DC Designs F-15

There’s some really weird shading on top of the intakes. Bad vertex normals again?

Wow those images are stunning ! Simply incredible

So exciting to see all the teamwork and incremental improvements !

This is really fun to fly. I wish I had a VR headset :slight_smile: )

Looks great, Sp3cialFx78!

I have my own plans for some 4k image based textures. Using the paint kit as a guide, but repainting any details/lines that don’t hold up well at 4k, etc. Just started a new job and sadly that has really dented my free time for the sim. Conversely, I’ll have money for add ons again!

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I gave in and picked this up, and it’s quite fun! Flies nice, looks pretty decent. There are definitely some rough edges, though.


  • the MFDs are actually bespoke and look plausible, about one million times better than the Eurofighter Typhoon disaster
  • rolls amazingly well, you can just flick the stick/yoke to the side and tumble like a butterfly doing evasive maneuvers
  • moves like nobody’s business, the engines pack a lot of kick
  • has a basic functional autopilot, should one wish to sometimes use it
  • looks pretty nice overall

The bad:

  • cockpit textures and details are a bit low res/poly
  • softkeys on MFDs don’t work, you only see the default page of anything? (I don’t know how the actual machines work, but there’s labeled buttons that you can’t press.)
  • I’m doubtful of the transsonic and supersonic behavior, it accelerates smoothly past M1.0 with no increase in buffeting or turbulence. Is this realistic?
  • I can’t turn the generators on. With my Honeycomb Alpha yoke there’s a switch for the alternator, which is on. If there’s another physical switch I have that controls the left and right gen switches, I can’t find it. If I click the virtual switches on with the mouse, they switch automatically back to off. With the F-15C and F-15D the avionics shut off after a few minutes because of this. F-15E and F-15I seem to survive longer, I have no idea why.
  • The autopilot has a major roll oscillation problem above M0.8, especially over M1.0. Don’t know if the autopilot is meant to be used supersonic, but it’s not behaving well in that case. :wink:
  • There’s no visible indicator of the altitude hold target?
  • The HUD has some visual issues with “smearing”, possibly related to TAA antialiasing?
  • Like the MB-339A there’s no way to edit the flight plan in the GPS in-flight. Probably realistic? Or maybe it wouldn’t even have that? Who knows.
    Overall though it moves nice, looks pretty nice, and fits the niche I bought it for. Not bad, and hopefully it’ll fix some of the bugs later.

Oh one other thing – the instrument panel view options seem odd; there’s no close-up on the HUD, and the side-panel views are at odd angles that don’t really give access to any of the switches. So I mostly use the high-level pilot view and kinda squint at the HUD, and use my POV hat to pan the view to access the side panel switches.

BIG update out by next week that fixes most of your observations, but some are down to the sim itself ( projected displays tearing - they’re clear in DAA mode, autopilot limitations, generators and so on ). Slightly low-res textures are down to the aircraft’s FSX / P3D heritage, gradually replacing them all. Glad you’re generally happy though! Custom sound also coming with the next update which really adds to the package :slight_smile:


Whats the reasoning behind that blueish color display on the right side of the panel, that looks like a watch that was not meant to get wet thats all fogged up?

All textures reworked in 4K, 3 covered versions F15-C/D/E one version for me and my outfit.



Anyone here use an XBox controller with the F-15? What do you use for controller sensitivity settings?

Please, please, please, upload this " BEAST"

Awesome, looking forward to the update! It’s a good add-on, and I’m thoroughly enjoying both flying it and researching the plane and the local Air National Guard fighter wing that flies them. :slight_smile:

" * I’m doubtful of the transsonic and supersonic behavior, it accelerates smoothly past M1.0 with no increase in buffeting or turbulence. Is this realistic?"

My understanding it yes, transition to supersonic flight is generally entirely uneventful to anyone inside the aircraft in modern supersonic jets.

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You are perfectly right !!

Great work on this Jet! I will be spending a lot of time in the skies above the UK this evening intercepting airliners (sorry folks)

As I said to you lots of time, many thanks tonton ^^

When is the official update 2.0 ?

That was posted yesterday? So I guess that means sometime in the next week-ish timeframe? Maybe by the 21st?

Will this incoming official update change the UVs, because I’ve finally put some time into making a high res, nicely layered version of the paint kit. Not sure when I’ll finish it, and I’ll probably just do the C, maybe D. But if it works well, and I get my system down, perhaps I’ll try to do the E and I? The panel lines will transfer over to a great degree from the D?

If the stock textures are going to get any major changes in the next official release, I probably should stop my current work until next week?

Goodnight everyone!!
I know you’ve been waiting for our news during days, so let’s go with what will be the last revision prior to the official update:


This update focuses its objective on the highest purest possible simulation with respect to version 1.13, for which @SilentG37, @SeverusAviaton and me, @CodenameJack447, have been working very hard for days, trying to recreate within the possibilities of the simulator and of the actual information and researches we have look for, the different engines for Models C / D and E / I. Likewise, the empty weights of each aircraft have been corrected, as well as the actual maximum quantities of internal and external fuel for each aircraft, thus achieving that each aircraft offers a unique and different experience, thus providing the added value that each model deserves. As I said in previous posts: The Thrust / Weight ratio will play a significant role more than ever in this review, because if you are heavily loaded with weight it will be more dangerous to make a landing than if you are unloaded, as in real life. As well as the maximum speeds and acceleration time will be affected by the weight. You will be able to do stunts with little weight, and you will be able to make long and calm trips without having to do many refuels (the consumptions will be reviewed in detail later, but they are quite successful).

  1. Models C / D:
  • max_gross_weight = 68000 pounds
  • empty_weight = 28000 pounds
  • Total Fuel = 25313 lb (3778 gal)
  • P & W-100-229 engine: static_thrust (military thrust) = 14590lbs per engine / 23635lbs full afterburner on
  • Recommended speed for landing with 20-25% fuel: 150-156kts AOA 8 degrees.
  1. Models E / I:
  • max_gross_weight = 81000 pounds
  • empty_weight = 31700 pounds
  • Total Fuel = 35028 lb (5220 gal)
  • P & W-200-229 engine: static_thrust = 17800lbs per engine / 29000lbs full afterburner on.
  • Recommended speed for landing with 20-25% fuel: 175-180kts AOA 8 degrees.

We have tried to recreate the flight envelope in detail to correct the different speeds that can be reached depending on the altitude and weight of the plane with respect to version 1.13. For this we have taken into account both the official documentation and we have even compared them with the DCS simulator to obtain the most accurate experience (I have never played DCS and I don’t think I will ever do so, since what has been achieved here is quite realistic ), doing tests with different weight loads. You will reach the maximum Mach speed in the range between 35000ft-45000ft:


Although MSFS does not support AB natively, that has not stopped us, so after long hours of debate, the solution has been to set the maximum of Static Thrust between 76%-79% throttle. Afterburner engages at 80% throttle giving full power at 100% throttle for both models. The change in thrust will be quite noticeable when you activate the AB regarding military trust.

Regarding the flight model, the weight and fuel corrections have forced drastic aerodynamic corrections, both in the moments of inertia and centers of gravity and in different table’s curves: coefficients of drag, lift and pitch vs Mach and AOA, etc, further improving the maneuverability, agility and behavior of the aircraft under different speeds, loads, altitudes and dynamic pressures. I think you will notice the changes in a positive way, as some of our most loyal testers have reported. I don’t want to bore you with details, but the flight model has improved a lot by making the curves much more realistic like this:


On the other hand, small corrections have been made into tiny details. Among other things, I have been working with Dean to locate the problem that prevented the aircraft doing cold and dark start from the cockpit switches, finally the issue in the code has been identified, addressed and corrected. All F / D / E / I models will work according to the procedure described, as well as using ctrl + e.

I have also disabled the flight director in autopilot, as 1.7 beta.

Update 1.13 has been a great advance respect previous versions, but we detected that the flight envelope was not accurate and maximum speeds of Mach 2.9 could be obtained on the 52000 ft ceiling, also the amount of G produced in the tight turns was quite disproportionate and aerodynamically, the aircraft might perform even better, so these reasons were what pushed us to take a more simulation-oriented approach and create 1.14. For me, both versions are good and fun, but each one is aimed at a different audience: those who enjoy an arcade experience will choose 1.13 over 1.14 and those who enjoy a more realistic experience will definitely opt for 1.14. For me it is important that everyone has fun, so both versions are valid and the important thing is always that you have fun and get the best possible experience. However, our roadmap will always be simulation-oriented.

My thanks as always to @SilentG37, @SeverusAviation, @Dean01973, @jdiegel54 and @pridedthread577, whose active roles have always been key to the Eagles getting better every day. And as always, my thanks to each and every one of you who play and enjoy this product and provide continuous feedback, since this the best way for us to continue learning, correcting and improving these F15’s further.

The instructions as always you already know:
Delete my previous mods. Rename from .pln to .rar and unzip the folder to your community folder as follows:


My best wishes for everyone and I hope you really enjoy this update. In what regards to us, we will continue flying, enjoining and improving whatever we found!!!

dcdesigns-aircraft-f15_rev_1.14_h.pln (158.5 KB)


Can’t wait to try this latest one, Jack sounds great. Mach 2.9 sounds fun, but that ain’t right! :slight_smile:

Can we expect changes made here to end up in the next official release due soon?