DC Designs F-15

Nice mate :+1: Was a bit messy (my fault) but it was good fun nonetheless. Wanted to say goodbye to a real legend :+1: God rest his soul :pray:


Well done chaps, good to see you flying in MSFS for a good cause as well as for entertainment! Good also to see those LODs are behaving a bit better since the first udpate.

Second update due within a few days now for the Eagles :+1:


Stupid question. how do i install the updates?

  1. Download the update
  2. Replace ending .pln by ending .rar
  3. Unpack
  4. Copy the package into community folder (original aircraft version 2 must remain in community folder)

Und wo finde ich die Updates? Bei Just Flight?

Official Updates are published by JustFlight

You will always get a mail when an update is about to be released.


Du bekommst auch immer eine Mail wenn ein Update kurz vor der Veröffentlichung steht. Im Fall der F15 sind wird jetzt bei der Version 0.2.0 und die brauchst du auch wenn du z.B. meine oder andere Liveries benutzen willst. Das FileSystem wurde mit 0.2.0 verĂ€ndert und somit wĂŒrden die Liveries mit der alten Version 0.1.0 gar nicht laufen.

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I mainly fly the C variant, but for some reason I’m struggling to maintain level flight, constantly having to trim to stay level, the ALT Hold switch don’t seem to do anything or am I missing something?

Hi @NeilPearlJam make sure to engage the AP master first:
note: currently the switches are flipping back to “off” position - you can see the currently active AP options on the right panel:
ALT hold and NAV hold in this case

Screenshots from the F-15 E


Nice feedback!

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Thx for the nice mod CodenameJack447 :+1:

I added two more Liveries (30 - 65 and 30 - 29) for the “Taktische Luftwaffengeschwader 31 - Boelcke” for people who want to fly in a squad. Download here:


Nice liveries :+1: I don’t suppose you’d be interested in doing some Royal Air Force squadron ones for the Typhoon, would you?

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Never say never
 but let us talk here only about the F-15 this otherwise only confuses.
Next step, i would like to finish my work on the special editions.

and a oldschool version (back to the eighties :sweat_smile: )

or maybe older

:sweat_smile: -we will see-


Dumb question, do I require other players to have the same mod installed for them to show up as F-15, if they use the DC Design base package? Or will they show as F-15 regardless of the mod?

They have to have the same product to see you, and for you to see them.

The question was whether using the mod posted here in the thread makes it a different product in the game’s perspective or not.

The mod doesn’t make it a different product.
If you fly with other then included liveries they might see you as another plane when they don’t have extra liveries installed.

An entirely other plane, or just the a different livery (e.g. the default one)? Former would be an odd choice for the game to do.

–edit: Just wondering, because I have spent quite some hours in the air lately, most around hotspots, and only spotted an F-15 once. Despite supposedly being popular. And I’m playing with the All Players setting.

The sim will default to livery #1 if it cannot see any others that you might possess, as far as I know. The mods themselves make no difference to the base package.

It is a odd choice but the game does that a lot it seems ,for single engine pistons it’s usually a default colored bonanza and for the F-15 a default jet with 2 engines (CJ4 probably)
I don’t understand why this happens because there should be a working fallback system for liveries that should prevent this from happening but it seems (intermittently) broken in the sim. (I did quite some testing on this problem with all kind of planes)