DC Designs F-15

Is there an update for the F15 ??

Scroll up the thread, CodenameJack447 is posting/updating a mod with improvements that you can install in addition to the original F-15 plane.

That explains that A320 lookalike with a green tail I keep seeing everywhere.

I mean, official update.
By the way, Iā€™m using right now the latest mod from Jack, it feels great, so far
Thank you

Sorry to have not published anything lately in what regards to mods @Aviattore7040 . but we need to take things more carefully since 1.13

In what regards to official updates is expected one by Dean the next week, I donā€™t want to anticipate much to keep the surprise, but I have seen some improvements in the F15 that you will like a lot!

: D


Thank you so much

Amazing work to all the F-15 developers/moddersā€¦ thank you!


For what itā€™s worth, just flew the F-15 and hereā€™s the issues I have w/ AP:

The VS doesnā€™t seem to track. I turned on AP Master, then turned on ALTā€¦ then cranked altitude dial up to around 15,000ft with a VS setting of about 4000ft/mā€¦ yet it barely gained altitude (it was climbing, but not at 4ft/m VS). Thoughts?

Guys, thank you very much to bring this plane in a flying state I enjoy! Great work on you all. Makes us happy!

Hi @moxiejeff!

I need more data:

  • Are you using dcdesigns-aircraft-f15_rev_1.13_rc or dcdesigns-aircraft f15_rev_1.13_rc_+AP_1.7_beta?

  • When you press ap master, alt hold, set your altitudeā€¦ do you press vs hold before increase decrease VS?


Glad you are enjoyning it!

The new revision (theoretically 1.14, before the official update), will include specific improvements for the engines, weight corrections and aerodynamics fixes in the flight model and a new more realistic drag curve.

@SilentG37, @SeverusAviaton and me have joined forces to recreate the PW-100-200 (C / D) and PW-200-229 (E / I) engines as realistic as possible. Also taking references from @jdiegel54 we want to make a more precise flight envelope (no anymore mach 2.9 at 52000ft), so the Eagles will be capable to reach mach 2.5 of course, but for this it will be required not to carry a lot of fuel or full payload to achieve it (overall you can but the time required will be higher). Weight more than ever will play a higher role in the trust / weight ratio. Likewise, more AOA from 8 degrees to landing will be needed if you are heavily loaded with weight.

Version 1.13 will remain as an arcade experience (Forza Horizon Experience) compared to what weā€™re preparing.
We hope you like it, as soon as we have it ready, We are never satisfied with our progress and therefore we wonā€™t stop learning and improving the Eagles.

Take care!


Hi looking forward to the next revision and update. Doesnā€™t the AOA on approach stay the same regardless of weight ? The AOA sets the speed and power changes the flight path so a heavier aircraft will need more power to maintain the required flight path but the AOA stays the same ( 8 ). I may be wrong on this but this is how I understood it.

Thatā€™s the part i forgot to mention, and this is when you enter in scene @PridedThread577. Your expertise will be neccesary to calibrate the changes made :slight_smile:

At low weight it keeps asking 8 AOA as you say, but at 100% full weight and fuel the E ask for 9 - 9.5 AOA, data providen by SDK in real time.

I am not a pilot, but as I understand many planes need to discharge fuel to land, I understand that it is like that in the airliners, but in the fighters I donā€™t know, I think is the same, or at least the sim understands it as the normal behaviour.

F15E empty weight will be 31700lbs and 84000 gross weight according the real life, while F15C will remain 28000/54000, so that difference will play a role.

I will pm you soon!

1.14 release date ?
:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Soon I hope! :smile:


By the way, Jack, I was pretty busy last week but I did test the 1.13, both, for about 10-12 hours.
The version without AP feels, imo, amazing.
I have a few wishes from Dean, but I guess this is not going to happen, actually isnā€™t important
1 - G breath when doing maneuvers at higher speed
2 - when turning my head, from the cockpit view, to the co-pilot ( or even from external view) he should do the THUMB UPā€¦ or something like thatā€¦
3 - more flexing wing movement

1 and 2 options idk, but the third option is always possible :smiley:

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You are correct, there is a maximum landing weight specific for each jet (25% fuel good ball park). That will keep the AOA more in line. Not sure a fighter can even land at 100% fuel weight.

If you are carrying armamentā€¦must land with fuel under 6000, or boomā€¦

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Hi [CodenameJack447],

I think [PridedThread577] may right concerning AOA. AOA is a pure aerodynamic value. If maximum allowed AOA is exceeded, the plane will stall, that means a sudden loss of lift. Maximal AOA is independend of weight.
An appropriate AOA for approach is independent of weight as well. A margin between actual AOA and maximum possible AOA must be maintained for safety reason (In private aviavion exceeding maximum AOA during approach is one of the most causes for deadly crashes).
A higher weight on approach must not reduce this safety margin.

Ok, but what is the influence of weight if itā€™s not on AOA?
At a higher weight you need a higher lift to compensate it.
This is the equation of lift for any aircraft:

L = (rho/2) * V**2 * Cl * A


L = lift
rho = air density (here considered as constant)
V = air speed
Cl = lift coefficient (a dimensionless aircraft constant)
A = reference area (a constant, normally the wing aera)

I.e. if a higher lift is needed due to higher weight, the only parameter which can be influenced be the pilot is the speed (V). Because the speed goes into the equation with the power of two, you would need factor 1.41 more speed for double weight.

Jack, you are right that commercial aircraft may have to dump fuel to reduce weight for landing. This is caused by the higher landing speed at high weight. There are structural limits (touch down speed in combination with weight) of the landing gear and there are runway length limits for braking distance.
I think most fighters can land at full weight, if runway is long enough. May be there are limits for carrier landings.