DC Designs F-15

I used the F-15E with autopilot to achieve the “frequent flyer miles” - going at up to Mach 2.8 @FL520. I did of course do some sort of “aerial refueling” …

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Very nice, as always, thank you Jack and many thanks for all users that give to jack, a feedback.

Wonderfull F-15 !!

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Sorry so much! :slight_smile:

we will have to review the drag curve so that it does not exceed 2.6+

Ok I’m trying the 1.13 version with the AP of the 1.7beta and it looks like has good as before (with the 1.7beta). Put AP ALT and it increase/decrease automatically. But you can increase decrease more the VS with VS up or VS down. My question is (Jack you said me to try something else before), the VS can’t go upper than 3 000ft/m and the altitude max is 50 000.

Can I change it without issue in the .cfg file ?

Best regards

min_altitude_ref = 0
max_altitude_ref = 62000

Do that in each system.cfg, don’t overwrite the files

I’m on cruise, I will try it soon. I think I remember this changes but thanks to let me know again. Send my feedback after trying but the AP works very well now, that’s a pleasure :wink:

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Thanks! Enjoy it! :slight_smile:

No need to be sorry - that was fun!! :smiley:

Mach 2.9 in horizontal flight - probably some special fuel or jet stream winds …

Of course I do :wink:

The same for me, M 2.9 but I’m about 1595kts, so it’s not Mach 2.9, it’s about mach 2.4

Umm, is the altimeter calibrated and such?

Yes it is calibrate


i’m using the F-15C and:

Hi Jack,

not sure if you know this already:

May be a source for corner speeds dependent on version, altitude, and especially load.

i have this pendant to find but:

Should be a correct one?

jack what’s the biggest difference between the AP in 1.13 and 1.13 + 1.7 AP?

I think is flight director.

Anyway and just if you are curious about it:

The biggest difference is that you put AP ALT and you choose your altitude and then the aircraft goes automaticaly to reached the new alt.

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I’m still looking for a better envelope.
The F-15E (clean) has, due to the conformal tanks, a higher drag than the C version. For the resulting max. speeds this is compensated by the more powerful version of the PW F-100 of the E. A clean F-15E is even faster than a clean C.
The difference of clean and full load should be more significant, I’m sure a fully loaded F-15E doesn’t fly Mach 2.

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I prefer the dcdesigns-aircraft-f15_rev_1.13_rc mod
Myself and @DUKE7483958 just completed a formation (kind of) low level VFR flight from RAF Lakenheath over the home of Capt Sir Tom Moore who recently passed away. In 2020, in the run up to his 100th birthday he raised over £30M for the NHS.
RIP Capt Sir Tom Moore.
Here we are arriving back at Lakenheath.