DC Designs F-15

Jack has done all of the work to enhance the autopilot, so he deserves the credit there. My aircraft are built for entertainment purposes, not high-detail simulation, as that is by far the majority market in flight simulation. I leave the “study level” aircraft to other developers, or suggest users try DCS World instead where the systems detail levels are much higher.


I read about his boast and almost replied then changed my mind. However, your question begs an answer.

I was born in 1948. I am also quite proud to be called a geek by the younger geeks. I guess that makes me a geek’s geek!

I don’t know much about how the Sim works so I can’t help folks much with that kind of stuff. However, I did design build and program my own computer long before there were any, and I used txt messaging back when it was all t9 and long before the kids thought it was cool. I’ve written my own OS from the ground up as well as word processors, communication programs, and even a chess simulator. I’m a retired engineer now and spend most of my time learning farming, fabricating, machining, and how to keep my bride of 50 years happy.

All this said, I love the old saying “The more you know, the more you know you don’t know!” So the older I get, the more I try to learn. That knowledge void in my head just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Some day soon I will have learned so much that I will finally achieve nirvana by coming to know that I really don’t know squat!

Life is such an amazing journey. Who would have thought I’d be in my mid 70s flying F15s around the world!

I guess that’s all just another reason that I love what the guys on this forum are doing! And I believe I actually do know enough to know that they are AMAZING! I am SOOOOO grateful to each and every one of them.


Especially Jack!!
Wish he would help Evan doing the free F22, he does not know how to make the cockpit glass for the inside view… But he sure is giving it a lot of effort to make a nice plane.


I did a sound test, it’s not realistic, but it feels so real :slight_smile:
I muted the MSFS 2020 sound and played in the background, with AIMP3 player
The sound is " F16C - cockpit " so I didn’t switch to external, at all
It feels amazing, imo
Here is the sound file


I just bought this today and put in the latest mod from @CodenameJack447. Is the speed limit around 900 knots? I assumed it would travel much faster than this.

Are you sure you are measuring KTAS and not IAS?

Besides, you can reach Mach 2.5+ but at certain altitudes and depending of weight quantity and fuel. You cannot do Mach 1.2+ at sea level for example.

As jack said, a lot of it depends on your altitude and weight. You can typically reach mach 2.0+ speeds at roughly 30,000ft and above. With mach 2.4-2.5 roughly around 40,000ft or so.

We are constantly reviewing the engine and flight model, and are actively working on improvements for both the PW-200 and PW-229 engines and their flight envelopes.

So you can’t go supersonic? Is this a MSFS limitation or the payware jet?

You can go supersonic. There’s no limitation as such.

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Written pre update.

kinda of a randon question, is anyone else having issues on take off with the airplane not wanting to rotate? I cannot figure this out, flaps trim, 180 knots etc it wont rotate.

Did you check the Flight Model in MSFS? It should be ‘modern’, not ‘legacy’

If it is the first version of DC Design, that’s normal. Did you add a mod of the F15 ? Anyway, today, normaly, we will have a new update, check it…

hey @Mattalaraka974, do you remember any version in which you could make the approach with AP?

I would need to have any reference in where to look, without getting myself crazy. :stuck_out_tongue:

That means, if it works before, there must be a parameter which was changed without noticing.

I can assure you that in the almost 24h i spent this weekend flying i have had no issues with the take off. Is true that if you take off with full fuel, the required speed gets higher and also, you need to gain certain speed to start maneuvers.

In addition, with the asobo last update they increased the lift vs flaps x2, that means, after the update, the required time to take off is less than normal, and also the required time to land and also the AOA recomended (we don’t know if fix it or wait if Asobo fix the scalar value issue). So you should be experiencing exactly the opposite what you describe. Also be sure you apply the correct trim.

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Hi @CodenameJack447 I’m sorry to say you that the approach AP haven’t work before, I try a lot of version and it always go straight into the final airport and don’t follow the approach…

Ok, no worries, i will address it to take a look. Also, i’m wondering if the poblem could come by using live weather when descending and not using the de-ice switch, so the AP stops working when the systems become frozen. Same @olaf65 described.

The only time when I have this issue, it was when the F15 was released and before you and all the community works on it…

Hmmm. Not sure whether this is the same issue but I use the Flybywire A320NX a lot and some times the plane fails to follow approaches and turns direct towards the runway for some reason. It’s a well known Asobo autopilot issue. If it happens then the only way to sort it out is to use the autopilot heading mode to follow the approach waypoints.

If you are telling me that it does not always happen to you even with the a320 I would be inclined to say that you are not activating the de-icing device before making the descent. If you are flying through Germany for example, and you do not activate the de-ice before descending with heavy clouds and such, between an altitude of 3000-12000 feet the systems stop working due to freezing, as happened to Olaf. there is a de-ice switch in the cockpit, or you can add the button to the keyboard. I always use it in live weather in very cold places before descending: