DC Designs - F-15 Strike Eagle (C, D, E & I)

its saying its doesnt exist

sorry i found it.i deleted it. then what?

Re-install the aircraft. Sometimes the installs into MSFS can be a bit corrupted. Clearing the cache then re-installing might solve the problem.

That worked. Thanks


Footage I shot today of the Eagles in the Mach Loop :heart_eyes:


How to clear the cache, Dean?
Could you please give more details about?
Thank you

Nice footage. It would be great it one day Asobo enable visual effects like the vapor from the wingtips when the aircraft hit certain angles, like in your real life footage.

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Hi Dean and all - can someone please tell me how to make the f15e clean without the tanks. I’ve been looking in the options and can’t find where to go. (I guess where is the loadout manager) Thanks !

Go to the flight_model file and there is the External1 and 2
Just rename it, something like

You use the payload manager via the drop down menu at the top of the screen when in the sim - External Tank 1 is the centreline tank, External Tank 2 is the wing tanks. As long as you put fuel in them they will appear. Set the fuel in them to zero and they will vanish.

Never make changes to the flight model! You can also select weapons this way, it’s all in the manual and the weapons names are there in the payload manager - you just type in the weights and they will appear.


Hi, FWIW, the in-game Marketplace now shows the update available for the F-15.

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Also while in the sim after clicking ready to fly, you can make changes to the external tanks in the “fuel” toolbar.

Yep! Blasted up to 60,000 feet last night. :slightly_smiling_face:

Much improved

Do they vanish when they run out of fuel while flying?

No, they’re coded to remain on the aircraft as they have 10 gallons of “un-useable” fuel aboard. They only disappear if you manually set them to 0 contents


Hi Dean thanks I found it and was able to get the tanks off with payload manager . Thanks I never knew how to do that to be honest !


Anyone else having issues with this plane after Sim Update IV? The plane is very squirrely on take off, and often unexpectedly enters an uncontrollable roll.

Also tried several times, and cannot land it. Every time the back wheels touch the ground the plane just bounces and spins.

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I had some similar issues in the previous update. It turned out to be an odd issue revolving around button assignments with the flight sim hardware I was using. Not the hardware itself, but whatever changes had been made to the autopilot systems and how certain settings interacted. I plan on simming some tonight, I will try and replicate.

I also had a similar issue with the Eurofighter. Solved them by creating fresh profiles.

Combat. When?

Yes, I experienced the same on landing last night. Just bounced uncontrollably before crashing. I have put a lot of hours into this plane so trust me when I say it wasn’t just technique/poor landing procedure.

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