Not right now, but I’m thinking that an extra viz code for the internal crew based on station payload weight ( one each for pilot and WSO ) will do the trick nicely for the next update.
Hope this quick guide could help (sorry for my english).
Quick guide for radionav (important: this is valid when you have not loaded a flight plan and you want to follow VORS):
- Look for a button under the keypad called NAVRAD, it has a tooltipe:
- Now enter a VOR or ILS frequency with the keypad using dots. For example: 114.15 (Almeria’s VOR freq in my case. I obtained it through google just typing “Almeria VOR ILS”):
- And now, depending if is VOR or ILS use the button L1 or button L3 in the left (this is valid also for ADF freqs, just entering and ADF through keypad and using L5 button works):
Now you have set a vor frequency, and it will shows on the MFD screen (VOR MODE), you can adjust the course deviation by CRS knob now.
Be sure when you are using VOR freqs, that you are in NAV mode and not GPS if you want AP following it. At this current state you can also activate LNAV button and use CRS knob to adjust AP course and the AP will do the required route corrections.
Hope this helps, anyway, i’m actively improving the code to do this easily, for example, when you set an active VOR freq, the FMC would automatically switch to NAV mode and viceversa and you not worrying again about being in NAV or GPS (until then, NAV/GPS button is your friend).
BTW: these are the buttons that works in NAVRAD:
Thanks for this, CodenameJack447. Will give it a try next time I’m flying - after 3 weeks of cold and rain we’ve been promised a few hot days so I have to enjoy the outside while I can!
Love the new features in the update. I seem to be doing something wrong in my cold start ups. I turn on engine 2 first and after it spools up it just cuts off. Engine 1 starts up ok though. I didn’t have this issue in the older version. I’ve followed the manual but I can’t see what I’m doing wrong. Can anyone help a failing F-15 pilot here?
I’ve managed to put in the VORs but now I can’t do anything with the Comms. How do I display them? Sorry for the silly questions but this is very different to what I’m used to and it doesn’t play nice with SIM dashboard any more that I use on an old Android Tablet - this was how I set up VORs and Comms.
This is in the F15E.
So I was thinking… you know what would be nice for the future? For the gauge to have labels for the soft keys below (FD, etc) - that way the user could clearly see on the screen the function of buttons below and not have to rely on tooltips. Same could be done in terms of the switch labels underneath the physical dials on the left console that control range, radar etc… Get rid of that TRANSPONDER label on top and label those individual dials underneath (or on top) that would show their true designation in the latest version of the aircraft.
i have reasigned the comms displays here until i can bring them to the NAVRAD:
left is Active and right Stby.
I apologize because as we said, this update was an emergency and we have not been able to implement everything as we would like, but, either we did it or we basically ran out of usable panels.
The idea is that both communications and transponder freq can also be tuned from radionav.
What I am trying to tell you is that xml panels (the old panels so to speak) are no longer an option, but we have not had the material time to organize everything as it was thought. I understand that these changes are a setback for some, but seriously, there were no more options
I think the changes are good in the long-run. Thanks for rescuing the aircraft from an unintended grounding.
Hey Mobias, the cold & dark procedure has not changed, i have reviewed it just now, also i added the emergency switch, which in principle is intended for emergency starts in air below 15000ft but you can test it on the ground to see how the automatic procedure is, so you can do it manual:
Engine 1:
Engine two:
All worky worky and the emergency switch get back to off position as soon as it detects combustion in both engines:
Brilliant! That worked. Cheers.
Quick question. The MS Marketplace sill shows the 1.04 version and I think it was mentioned the marketplace is slow for updates from developers in general. Just didn’t want to miss anything, but is everyone else who bought form the market place still not seeing the update?
Microsoft’s team know about the update and have been asked to hurry it along, but we can’t say when they will clear it as the do indeed seem to be very slow with these things.
All cockpit switches and buttons etc will be tool-tipped and put in line with the new displays by the next update, which won’t be too far away - we just had to get things working in a basic fashion ready for Sim Update 5 to avert disaster.
Thanks Dean for the confirmation. Can’t wait to download the update.
that’s not how the red flashing lights should look at all!! but then if you like them then that’s up to you, maybe look at some real videos
You must get zero sleep! Always making new improvements, great additions!
well im glad you removed it and listened
Still really enjoying these jets, thank you. Also thanks to those contributing to the mods, they are fantastic.
I saw a while back you were developing a Concorde, is this still the plan or have you abandoned the project due to the incomplete SDK?
Concorde is next up after the Tomcats