DC Designs F-15

Forgot to say: Version 1.3. is already very very good !!!

@NYZ06000, @jdiegel54 @Rozellespi, thanks for bringing some light on the matter.

Letā€™s see if I understand it: as we have it now with respect to version 1.13, with the internal tank at between 15% - 25% fuel, the aoa is still calibrated to land at 150kts with 8 AOA but with the tanks and payloads at maximum capacity (84000lb gross weight on the E), to make the landing with AOA 8 i would have to land at 169kts according to the simulator. Is like this IRL? makes sense? or shouldnā€™t this be so?


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For me these values look already very reasonable. In practice I have some dificulty approaching at 8 degrees because the nose is very high then and I canā€™t see the runway any more. A higher seating position would cause the HUD horizon line not matching the horizon any more. Thus, I mostly approach at approx. 6 degrees which results in a slightly higher speed and longer flatten out (which can be shortened by deploying the speed brake above the threshold). Anyway, it feels very realistic.

Hi, yes the F15E approach speed is higher than the F15C. As far as I can ascertain 180knts for the F15E and 150 for the F15 C. I quoted from an incident report which gave these speeds in a post a few weeks back. So if the sim is asking for 169 knts for the F15 E at AOA 8 that is not far from correct.
Hope that helps.

I wasnā€™t entirely right when explaining the lift equation. Upon writing it I was wondering whereā€™s the AOA in the equation. Of course Itā€™s in.

The lift coefficient Cl isnā€™t a contstant but is almost linearily dependent on AOA (limited by stall AOA) but independent of weight.
That means the lift needed for higher weight can be compensated either by higher AOA or higher speed.
However, in practice the saftey margin to stall must be considered.

Tell me when I become boring.


I read somewhere that 18 units AOA is the maximum an aircraft can attain before it stalls. Your graph seems to show that

Hello, Iā€™m working on metallic liveries, for my virtual company, and Iā€™m encountering small problems with the bump files which are in very low resolution and frankly not very good to exploit them, would it be possible that you provide us with a paint kit version a little pushed, it would save me from having to redo them myself even if you had them in your possession? In any case thank you for your work on this aircraft and the supply of a basic paint kit, I had to do a lot of things to get a more advanced paint kit, if you had other sources for the paint kit to go a little further to make quality liveries Iā€™m a buyer. Although this is secondary to the flight models and systems.


Regards SFX


Those are some beautiful repaints! :slight_smile:

Iā€™m afraid that the entire texture and paint kit was originally created for FSX and Prepar3D and as such, there is no alternative or higher-res paints available. This was partly to help the many existing re-painters who had created so much texture art easily transfer their work into MSFS. One thing that you could try is raising the size of the source normal maps to 4096, just to see if that helps with creating a finer edge to the maps.

Future aircraft will all have greater resolution as standard :+1:

Nope I canā€™t increase the resolution, itā€™s useless, I went to 4096 but the source is so ugly that itā€™s useless, Iā€™m trying to do it again, but I have a problem with the colors used.

Sorry to hear that, check the paint kit to see if you can increase the line and rivets layers to create new, better normals. Other than that, it would need the lines and rivets to be re-drawn, at least for the normals. Sorry I canā€™t help further, maybe there is another texture expert here who might be able to come up with a better solution.

The stall AOA depends on the airfoil and the wing geometry. The shown Clark Y airfoil seems to be representative for many aicraft.
Whatā€™s also interesting is the non linear drag coefficient curve. The drag rapidly goes up at high AOA.

The AOA 8 comes from the manual included with the aircraft . Where did this value come from? Not saying itā€™s incorrect but would be nice to verify the approach AOA of the F15C.

Yes thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing, but I canā€™t figure out which colors I should use, when I import it depending on the software Iā€™m using I have different colors, so then when I modify it, it creates a veil on the paint COMP, Iā€™ll try to figure out how to do it because Iā€™ve tried different methods without success, thanks for your advice.

@Sp3cialFx78, @DEAN01973, unfortunately thatā€™s not my field either, butā€¦ Is not possible to upscale a Low Res source by vectors?

If I can do it again by vector, my concern is that when applying the new bump it creates a veil on the metallic texture.

And I lose the original color, while Iā€™m not bothered with the original bump, there must be a trick or something to know that I canā€™t find.

Is like if it loses sharpness by doing that. Is pretty much the same when you play a psx emulator and you want to increase the 320x240 native resolution to fullhd. Some aliasing technique applied that makes the image blurry or unsharpened but not pixelated.

Good stuff, I can review the lift Vs aoa table curve, but thereā€™s no direct drag Vs aoa table in the flight model as far I can see, only drag coef 0 lift and the induced drag scalar, is indirectly calculated by other factors so probably I can build it properly if needed.

Jā€™ai trouvĆ© :smiley:

Before with Original

My New


Gorgeous!! :smiley:

No, thatā€™s not gorgeous
Thatā€™s f$&$#! $#ng gorgeous

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