DC Designs F-15

Thank you very much Severus! And coming from you it means a lot! I am glad to see how little by little you are all joining contributing and enjoining this. your involvement in this project makes this improve faster. The merit is yours.

Thanks everyone!

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Could be the Technik-Museum Speyer

Lockheed F-104 G | Technik Museum Speyer (technik-museum.de)

Hi Everyone! was having PM with @HauptmannK about AP, so let’s see if we can figure out the root of the issue with Autopilot.

I can confirm the AP is working through attached keys to my keyboard. Honestly i don’t know if they work through virtual cockpit switches since for me (personally) it is not practical with any msfs2020 aircraft, but I understand that you want a working cabin with working keys. In that regard, I cannot do much more than diagnose what is happening and offer the raw solution .

Said this, i have attached the keys to my numeric keyboard (just for the example, bind your keys the way you like):

7: decrease altitude / 8: hold alt / 9: increase altitude
4: decrease vs / 5: hold vs / 6 increase vs

AP master enable/disable button, NAV hold, YD or HDG is attached to my joystick’s buttons.

So, i press AP master and press hold altitude (key 8), now i increase/decrease the altitude i want to reach with 7/9 keys, and press VS hold (key 5), and control the VS speed i want it climbs or descend by keys 4/6. The aircraft have to reach the altitude i selected previously and it will automatically decrease VS when reaching the desired altitude. For example if you selected 9000fpm VS to just climb 500ft, the aircraft will trespass the desired altitude but it automatically will detect the error and will compensate VS until reach the desired altitude (How aggressive or gentle the AP is in correcting the error are specified by the PID values ​​of the autopilot and this is not universal because of many factors involved, so you cannot copy vl-3, cj4 or tbm 930 ai.cfg file and expect it working like a charm, because it is not :)).

If you want to select a new altitude the process is practically the same (no need disable AP master, unless you need to do crazy manouvers).

Yesterday i was testing dynamic pressure and thrust force between diferent altitudes using the AP without problems (10000ft, 20000ft, 30000ft, 62000ft
). The max altitude value i set in my mod was 62000ft to respect the service ceiling.

Feel free to try it, and let me know how it works.


Hi Jack, I have been following but am confused as to what I take out or what I install into the Community folder. Could you please clarify. Sorry I’m a pita
Thanks much! I’d like to experience this aircraft in it’s most perfect form.

No worries, i apologize since my English is not good enough so, sometimes i can create more confusion than being helpful.


  • First of all, once you download any mod of mine you have to rename from *.pln to *.rar and access the content.

  • Access community folder and you will find dcdesigns-aircraft-f15, that’s the stock product so you don’t have to do anything with it (never touch it).

  • Drop my folder included in the rar file to the root community folder. For example dcdesigns-aircraft-f15_rev_1.10_beta_rc1 folder should be seen in community folder as follows:


There shouldn’t be any previous versions of mine or another mods for f-15 installed to avoid conflicts in files, unless they were liveries and such, for example, in case you previously had the 1.01f you have to remove it before install a new version:

  • Once done, Load the game and that’s all :slight_smile:
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Hi jack,

I tried your last mod yesterday night, all is prefect for fliying:)) thank you so much.

But, (there is alaway a but:)) I can’t change the altitud with AP and ALT actived.
So i changed the system.cfg of [dcdesigns-Aircraft-f15_rev_1.10_beta_rc1.pnl with system.cfg of 1.7beta witch is great for me:))
I don’t use yet the VS.

I don’t know why the other mod doesn’t fine, but with this method, it’s fine and so good.

Thank’s all for help

Olaf thank you but

The problem doing that is that each aircraft has different electronics systems and it will make some switches not working, or the aircraft not starting in cold and dark, so is not a good solution since systems.cfg from AP 1.7 beta is based in the 1.0 version and not 2.0 update.

In systems.cfg what regards to autopilot is this section (this is the 1.7 beta version):

autopilot_available = 1
flight_director_available = 0
default_vertical_speed = 1800.0
autothrottle_available = 0
autothrottle_arming_required = 0
autothrottle_max_rpm = 99
autothrottle_takeoff_ga = 0
autothrottle_managed_by_plane = false
pitch_takeoff_ga = 8
max_pitch = 25.0
max_pitch_acceleration = 1.0
max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt = 2.0
max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt = 1.5
max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt_breakpoint = 20000.0
max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt_breakpoint = 28000.0
max_bank = 65
auto_max_bank = 1
auto_max_bank_table = 0:65, 332:55, 381:45
auto_max_bank_min_alt = 200
auto_max_bank_min_alt_angle = 8
max_bank_acceleration = 5
max_bank_velocity = 10
max_throttle_rate = 0.15
yaw_damper_gain = 1.0
min_vertical_speed_ref = -8000
max_vertical_speed_ref = 6000
min_altitude_ref = 0
max_altitude_ref = 50000
min_IAS_ref = 300
max_IAS_ref = 1350
min_Mach_ref = 0.400
max_Mach_ref = 2.950
default_pitch_mode = 1
default_bank_mode = 0
min_flight_time_for_ap = 5
english_VS_increment = 50
use_no_default_bank = 0
use_no_default_pitch = 0
min_feet_ra_for_ap = -1000
altitude_english_slow_increment = 100
altitude_english_fast_increment = 200
altitude_english_fastest_increment = 1000
altitude_metric_slow_increment = 50
altitude_metric_fast_increment = 100
altitude_metric_fastest_increment = 1000

So if you say this is working for you, the best you can do is replace this specific part on systems.cfg but not the entire file. This way you will have 1.7 AP beta working but without affecting rest of electronical switches. Each aircraft has its own system.cfg file, and the F15-E system.cfg won’t work properly in the F15-C for example.

The only significant difference i’m noticing between versions is this (you can compare the files):

flight_director_available = 0 in 1.7beta

flight_director_available = 1 newer versions

So maybe Flight director available is what could be causing the issue

You could try to set flight_director_available = 0 and check if that fix the issue

Anyway i don’t think a fighter should equip Flight director system

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I’m gonna try that. Thanks so much.

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This is the 1st time so no other file is in there except original f15.

Then you will do fine :smiley:

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will an update to ms2020 upset your mod?

Nah i don’t think so, but don’t worry about that since i will provide a quick solution if that’s happening.

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Fine, i try it tonight😉

Hey @CodenameJack447 just catching up on about 4 days worth of updates in this thread. I’ll try the autopilot tonight with your latest mod and let you know (since I do the exact same as you do for AP and VS +/-, etc.)

Hello everyone,

Procedure :

  • ALT AP
  • Select altitude
  • VS AP
  • Select VS

Like that, it will run well

Have a nice day

OK, so @CodenameJack447 I downloaded your latest mod version, placed it in my community folder and deleted any older mod versions AS WELL AS the file you gave me for autopilot (it was its own folder). And I can report that AP is not working like it used to.

I took off and maintained 4,000 ft. Selected AP, then Alt Hold, Then increased my altitude to 10,000 and increased positive veritcal speed to about 1500 and the plan stays level the entire time.

A few weeks ago, you had it solved so that we could climb or descend as much as we wanted while on AP.

Also, here are the two files I use now per Jack in my community folder:


just tried the identical setup that you described here (same keys assigned) - it works :slight_smile:
What I was trying to use (like the available buttons in the airliners) is the FLCH (flight level change) command. I know that all this AP stuff is not native to the combat aircrafts, but is handy for sight seeing flights 

So, basically FLCH works upwards but not downwards - I have a working solution for now.

Thanks for the details


Good morning everyone!!!

Let’s get ready to flight with a new rev update.


In this update, and thanks for your help providing continuously feedback and severe hours of testing, we have focused on reviewing two fundamental aspects of the flight model: elasticity vs. dynamic pressure tables and the effectiveness scaling tables for elevator, aileron, rudder and elevator trim. To do this we established two phases: 1. v1.11_beta_rc1 to calibrate the elasticity vs dyn pressure curves and 2. v1.12_beta_rc1 to calibrate the scaling curves once we added the results from v1.11, which we have been testing with some of you in private. After see the positive feedback that both versions look to you and 1.12 being better than 1.11, I have decided to share the work in progress so the rest of you may test it as v1.13.

  • The elasticity curves have allowed to modify the reactive behavior of the plane when it is subjected to different dynamic pressures, for this purpose, we shaped a curve based in 4 different points for pitch, roll and yaw: parked, takeoff / landing, cruise and max cruise. In short, you will notice how the plane offers more resistance to movement depending on its speed as well as its altitude between the minimum and maximum values ​​between 0psf and 3000psf.

  • Regarding the aileron, rudder and elevator scaling curves, what has been tried is to further tunning the sensitivity curves, that is: how the plane reacts according to the different input values ​​of your flightisck (or gamepad even). Since msfs2020 went on sale, the most common annoyance you have reported is how sensitive any aircraft behaves even in the most central settings of your flightstick (usually the rudder). This is not a bug, but the standard flight models that asobo set use the same linear value “0:1”. Hence, the aircraft behaves unrealistically and you depend about game settings to calibrate the dead zones and the joystick sentivity. I have tried with your reports to go a step further by setting different curves directly on the flight model:

The result is translated into a more agile and aerobatic aircraft, allowing extreme maneuvers with high AOA values ​​but at the same time avoiding to be nervous in the central levels, giving a feeling of control in each moment (although the maximum G’s still need to be tuned above mach 1+ speeds).

  • In what regards to the engine, I set a thrust loss ceiling again above the 62000ft ceiling.

  • In the AP field, I have observed that some of you love the 1.7beta version and at the same time you have verified that in the newer versions the AP works, just in a different way. The conclusion that I draw about your feedback is that both versions are equally valid but they works in a different way between them: one is more common in private jets and the another one in commercial airlines. So for this version I have included AP 1.7beta version separately, you can switch between versions to choose whatever you like.

That’s all for now.

The people directly involved to make possible this revision update with feedback and testing have been: SilentG37, DEAN01973, PridedThread577, jdiegel54, SeverusAviaton, NYZ06000, DUKE7483958, Aviattore7040, Mattalaraka974, Dylanear, HauptmannK, olaf65 and more people. My greetings to all of you.

And my greetings to everyone because, is thanks to all of you whose with your contributions about different aspects and deposited passion, makes the Eagles keep getting better and better.

Glad to see the community that being created around this F15

  • Instructions.
  1. delete all my previous mods installed from the root community folder.

  2. rename from *.pln to *.rar.

  3. Select just one of the two folders included in the package and drop into your community folder:

         dcdesigns-aircraft-f15_rev_1.13_rc  or 
         dcdesigns-aircraft-f15_rev_1.13_rc_+AP_1.7_beta (if you want 1.7 beta AP 
         based version) 

dcdesigns-aircraft-f15_rev_1.13_rc.pln (288.8 KB)

Best regards.


Just can’t wait to get home, later in the evening
Thank you so much, Jack

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My wife : " F15 or me? Please make a decision!!!"

Me : " Be quiet, please, you’re the co-pilot, we both enjoy the F15 D"

Just kidding :grin: