I notice the display screens in the F-15e cockpit are different on the xbox than on pc. In particular, while the pc features text displayed in red, blue and green, everytibg is green for the xbox version. Is that simply a limitation of the xbox screen configurations?
Sorry, I think you are somewhat confused. The screens are now all “lime” color based text on all versions as we transitioned to the MPCD system. The previous screens were of the airliner type and we have already removed them.
Thanks for the explanation. Yes, the ‘pc’ version of the cockpit screens I waa referring to was based on the screenshots I saw in the manual.
Specifically, it was the up front control panel that had red text in the manual, and the engine info in the panel on the lower right had blue text. Those are both consistent with f-15e cockpits i see online, but do newer f15e cockpits have all green displays?
Interesting. Thanks again, and I appreciate your attention to the details.
Fantastic screenshots!
If only i could put my caputures from xbox to here.
Had a few laps round, several sub 3mins.
Refuel at Valley then back to Lakenheath as the sun goes down.
@DEAN01973 any update on the sound for multiplayer?
It’s been added.
Do you mean that it has been added for the next update? Was flying last night with a friend and sounds no different. Playing on Xbox
It’s been added but update not yet sent to vendors, probably will be done within a few days.
Awesome thanks anything else we can look forward to in the update? Maybe Asobos visual effect for afterburner cone that you also just added to the F16?
Yes that’s there too, just got to find time to finish off some other stuff
Awesome work thank you Dean
@DEAN01973 looking forward to the next update will it also include the ability to save mirrors on? Annoying having to turn them on at the start of every flight