DC Designs F-14A/B Tomcat Announcement & Discussion

Still have tanks with 0 fuel. Here is the comparison for the flaps position before and now

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Had more positions before now less

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Is correct:

  • UP position is maneuvering
  • Middle is half deflection below 240knots: 10 TEF, 7.5 LEF.
  • DN position is Full below 240knots: 35 TEF, 17 LEF.
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So this was changed in the update?

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Exactly, is not a bug.

Before the update we played with the second position to make the flaps maneuverable, which was unrealistic (In fact you did not have control over them, but rather their position responded to a script). Now it is not necessary and it fits with the real behavior of maneuvering flaps/slats according mach and AOA.

In fact, now it is much reallistic even because we have been able to simulate that the flaps are interlocked when the wings are sweep above 55 degrees so that they do not collide with the fuselage.


Oooohhhhhhh awesome! Okay I was just confused on what was what! Thank you for the clarification

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Hi all, I have recently acquired the Tomcat and made some test flights.
Congrats to DC Design, the plane is really pleasant so far :sunglasses:

At some point, and due to a discussion in which we were comparing the flight model with its DCS counterpart, we started testing the behavior in a dive from 40.000 feet at -60° angle, with airbrakes+spoilers deployed, initial speed around 230 knots or something like that, and throttle to idle.

According to the DCS pilots, the plane should accelerate to Mach 0.9, and at some point the wings should retract automatically (even if the wing sweep command is set to manual) and the airbrakes should no longer deploy (automatic retract), causing the plane to keep Mach 0.9 (or more?) until impact. In MSFS this didn’t occur. The plane first accelerated to Mach 0.9 as expected, but both wings and airbrakes remained fully deployed, causing the aircraft to progressively slow down to Mach 0.6 from 30.000 feet and below.

Do you think the automatic wing sweep (in manual mode) and the automatic airbrakes retrac above a certain speed could be implemented in the MSFS model ? Or is it already there and I just missed a switch ? I started the flights on the runway only so far…

Hello, are you on xbox or on PC? the wings are supposed to be set at 68 degrees in both manual and auto when you reach 0.96 mach and not before.

According to the manual precisely the transition from 20 degrees to 68 degrees occurs between 0.6 mach and 0.96, so there is nothing to check there.

According to the speedbrakes, it is not implemented but it can be done easily. However, it is not a function of mach, but of airspeed. According to the manual, they should be closed progressively above 400 ias or fully when throttles are at or above MIL thrust.


I’m on PC.
At 40.000 I was flying around 230 knots, then I set the wing sweep to manual, fully extended, activated the airbrakes, and began the dive. The plane accelerated toward a maximum IAS of 350 knots or so, which corresponded to Mach 0.9 above 30.000 feet.

I’ve set the wings to 55 and seen them retract all the way back past .9 Mach on afterburner.

If the airplane only reached 350 knots, then the airbrakes would remain extended as per the real life F-14 manual, and therefore the airplane would not accelerate further, which explains everything really.

One vital factor that MSFS models to a degree that is light-years beyond DCS is environmental and meteorological conditions. Air temperatures and therefore densities affect IAS ( and Mach ) so precise comparisons with either simulator won’t match all that well, as MSFS does it so much better.

As far as I know, the F-14s in both MSFS and DCS handle in a very similar way and have similar performance envelopes, but they “feel” very different, due to the MSFS environment being much more dynamic ( and more realistic ).


Thanks a lot Dean for these explanations.
The differences in “atmosphere” handling between MSFS and DCS could well be the culprit.


Hey guys! Out of curiosity I notice that it’s recommended to delete and reinstall aircraft to ensure that updates are completed correctly on the PC. Would you recommend an Xbox user to do this with a marketplace purchase?

The reason I ask, I noticed that the crossbreed switch label is missing on my Tomcat and the switch that codenamejack showed in an image earlier as APU is labelled “both engine bleed air on”

It’s all working as normal when flicking those switches so it’s fine but just wanted to highlight incase it was an issue that you weren’t aware of.

Awesome work and improvements though Dean and Jack, I love flying these aircraft! Kudos

Got this on sale. I got frustrated with the hawk t1 being so slow and sluggish so figured the real deal should be a step up. I was surprise though this aint much faster like 50 knots max and afterburners is not dramatic at all though still feels much more like a proper fighting jet.

As for the speed brake they work but in drone cam I cant visually see them. Arent they modelled or am I blind?

Very basic functionality but tbh for what I am using it for its fully sufficient. Just prey it will do good in VR and with better performance then the hawk t1. …

Shouldn’t be. The Hawk is a subsonic trainer whilst the F-14 can reach speeds of over mach 2. You flying with the airbrakes out or something? I don’t have the F-14 but I do have Dean’s F-15 and have not had any problems getting up to speed in that bird.

edit: actually the Hawk can get over mach 1 in a dive but still the F-14 can fly twice that in normal flight.

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Yes, you definitely have something activated that adds a lot of drag if you ensure that this plane is as fast as the Hawk.

So much hype, about the F-14 (which I own), that the F-15 isn’t mentioned as able to hit 800 knots, a very fast fighter! Plus, it is scheduled to carry the hyper-sonic weapon now in tests for going live.

Well, I’ve found the same issue with speed in the F-14 B, where altitudes of 134475 and very high speed too. I guess the next update will fix these problems, hopefully. Maybe the F-15 will slow down to 700’s or not? I forgot how the wing sweep allows a nice speed boost, and full roles seems smoother. I’m happy I got mine earlier.

How many knots is mach 2? Spoiler shouldnt be on but I struggles to get to 800 knots with ab

It depends on the altitude and if you mean IAS or KTAS. If you’re at 45,000 feet for example, mach 2 would be around 650ias if I’m not mistaken. the same way if you are at Sea level, 650 ias is mach 1.

Anyway in the HUD just below the airspeed you have the mach indicator:


I find this question a bit confusing when the maximum speed of this plane is 2.28 mach in the case of A and 2.38 in the case of B at 45,000 feet. I think you are misunderstanding the concept of airspeed.