DC Designs F-15

then I must be doing something wrong because when I drop the flaps and gear to land and get below 200 knots the plane just dives and I cant get the nose up to slow my decent no matter what I do and it crashes

How much fuel you carry? Also, have you set a correct trim?

Yeah :slight_smile:

I was flying the C earlier and it lands well from what I found, 155-160kt on short final, around 150kt touchdown, but that was light maybe 5,000lbs fuel.

The E on the other hand I was doing some landings with a little more fuel, maybe around 10,000lbs, and needed to stay around 175kt or more on the short final, and touchdown was around 165-160.

I believe from what I read in the real manuals for each plane, with higher weight landings, you still maintain the same angle of attack you would on a low fuel landing, but will be moving at a faster speed to maintain that AOA. Currently I believe the jets are set up to be roughly optimum around 8.0 AOA.

Give it a test run with different weights and try to land with an 8.0 AOA as shown on the HUD bottom left. The landing speeds will not be the same with different weights.

I could be completely wrong on this, so if someone knows otherwise dont be afraid to jump in.

Also, are you on Modern Flight model?
Do you have any other F15 mod installed?

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Yeah nice to see you out flying! Had to check the world map to see what you were flying, showed you as an airliner. We all know that f22 isnā€™t as good :slight_smile: Hope you are enjoying the F15, Iā€™m loving the sounds as well, blew me away when I first heard it this week. See you in the skies!

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@Angernerve thatā€™s not correct, they are not lucky since @SilentG37 and @SeverusAviatonā€™s work have been key to develop the actual engines PW100-200, and PW200-229. My work on the engines was practically a 20% which was to create the templates and the tools, But the work of architecture, precision, research and development of the flight envelope is theirs, I simply delegated the work to them to be able to focus on the flight model and others areas that requires attention too. So the merit must be given to them, not to me.

In fact we are actively working on an evolution of a more accurate flight envelope for engines. That includes times to reach a top speed vs altitude, and max top speed at different altitudes, among other things. Is Just, this week we needed to slow down and see where we are currently.

Stay tuned.


You are perfectly right.
Trimming a higher AOA to compensate higher weight may be deadly. That would reduce the AOA safety margin to the max AOA. The margin between 8 degrees and a max AOA of 18 degrees seems big. But in bumpy weather, due to Gusts, Thermals, and downdrafts, the real AOA may dance around the trimmed AOA by several degrees. Therefore higher weight has always to be compensated by higher speed.
My instructor for gliders told me alreday 50 years ago: Speed is half the life, too low speed is the eternal life.
Concerning that, there are no differences beween any airplanes.


The landing speed should be the same with different weights as I understand it. Pitch sets the speed (AOA) which in our case is 150knts at 8AOA. If the aircraft is heavier than normal it will sink and to compensate more power is needed. ( thrust controls the flight path). As the aircraft accelerates the AOA (pitch) will reduce and the airspeed will increase. This must be corrected by trimming the aircraft back to 8 AOA (150knts). So more thrust requires a pitch up adjustment and vice versa. You also donā€™t want to land with excess speed as that energy has to be dissipated somehow and can be a problem on short runways and braking.
This is how I understand it and it does seem to play out in the sim fairly well. I stand to be corrected though. This is the F15C

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Thank you for the input but I simply can not get it to work. I had to give up and request a refund from Just Flight.

Please do not take this as a negative review of DC Designs or their work. I have a few aircraft from them in P3D and love them. They do amazing work it just seems this particular aircraft was not for me.

How can you go back to the last one? Do you just uninstall, or can you just install with the exe file, and it will over right without being latest one, Autopilot is not that big of a thing, but I liked the way the old one flew betterā€¦

No, that wonā€™t do it. I donā€™t think there is a way to go back unless you have the old installer archived somewhereā€¦ In my opinion, the new one with Jackā€™s new mod flies better than it ever has.

vonzeigler, the Autopilot just depends on two files, ai.cfg to control PID values and systems.cfgā€™s autopilot section. You donā€™t need to get back. Just use my mod that is overwritting them.

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Jack, flew again this morning: KLGA-KBOSā€¦ Just spectacular. Again, I canā€™t thank you enough for the autopilot fix. Man, this is quickly becoming one of my favourite fighter jets on MSFSā€¦ To speak of that, I think itā€™s just as good as the MB-339 and G-91 now! That was a high bar as both of those jets are great and this one was just not on par up until now, but as of today, it really holds its own against those two and the speed it offers is unmatchable in MSFS right now. Also, neither of those have auto-pilots. I wonā€™t really compare it with the Typhoon, cause thatā€™s not really a viable aircraft implementation as it was done by Bredok, so really, there is nothing out right now that comes close to the performance of this jet.


What can I say @BostonJeremy? for me it is a pleasure to contribute to this, really. And I really thank you personally that you were liking it.

In any case, I try to take note of everything and solve it as soon as possible, as was the case with the cold dark start not working, or the plane running with one engine on the runway instead of two. I mean, I take all your contributions seriously, and at the end of each day, this plane has a bit of all of you. If you like the result it means that we are going in the right direction, and if not, then I have to apologize and go back, but I do not give up. In fact right now I am reviewing any tiny errors that we have missed (which there are). :smiley:

But really, I appreciate it, anything that can be improved will be improved or tried (the simulator seems to be more prepared than we think and I think we have only scratched the surface, it can be improved even more).

thank you so much :slight_smile:

P.s. the typhoon is just a Frankenstein design. I have thought to do something about but I think is a product that cannot be saved because I feel the developer just abandoned it. Better said, it needs a bit of love by the developer if it wants to get out of that hole. that is, I do not see that the developer has interest


Jack, do you think the PID values could be a reason why the autopilot stops following the flight path at the end (before landing)?

No, i donā€™t think soā€¦

My question is, are you using live weather?

And if thatā€™s the case, are you sure you are using the de-ice switch on?

Because maybe is thatā€¦

Before landing or before approach?

Some flights iā€™m flying at 10,000 feet with ground temperatures at 70 degrees Fahrenheit. I tried last night the whole flight beginning to end with de-ice on and still no luck. Maybe just a bug?

No, i donā€™t think a bug could be doing this.

There are lot of things we can try.

for example, remember the ā€œGPSdrivesNAV1=Falseā€?

Thereā€™s also a last file called final.flt which is set as False, you could try set it to true, to try it.

What I mean is, each flt file has an autopilot section. If you say with Eurofighter typhoon you can follow the route just compare the files to check what differs between them in what regards to autopilot section

For what it is worth, Iā€™ve been waiting for the update to get posted. I finally sent a note to support at just flight and they told me that it was already up. As others have noted, they donā€™t include the version number of the current release. I told them that they need to fix that and include it right on the main description. They agreed it was a good idea. Hopefully we will see that change soon enough.

Anyway, I updated. I love this planeā€¦

Absolutely loving this bird now but I have a slight issue, any ideas how to move the camera position forward in the cockpit when flying VR ? In the MB-339 itā€™s a simple press upwards on my x-box directional button ( still awaiting my joystick and throttle) but in the Eagles nothing happens and I just feel itā€™s too far back for me