If I’m not mistaken the kneels is wasm based, but I’m not sure if it is still supported on Xbox yet.

Did it worked before?

Glad you were liking it!

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Yes it did kneel before when used with the Miltech carrier pack.
The launch bar would drop and she hunkered down.
Im loving the way she lands now. She holds speed and attitude until dropping down onto the deck.
Also feels more precise in the air, she does buffet a little more in turbulence too, looking forward to some adverse weather approaches :scream::crossed_fingers:

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WASM has never worked on Xbox console, so the kneel should not have worked at all. If it did it’s worth letting the Marketplace team / Asobo know as that would be very interesting to them!

WASM will eventually work on console but I’m thinking of manually animating the kneel function so I don’t have to worry about that side of things - a big job but WASM is obviously a bit unreliable.


Il see if i still have some saved captures and post them here, it use to work along with the catapult assist when lowering the launch bar.
Id move into position, lower launch bar, she’d squat down, id then set flaps and parking break then spool engines up to max and it would accelerate me up to 160kts in about 50ft and away i go

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Flaps are now only off 50% or 100%??? Also can no longer remove external tanks when switched to 0% fuel in them. Is this intentional or a bug?
Thank you

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Fuel tanks are fine, but sometimes MSFS glitches with the new fuel system and snaps fuel load back where it was. Somebody posted the solution up-thread recently, I think it’s just a flight re-start or similar. Flaps have not changed as far as I am aware, in the sense that we have half flap and full flap for landing, with the up position being manoeuvering flaps ( Auto ) as per the real F-14.

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On your A, there were more degrees but that is gone. Fuel sliders were normal, I adjusted external tanks to 0 and they are still there

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If the files sent to MP are correct as in PC, the flaps in full position would be 35 for TEF and 17 for LEF. in position 1 they would be 10 and 7.5 respectively and in 0 they are maneuverable depending on mach and AOA. In positions 1 and full they become active below 240 knots, above that they auto-retract.

If at no time you read 35 and you read 17 it is possible that the external UI is showing the position of the slats instead of the flaps, but if you read 17, be sure that the flaps are at 35.

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I’ve had the external tanks show with 0 fuel in them as well, restart or not. Also the aircraft is now doing auto trim, it’s not a setting I turned on, is this intended?

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intended as part of AFCS.

Tanks should only show when gallons are at or above 10. If not, something must have gone wrong with the MP version, since it doesn’t happen on PC.

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