DC Designs - F-15 Strike Eagle (C, D, E & I)

Dean, you’re the best

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1.0.3 is shown as the latest version when I check Just Flight

That’s odd, as JF sell the same version on their own store as the Marketplace - I wonder if the marketplace version really has been updated yet then?

When was the 1.0.4 version, updated ??
I can’t see it

The Marketplace version on mine definitely says 1.0.4, to the extent that is helpful.

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What’s new, on the 1.0.4 ???

I downloaded the updated one from JF yesterday. Installer filename, installer UI and manifest.json all say 1.03.

I suspect that this is nothing more than a version mix up and that both versions are indeed the latest. If the Transponder knobs in the F-15D work, you’re on the latest version as that was the very last thing I fixed before sending.

I love what is done with the new version… cockpit view

anyone else is experiencing this?

and rear view…

I would try to reinstall the jet, possibly a corrupt file? Or if you are running any old mods for the f-15 in your community folder that haven’t been updated for the new jet version, it will cause this.
I have not heard of anyone else having this issue, so my first guess is install issue/ compatibility.

bought via FS store

Flew both the C and E variant and noticed the C is much more stable than the E after the latest MSFS patch. Still couldn’t land either without violent bouncing. Has Microsoft/Asobo acknowledged that there is a bug in the current flight model?

Answers are all contained within the forum topic. Hope this helps.

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reinstalling didn’t help

See Silent’s post above, it’s something to do with the Microsoft install process - it creates what we like to call the “Stealth Eagle” - so stealthy, it’s not even there :slight_smile:

Removing the suggested folder and re-starting the sim should sort it for you :+1:

yeah I saw it, didn’t help either…

It will be something like that, maybe a PC re-boot or something as well? There’s nothing wrong with the Eagles themselves, and it’s very hard to trouble-shoot the Microsoft installer as well as quite annoying that this happens to folks who buy the aircraft direct off the marketplace - you’d think MS would have got their own package compiler right!

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I’m reinstalling FS2020

Going nuclear may be a wee bit drastic