DC Designs F-15

You are welcome. Please, download this one for mach 2.4+

dcdesigns-aircraft-f15_CJ447_1.2.pln (122.7 KB)

If you find some weird behaviour in it don’t hesitate to give me some feedback.


Will do, man. Thank you again for your help. I am beginning to like it more and can’t wait to see what you’ve accomplished!

May I ask a noob question on F-15? I know it has basic autopilot… can it navigate to different waypoints or VORs or is it just to hold altitude and headings?

Honestly i have no idea how it works in real life. I wonder the same question, if fighter aircrafts can operate same way as airliners or civilian aircrafts.

Btw, i found an interesting article from nasa about aerodynamics characteristics from mach 0.22 to 4.65:

So, i’m translating this info to the mach tables of the flightmodel.cfg to test how it affects the behavior (always trying to achieve the best realism as possible).

Also working in the eurofighter typhoon, since i found too many incongruences in the flightmodel, the dev based the airplane geometry in a non delta wing tail plane based. I’m reworking it to make it delta wing, canard based and artificially unstable for high maneuverability:

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OK, just did a flight from Dallas to Tulsa (in 15 mins!!!) and it was AMAZZZZZZZZZZZZING. Much better and faster.

Amazing job.

The only question (and again, I’m a noob so bear with me) is the current variation I flew didn’t allow me to add weapons/payload like it did yesterday.

Sorry, my screen capture has HDR so it looks washed out. Thoughts? May just be the specific variant I am flying.

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Oh, sorry … that’s because disabled them on the flightmodel.

Would you like them added again?

yes, if possible… that would be great.

Here we go, v1.3.

dcdesigns-aircraft-f15_CJ447_1.3.pln (121.9 KB)


  • Reenabled payload for weapons.
  • Small fixes in airplane geometry, wing camber, wing twitch, wing incidence, wing location and position as well as tail too.
  • Reworked Aerodynamics, adding the mach tables mentioned above, so the aircraft behavior should be more realistic at subsonic and supersonic speeds.
  • Fixes in engine thrust: now you should be able to reach 2.5+ at 35000ft and 1.6+ at sea level (limited N1 on purpose).

All feedback is highly appreciated.

If you like it, i can share my eurofighter typhoon mod too!


new version available!

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You’ve probably put more effort into these than the original developers.


Outstanding work, sir. I was so disappointed yesterday when I found that the f15 was topping out just below 600 kts.

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Still not able to add weapons. See below:

i see… i forgot, i will tell you the workaround.

  • Look for flightmodel.cfg and open it with notepad.

  • Under Weight and balance section locate “max_number_of_stations = 2 ; Number of payload stations”.

  • Change the number “2” for “10”.

  • Restart.

Tell me if it works.

Brilliant you are! :wink:


Could you do a mod without canopy reflection ? you’ll be the hero of many , in vr they are annoying , thanks <3

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I will see what i can do

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Brilliant work, sir! Traveling at Mach 2.2 over the Australian outback is a glorious feeling. Your work improving the flight and aerodynamics of the Eagles so quickly is outstanding.

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I just flew over a lake near downtown Dallas and it was one of the coolest experiences I’ve had in the sim. WOW.

Thank you both of you, i’m glad you were enjoyning it really!

Please, any feedback about weird behaviour and such just tell me.

I would like to know how is landing now and turning on ground for you.

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I want to thank you for this mod. I was holding off on buying this because as I see it, in the absence of weapons, you better be able to achieve the insane performance it was capable of, and with your mod that is possible. Thank you for your work.

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