DC Designs F-15

Don’t know much about the F-15 autopilot tbh but I’ve flown the BMS F-16 many times (which has input from real life Viper pilots). Similar era to the F-15 as well. The F-16 AP can follow a flight plan, heading and altitude. There’s no auto-throttle functionality.

Like you say, it’s not an Airbus :wink:


Friends F-15 pilots, my liveries are released on the site DC Designs F-15 Aircraft Liveries for Flight Simulator 2020
Available F-15 C/D/E

Regards SFX


Ive, been out for a bit - Real life chores and such, So the plan is to load the 1.14h then auto pilot from which one? 1.7beta? Thanks Or is there an official 3rd one from DC out.

Hi Dean,
I appreciate your AP approach … fighter- not Airbus-like.
The icing on the cake would be the input of TACAN channels with the paired VOR/DME frequencies in the background. I could provide you with the corresponding table. I know MSFS doesn’t support TACAN and most likely never will do. But for sure the F-15 has TACAN.
Looking forward to the update.

Revision coming in a few minutes …

dcdesigns-aircraft-f15_rev_1.14_i !!!


  • In order to match the engines behaviour with the new engine’s sounds coming with the next official update, we moved the max military thrust to match 86-89% throttle (in 1.14h AB engages at 80% throttle, so now will does at 90%).

  • We addressed the problem detected by @HauptmannK with the comms & nav frecuencies, so we added them to systems.cfg and tested them, so you should be able to swap through knobs and switches without problem:


  • I have decided to add literally the AP 1.7 beta behaviour’s code to this version since according to @Mattalaraka974 and many others is the best version done until date and you no longer need seek for old versions.

dcdesigns-aircraft-f15_rev_1.14_i.pln (158.5 KB)

My best wishes to everyone!!!


Way to go Jack!!!.. Kudos again. Much worked saved. LOL

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Do F-15s have multiple afterburner settings? Or just on/off? Maybe it varies by which engine? I’d assume some afterburner stages, but I really don’t know. Probably could have googled it in the time it took to type this. :slight_smile:

I’m actually having a hard time finding solid info on the F-15 afterburner controls. But seems like the most credible sounding comment seem to suggest, depending on the engine there’s either a variable fuel flow in afterburner or a number of increments, stages of afterburner. I guess MSFS makes that challenging unless there’s a fine grained throttle position to thrust curve, and perhaps that curve can have “steps” on it?

You can find some useful info here:

Question about afterburner stages - F-16 Design & Construction (f-16.net)

Hi all,

this versions flys great!
I’m currently not able to switch my view to the back seat of the E/I model. Is this due to a change?


Nice challenge - managed to land successfully on SPGL (Chagual, Peru) a star airport in the middle of a canyon! Very tricky with a bird like this - but a very detailed airport!


Sorry Stephen, i don’t know when or why i removed it.

cameras.pln (18.6 KB)

Just rename to .cfg and replace you actual cameras.cfg for E. Should be selectable from UI.

BTW: Impressive landing!

Just a few from final testing of the new update, custom sounds now ready, hopefully up tomorrow but early next week at latest :slight_smile:


Has anyone worked out how to restart the engines? also, if you shut down one engine, the generators trip and neither will close…

You can do it with ctrl+e or cockipt procedure:

and just in case and engine gets stuck: ctrl+shfit+f4

Yeah, Jack, that was one of the pages I read. The PW F100 is used in both the F-15 and F-16, but not sure if there’s differences in the controls. But yes, does seem there’s more to it’s afterburners than on/off. But I didn’t find anything definitive/detailed.

Thanks, Yeah I tried the procedure… no dice. Starter just turns and turns.

@Viperguy324 are you using the community rev_1.14_i mod release?

Going Mach 1 or more doesn’t seem like it’s actually doing that speed, ground isn’t moving away from the plane like it should at that speed. Say at 500ft wide open you would think building or whatever would come up quick but it doesn’t. Then again I’ve never been that fast in a plane to know haha!


What kind of monitor are u using? Because it can be a Field of view issue. try to apply less zoom.

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