DC Designs F-15

I appreciate the gratitude. Let it be clear that I have no relationship with the developers and I do not know to what extent, this benefits or harms them. I do not earn money from this nor do I pretend, I just try to share my passion with you (i wouldn’t accept even donations and never will…). The good thing about a simulator with such open source is that it allows you to improve things that are not correct as standard. I’ve been studying aerodynamics for months and still feel like I’m just scratching the surface. But your encouragement helps me to keep learning and believing in what I do even if it is a hobby.


I am checking the xml code just to see if there is something related to reflections but not having any luck, also checking the common textures to see if there is any related to cannopy but none … maybe it is compiled with the gLtf. This unfortunately belongs to the developer and I don’t think i can do anything. It is not like regulating the dimming of the navigation systems.

if i find something i will add it.

I think its gltf related , tried to import it in blender but no luck, thanks for looking up

Amazing, especially in yummy 4k HDR


haha, awesome!

Truly is that when I’m piloting I no longer feel like landing.

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The only thing I have noticed is incorrect loadouts for the F-15E. It has a different armament loadout / weight model than the F-15C, but both the flight_model.cfg files contain the same configuration for weight stations, whereas in the original they are different.

Hi! i would also like to add these changes. Where do i replace in the f15 files?



  • open flightmodel.cfg for F15-e
  • Replace this:
    max_number_of_stations = 10 ; Number of payload stations

station_load.0 = 175, 20, -1.1, 0.9, Pilot
station_load.1 = 175, 17, 1.1, 0.9, Copilot
station_load.2= 0, 0.000, -6.000, 0.000, AIM9 190lbs or 380lbs pair
station_load.3= 0, 0.000, 6.000, 0.000, AIM9 190lbs or 380lbs pair
station_load.4= 0, 0.000, -5.000, 0.000, AIM120 350lbs
station_load.5= 0, 0.000, 5.000, 0.000, AIM120 350lbs
station_load.6= 0, 0.000, -4.000, 0.000, AIM120 350lbs AIM7 410lbs
station_load.7= 0, 0.000, 4.000, 0.000, AIM120 350lbs AIM7 410lbs
station_load.8= 0, 0.000, -4.000, 0.000, AIM120 350lbs AIM7 410lbs
station_load.9= 0, 0.000, 4.000, 0.000, AIM120 350lbs AIM7 410lbs

With this:

max_number_of_stations = 13 ; Number of payload stations

station_load.0 = 175, 20, 0.000, 0.9, Pilot
station_load.1 = 175, 17, 0.000, 0.9, Copilot
station_load.2= 0, 0.000, 6.000, 0.000, AIM9L 190lbs
station_load.3= 0, 0.000, -6.000, 0.000, AIM9R 190lbs
station_load.4= 0, 0.000, 5.000, 0.000, AIM120L 350lbs
station_load.5= 0, 0.000, -5.000, 0.000, AIM120R 350lbs
station_load.6= 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, ATFLIR 430lbs
station_load.7= 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, SNIPER 910lbs
station_load.8= 0, 0.000, 4.000, 0.000, GBU12L 2010lbs
station_load.9= 0, 0.000, -4.000, 0.000, GBU12R 2010lbs
station_load.10= 0, 0.000, 4.000, 0.000, GBU38L 2010lbs
station_load.11= 0, 0.000, -4.000, 0.000, GBU38R 2010lbs
station_load.12= 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, JDAM 2010lbs

I will release a v1.4 soon!

Sorry the inconvenience!

Btw, didn’t tested the aircraft with such armament, and how this could affect C.G.
also, i increased load safety factor to support more G! but IRL i don’t know if you could do aerobatics with all the armament carried (i guess not :P).

Anything, i’m here.


dcdesigns-aircraft-f15_CJ447_1.4.pln (123.5 KB)

  • Corrected payloads on each model.
  • Corrected Wing incidence and htail incidence (you will notice it in the trim).
  • Augmented max_speed_full_steering.

Feedback is always appreciated.

P.S. The attached file must be renamed from .pln to .rar. There are two versions, one with panels activated and one with panels deactivated, just place one of them into community folder. To uninstall just delete the folder.


Loving it!

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Great work, thank you! Dev should be cutting you in for helping sort out their unfinished product, albeit a fun aircraft.

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I don’t explain it to myself either, I haven’t slept for 24 hours, and now I’m reviewing the autopilot behaviour (the time to swing like a drunk in navmode will come to an end throughout the day: D).

I have no relationship with the developer, I see that someone on facebook mentioned me as an anonymous improving the plane. Nor am I trying to gain prominence with this. I just like the idea that you are enjoying it.

As a consumer who has paid for this unfinished product, with the developer fixing the textures, animations and performance issues with VC I’ll feel satisfied. I’ve been doing what they haven’t done in months of developing with physics during these last 24 hours just for fun. Let’s see what we find next week.

Thanks for your gratitude.

P.S. I will surely create a new topic with my mod for Eurofighter typhoon. I hope that people who have bought it and who are dissatisfied can enjoy it too. It’s going to be a 2x1.


Amazing job. We really appreciate it.

Been playing about with it a bit more today. I do like it. Its good fun and has a lot of potential once the bugs get ironed out. The big FPS drop in the cockpit is the main one as that has a big impact on my enjoyment. I have my doubts DC Designs are going to be able patch that out without just removing the HUD entirely. As they said on the Facebook page its not a feature thats natively supported by the sim. Its odd though that it only effects some set ups.

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I posted this picture on another similar thread .

Some people think a " flying doughnut " is great .

Some think it’s the " height of stupidity " !!

Suppose , it’s each to their own !!


Can’t get any of Jack447’s files to load. I downloaded the v.1.4, renamed .pln to .rar. I dropped the folder directly into the Community folder (I did not put it in the f15 folder or any subfolders). Aircraft is still speed limited. I know I’m doing something incorrectly, please tell me what it is and how to correct it. Thanks for your help!

Nice Flying next time if you can, i want to see some landing with this. :+1:

Take one of the folders from the rar (assuming you see two folders in it)

ie dcdesigns-aircraft-f15_CJ447_1.4_panels

and just drop that in the community folder.

I was at an indicated 80000 and mach 2.5+ using just that earlier so it definitely is working just doing that.


I have tried your v1.4 mod but it seems like the the plane just does not want to takeoff (i have to be going like more than 230 knots for the nose to start pitching up). Also I have to put the throttle on my joystick to almost half way up for the engine rpm to start going up. Not sure if I’m the only one here with that problem but I would like to know your thoughts on that.

(FYI: I tried importing the F/A18 jet from FSX using a program and I remember letting the program adjust engine and AB thrust. Not sure if that affected the function of your mod.)
