DC Designs F-15

Hi ,just installed the new version and tried a quick flight. Couple of things i noticed were the approach speed E bracket no longer displays on the HUD and heading bug still missing. Not sure if heading bug was meant to be fixed on this update. Aircraft flies really nicely and improvements noticeable. I deleted the original version 1.0 before installing version 2.0 and deleted the mod folder 1.8g. Is this correct ?
Thanks for this update, enjoy flying this very much.

okay let me know whats your experience.

Just had a quick go. The in cockpit FPS problem seems fixed. 35 - 40FPS now. Was about 15 - 20 before. Great news!

Cheers Dean. Now to have a lot of fun in VR.

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Thatā€™s better than the 1st released but with the 1.7beta mod from @CodenameJack447, itā€™s really better than this updateā€¦ (I said the 1.7beta cause AP works well on it, I tried the last update from @CodenameJack447 and it will be ā€œperfectā€ if the AP works well).

Did we can put back the mads without problems ?

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I spoke about the flight model, taxi etcā€¦ but the textures are now better, good works @DEAN01973 :slight_smile:

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you can remove my mods guys! 1.8gā€™s flight model and engines have been added to the base update. :smiley:


Lol so I can put back the 1.7beta ?! :upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

i donā€™t downloaded it yet to give you a reply

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Iā€™m trying now and let you know

Keep posting here with reports on the FPS issue, thatā€™s the most important one for me at the moment. The F-15C and D should all be fine now. The F-15E and I are the ones with all the glass screens and itā€™s those that are the big issue for MSFS - they should be better, but not as good as the C/D models yet.

Heading bug is being added in the next update to the F-15C/D HSI, hopefully along with a solution to why the avionics can detect VOR / DME / ILS data but the deviation needles / ILS beams donā€™t respond. Second update is planned for maybe a weekā€™s time or so.


Do I have to delete the original install from JustFlight or just go ahead and download again ?

So it brakes the AP on the F-15I whatever it works well before with the 1.7betaā€¦ arffff

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Just download again, the installer automatically updates your Eagles.

Cheers Dean

Why are the gauges still all in bmp format? I now tested against the old build and there is no to very little improvement in FPS for me.

I had the same issue it was only when I started from a runway not parking spot. Thanks

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Because PNG projection gauges do not work when it comes to images. MSFS does not support XML code for gauges very well, despite it being the main method of coding gauges in FSX and ( later ) P3D for the past 15 or so years. Ultimately, I will probably have to learn to code everything in HTML for proper performance gains in any aircraft with glass screens.

Still working on this though. Iā€™ve broken through many other barriers so if thereā€™s a solution, I will find it. The F-15C and D should be running at full performance, only the E and I still slow things down, and not as badly as before.

Which issue, the navigation one?

Looking forward to better coded gauges I will disable them again for now for better FPS.

Out of curiosity - on my machine, a GTX1080 with 16GB RAM, I can see the FPS drop from 60 outside to 30-35 inside the F-15E, but I barely notice it, things remain silky smooth as itā€™s faster still in frames than the human eye can detect. This remains the same in VR ( Oculus Rift ).

What is it that happens on your machine that makes it so slow? Are your settings too high perhaps or something? Just interested to find out why some people have no issues at all with the F-15E / I while others do.