DC Designs F-15

you install the update

I think there’s now a animated water mod for Niagra? Been meaning to check that out.

good morning people, what do you think about these lights location?




Looks fine to me Jack :+1:

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That looks spot on to me. The landing light is approximately twice the diameter of the taxi light :+1:

Exactly as on the real bird.

Thanks Both of you!

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Has the POV camera changed in the F-15C since the first release? The pilot feels low and the HUD feels canted away from the pilot. I’m finding it really difficult to use and have to sit higher than normal and move my head closer to the HUD with my trackIR to read it. The green text also tears really badly and is illegible most of the time. I have taken a screenshot and compared it with DCS to show what I mean. I feel like i’m on top of the aircraft and looking right through the HUD in DCS but I don’t get that feeling here.

Are you using any mod here?

Nothing. I was running you mod 1.8 but I took all your mods out of the community folder as I just got round to downloading version 2.0 today. I wanted to see what the stock version was like. I think it was fine before but I could be wrong

my mod has its proper cameras.cfg

i included them in the revision update:

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anyway, there’s a workaround for everyplane in msfs2020:

in cameras.cfg the first thing you see is:

eyepoint=-8.2, -0.00, 3.70 ; (feet) longitudinal, lateral, vertical distance from reference datum

eyepoint=Z, X, Y ; (feet) longitudinal, lateral, vertical distance from reference datum

Z= longitudinal axis (you can change how fowarded or backwarded position you want the camera)
X= lateral axis (left, right position of the camera)
Y= vertical (height of the camera)

Since is a personal preference maybe you find the best setting that fits your likings.


This is perfect!! Cheers!

Has anyone figured out why AP stopped working on the F-15? Any fixes? Driving me nuts…

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I think Track IR has settings for tuning the head location? Maybe not per jet though?

The landing lights look great? Are those in the last mod? Or will be in the next one?

Nevermind, found the file with the lights.

Would you like to have a pilot body, from the cockpit view, guys?
Something like the F18 from DCS World.
Off topic : Please vote here, guys, for the flyby view

I wish I knew too! Working on a fix for this for the next update, hopefully next Friday.

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