DC Designs F-14A/B Tomcat Announcement & Discussion

I am on SU10 beta, don’t know if that’s related.

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I don’t think so, I’m also in the Beta. Have you tried uninstalling/reinstalling the airplane?

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Will try that real quick.

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This is what you should see:

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Did a reinstall and still can’t get rid of the tanks, I think you might be right about it being a market place version issue.

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Just tried again same thing 0 fuel still tanks are there. Checked the A and B model and I only have on 1/2 or full flaps gone are the degrees of angle for me.

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I don’t quite understand this. you mean on the ground? flying? maneuvering?

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Looks like a Marketplace issue. I think that the code was changed on the PC version as the sliders in the menu only work on the “old” fuel system - i.e, it’s the sim that is out of date rather than the Tomcats. They don’t alter the new fuel_system, which the Tomcats have been updated to.

I will update the jet again on the Marketplace soon to ensure this is fixed. Fortunately, Tomcats always had their tanks on when flying from carriers so it’s not a big problem for most users, but nice to have the option to remove them none the less.


I don’t have the MP version of the cat. Have version 1.0.4 of JustFlight. I’m not on the beta version either. I also can’t remove the tanks even if I go to zero. Doesn’t necessarily have to do with the MP.

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I’m on Xbox Series X and since the latest update the pilots never appear when starting up the tomcat.

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Thanks Dean. However, the slider didn’t move even after pulling up the cover.

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I have a graphical glitch where the stabilators remain in a drooped-down position when starting cold and dark. It’s as if the stabs never get the command to re-align when the hydraulic power comes on, so they remain drooped (at least visually, it seems).

If I start a flight on a runway, however, the stabilators are correctly positioned.

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For all of you with pilots not visible, wings not sweeping and droopy elevators, use the Interactive Checklist to start from cold and dark - there are new switches required for these functions as they have been modified to be visible across multiplayer. You have to turn them on :slight_smile:

@DoneDoubloon884 I reckon it’s the sliders not responding to the new fuel_system - I’ve updated the code here but maybe it wasn’t in the update submitted to JF and the Marketplace. Noted now so that it comes with the next one, which won’t be far away


Okay, that raises the question: Why is the Pedestal Light switch used to align the stabilators?

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Because in MSFS, only internal cockpit lights are guaranteed to carry across multiplayer - so visible crew and essential animations such as wing sweep now use pedestal light settings. In the future Asobo have promised to improve this situation but for now it’s the best we can do.

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I’ve found that the wing sweep annunciation light never goes out no matter what state the wings are in, in fact the light is on even with all power off in the aircraft.

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I’m sorry if this has been asked or commented on, but are people really liking this mod? Even people who have used the DCS version by Heatblur? I wouldn’t expect this version to be as high fidelity but do people generally find it good enough?

I’m asking because as good as DCS is, it’s not really a relaxing game that lends itself well to sightseeing, so if had the chance to fly a decent version anywhere in the world with MSFS, i’d take it.

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call me shallow ,but its great to have the tail hook back. just got to find the interactive check list to get my poor suffering flight crew back.

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It’s in the main drop-down menu when in the cockpit, the one with a “tick” in it near ATC.