DC Designs F-15

Of course, as regards the flight model and engines of course. What started as a mod has turned into periodic reviews that can be added to the base product as long as it does not interfere with the base product or Dean’s enhancements on his side. So many things are tested at the same time to see if they are compatible. But I confirm that yes, that when your feedback is positive it is added.

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I love how this has become a coordinated effort! I’d be prone to a little worry about this kind of thing in general given how close we are to the next official release, but in this case, no reason to worry.

No assurances given my new job, but I hope to have high res maps for the C ready in a week or so.


Personally, I look forward to what you want to contribute here. It’s great how we are all pampering this F15.
And as always I hope that this job goes great for you and that you were comfortable with it.


If I can finish it, I think it’ll make the plane look a lot better real close up. Like the hanger views especially. And the way I’m setting up the layers should make variations, color changes real easy.


You guys are awesome!!!

Funny thing, my Sidewinder joystick just broke (throttle not working any more) - I found out that I bought this device 20! (twenty) years ago! Am I that old?! Naa, just very experienced :sunglasses:

A small thing I discovered (with latest patch) is the fact, that I can only tune the standby frequencies for NAV:
Both knobs show “standby” - do I miss something here?

Thanks for the feedback, also sorry about your joystick, this thing is extremely fun with a stick.

Regarding the Nav frequency tuning issue, one thing that will help us diagnose what going on is if we can get the model of F-15 you are flying, and whether you loaded into the runway or a parking spot (apron) when you first loaded in.

Each plane has its own separate files and separate files for each load in scenario, so it will just help us narrow down the problem quicker.

Also was this something that just started happening after the recent community mod update(which I see you state, but just making sure), or could this possibly have been going on longer? Any further info would be greatly appreciated!!

Happy flying!

Hi @SilentG37,

yes, I observed this in previous versions, too. No matter if I start on apron or runway. Currently running the official v2.0 from Dean with yesterday’s mod from Jack.
I hope this helps :smiley:


Hi @HauptmannK!

Thanks for detecting the issue.

Please enter systems.cfg from the model you are noticing the issue and locate:

Audio.1 = 1
Com.1 = 1, 1
Com.2 = 1, 1
Nav.1 = 1, 1, 1

Replace it with this:

Audio.1 = 1
Com.1 = 1, 1
Com.2 = 1, 1
Com.3 = 1, 1
Nav.1 = 1, 1, 1
Nav.2 = 1, 1, 1
Nav.3 = 1, 1, 1
Nav.4 = 1, 1, 1
Adf.1 = 1
Transponder.1 = 1
Marker.1 = 1

Let me know it this fix the issue To address it.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Hi @CodenameJack447,

I think I got myself confused there … sorry. I adjusted the settings as shown (F-15E):
Now I can set the digits on both sides of the decimal - I now realized that I need to adjust the standby frequency and then swap them in the panel.

I did a quick flight from EDSB (my home base) to LFST with the ILS frequency set:

It picks up nicely - how can I now display the glideslope?

Sorry for the confusion - I thought I remember that this was displayed in the HUD…


Nice job to all, this release is very funny ! Just one thing, can we have the same fonctionnalities for the AP as the version 1.13_rc + AP_1.7_beta ?

Kind regards,

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Another things, the switch DUMP doesn’t run… I understood that we need to land about 20-25% fuel so does is it possible to make this switch running ?

Hey @mattalaraka, you might try the same:

Inside systems.cfg for each model Replace the [autopilot] content from 1.14 with the autopilot section from 1.13 + 1.7 ap beta and it’s done

The switch dump I think is not implemented yet, so just use the external UI fuel slider to reduce fuel. The same way you refuel


All right, will try it know, thanks Jack

Hi, another quick question - when I use the HDG button, the actual heading is displayed as a number. When using the CRS button, it’s not. I can see the course being adjusted in the left MFD, but it’s hard to guess the actual course. Is there an easy way to display the course while setting it, just like HDG.


That’s good, I have copy past all settings in autopilots from the old version to the new one and it runs well, many thanks

You are welcome!

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The new version follow better the NAV. Maybe due to the better manoeuvrability…

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We will check it out


Hi folks! Navigation was one of the major focuses of the forthcoming update. VOR navigation is now fully supported, with all frequencies and HSI radial tracking now working along with ILS. All you’ll need to do is hit the GPS/NAV switch to switch between the two types.

Autopilot remains a simple affair however. I did experiment with a full system but it’s notoriously buggy ( especially the auto-throttle ) so I have kept it for now to ALT HOLD and HDG HOLD, along with NAV HOLD and APPROACH HOLD, all the main ones. Fly to required height, hit master AP and then ALT HOLD, select your heading or VOR, hit the relevant HOLD, and then just set the throttle for airspeed. If the AP becomes more stable in future, I’ll introduce a bit more, but remember, this is a fighter aircraft, not an Airbus.

Tons more in the update but thougth I’d drop a line about this as lots of folks seem interested in it.