DC Designs - F-15 Strike Eagle (C, D, E & I)

Mee too, landing speed is more critical than before.
Looks like the new flaps, rudder, elevator lift coeficient is doing its things

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Hi all, yes, it seems as though the update has altered aerodynamics in some way. Do make sure that you emptied community folders before re-starting the sim after the update, as that can mess with things, but this does sound like yet another change that screws up all the aircraft. Anybody having issues with other aircraft at all?

Thanks Dean. I only noticed the erratic behaviour upon landing the F15, but didn’t get the chance to fly any other planes last night
other than default. That said, I will proceed to check out my other pay ware planes after work today. I did have my community folder empty for the sim update, as I use add on linker. As painful as the updates are for developers, I must say the default planes in the sim have come on in leaps and bounds with waaay better physics/flight characteristics and definitely better ground handling etc. I hope once you get underneath what is at play with the f15, that the base sim improvements might even remove a headache or two for you in the future (given base sim flight model seems better on the defaults)

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Complaints are being reported about flightmodel problems even on stock planes. definitely something has been touched. but this erratic behaviour needs still to be clarified if it is due to an update in game flightmodel physics or a bug (I mention the case that there was with the cl Vs flap 2x bug that appeared months ago and finally asobo corrected it). I’ll check the flight model in a few hours anyway. I haven’t had time to fly since the update was released.


I just did a circuit or two and some aerobatics in the F-15s and while the handling feels a bit more “squirly” than before the update, I landed fine on both occasions. Approach speed was 155 knots at 48,000lbs weight, 6 degrees AOA now seems the to provide the most stable approach rather than the 8 degrees advised in the manual. Ride the throttle all the way down - the velocity vector remains slightly inaccurate due to non-collimation but I greased the piano keys both times without too much trouble. Hard to say if this update is perhaps affecting other things in the sim though, so that some people see issues and others do not. Shame these sim updates are so unpredictable - at the moment I cannot compile projects since the update, so cannot work until a solution is found by Asobo. The joy never ends… :slight_smile:


Ha ha, great to hear. I am going to take another attempt to fly and land after work today. I think I was ~150 at touch down, but the AOA could have been at fault (as just tried to land as have always done successfully prior to yesterday’s update). I’ll change my approach based on your recommendations. FYI - another contributing factor to my crash and burn landing, was that at the time I was also being called down for tea by my wife…so was feeling the pressure to rush a little more than perhaps real world F15 pilots experience :slight_smile:


Hope you can be back to mod as soon as possible.

Release notes that might be of interest:

Visual Effects Editor:

  • The Visual Effects Editor is now available! You can now create your own effects. We prepared a video tutorial and complete documentation that can be found at http://docs.flightsimulator.com !

Flight Model:

  • Added elevator_lift_coef, rudder_lift_coef and fuselage_lateral_cx to give aircraft creators better control over plane stability

Vapor waves!!!


Sounds like the 787 is having weight and balance issues since the latest update. Could this be the same issue that happening here?

Ok guys, i have been giving a look and this is what i have found:

one of the first things we do when developing the flight model is to adjust the stall speeds (full flap and no flap), and the landing speeds (full flap and no flaps).

Before the update, the calibration made, according to the real charts for 42000lbs gross weight in F-15E was:

VS 0 = 118kts
VS 1 = 128kts
Full flap landing = 153kts
No flap landing = 166kts

If you take a look at the picture now we have:

VS 0 = 131kts
VS 1 = 128kts
Full flap landing = 171kts
No flap landing = 166kts
Full flap landing AOA 11.63º (Should be 8º)

What this means is you are adding negative lift when you deploy flaps when it should be the opposite, so this is clearly a bug introduced with this update. And now the funny part… No matter what values i put to “lift_coef_flaps”, it doesn’t have any effect.

So yeah, Asobo has broken the Cl vs flaps with this update, and no way to solve it until they fix it.

If you want more proofs:

Cesna 152:

Boeing 787:

A320 neo:

Well, i could be all night placing images of all the planes to argue that there is an obvious bug. What can I say Asobo? Thanks once again. A few months ago you doubled the coefficient of lift vs flaps, but now you have completely destroyed the variable.

I’m very sorry, but I can’t fix it, just give you evidence so that we can all report to Asobo to fix this issue.


Thanks for digging into, I noticed the higher speeds right away. To compensate this just start using a trim knop or axis as you land. I know its wrong and we should be adding thrust to induce lift but trim and throttle seems to get more controllable on landing and will help dampening the bumping .

Also lower you AOA a bit more for the higher speeds.


Dean, could you please tell me if it’s possible open the PC.PCK sound file ?

I opened the PC.PCK file
There are 182 files
The files DCDesigns_F15.PC_4 and DCDesigns_F15.PC_5 are the ones with the " whistle "
I wish I could modify them, and pack the file but don’t know how to do this
There is ( maybe ?? ) another option.
Inside the sound.xml file, there are some values " Engine 1 interior and Engine 2 interior "

Which values from here , below, is for the DCDesigns_F15.PC_4 and DCDesigns_F15.PC_5 ??

    <Sound WwiseData="true" EngineIndex="1" WwiseEvent="JetWhine" CustomSuffix="int" ConeHeading="0" RPMMin="1" ViewPoint="Inside">
        <WwiseRTPC SimVar="AIRSPEED TRUE" Units="KNOTS" Index="0" RTPCName="SIMVAR_AIRSPEED_TRUE"/>
    <Sound WwiseData="true" EngineIndex="1" WwiseEvent="JetWhine" CustomSuffix="int_opening" ConeHeading="0" RPMMin="1" ViewPoint="Inside">
        <Requires SimVar="AIRSPEED INDICATED" Units="KNOTS">
            <Range UpperBound="40"/>
        <WwiseRTPC SimVar="AIRSPEED TRUE" Units="KNOTS" Index="0" RTPCName="SIMVAR_AIRSPEED_TRUE"/>
        <WwiseRTPC LocalVar="Canopy Lever" Units="BOOLEAN" Index="0" RTPCName="DCDESIGNS_LOCALVAR_CANOPY_LEVER" RTPCAttackTime="0.5" RTPCReleaseTime="1.0"/>
    <!-- Engine 2 interior -->
    <Sound WwiseData="true" EngineIndex="2" WwiseEvent="JetWhine" CustomSuffix="int" ConeHeading="0" RPMMin="1" ViewPoint="Inside">
        <WwiseRTPC SimVar="AIRSPEED TRUE" Units="KNOTS" Index="0" RTPCName="SIMVAR_AIRSPEED_TRUE"/>
    <Sound WwiseData="true" EngineIndex="2" WwiseEvent="JetWhine" CustomSuffix="int_opening" ConeHeading="0" RPMMin="1" ViewPoint="Inside">
        <Requires SimVar="AIRSPEED INDICATED" Units="KNOTS">
            <Range UpperBound="40"/>
        <WwiseRTPC SimVar="AIRSPEED TRUE" Units="KNOTS" Index="0" RTPCName="SIMVAR_AIRSPEED_TRUE"/>
        <WwiseRTPC LocalVar="Canopy Lever" Units="BOOLEAN" Index="0" RTPCName="DCDESIGNS_LOCALVAR_CANOPY_LEVER" RTPCAttackTime="0.5" RTPCReleaseTime="1.0"/>

Could you please have a look ???

The sound files are created by Sim Acoustics and as such I do not have any knowledge of how they work other than my own tinkering with WWise prior to hiring Sim Acoustics.

It is essential that any changes you make are for your personal use only. Distribution of any changes would be against the law.

Agree, private use only

If I send an email to Sim Acoustics, and ask them for help, do you think they would help me?

Im considering buying this. I rememeber when this first got released and how there were som performance issues and lack of certain items needed for a close to realiatic experience. How has it matured now? Is it vastly improved? Looking for user experience and input.

I’ve just had what I think is probably the best flight I’ve had yet in this simulator. Its a beautiful evening here in Edinburgh and across the UK so I took off from Edinburgh airport in the F-15 and flew all the way up to the North West tip of Scotland and back. Absolutely incredible. People who say military jets have no place in this flight simulator just totally miss the point. They’re so much fun and open up all sorts of possibilities. This simulator just keeps taking my breath away.

Here’s some pictures from my flight.


Lovely shots @Mobias7 ! :slight_smile:

A brief note here to say that I am planning the next round of updates for the F-15 Eagles to be released somewhere around mid-summer. There are a lot of changes going on behind the scenes with the sim at the moment so I want to hold fire for a little while until things settle down.

Main points for the upgrade are two minor bugs that have been noted - the rest is all about improvements:


Cockpits sometimes not visible in AI - cause found and fixed ( thanks @SilentG37 )
Flickering text textures in C/D cockpit - cause found, fix ready


LOD improvements
Performance improvements ( cockpit )
Texture improvements ( exterior models, decals )
Additional functionality ( more operable switches in the cockpit )
Switchable MFD displays ( same screens, but all available on all screens for user preference )

Further stuff will probably be added to this list, but this is where things stand at the moment :slight_smile:


Hi Dean, is the in game Marketplace version now up to date? The version shows as 1.0.4 in mine.

1.0.4 sounds like the latest version to me :slight_smile:

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