DC Designs F-15

Good Evening,

Officially support something and take no responsibly doesn’t fly in a commercial world . Commerce transactions are very clear on this point.

My point to all this, is call this the Official DC Design F-15 mod, that way the consumers can know you endorse it. Make it known to all who purchase your product that there is an endorsed mod out there via Facebook or marketing techniques… We know that the mod done on here was one of your updates, most of the fixes other than graphics rendering were predated here. That way us consumers your customers don’t waste time testing and reviewing bootleg or not endorsed mods (YuriAiRi). How do we know what is a endorsed mod and a copy of a mod.

I was a big fan DC-Design F-15 fan and did some promoting with posts, emails sent to different u- tubers review product again after the initial launch, but not so much anymore.


i regret that i bought this mod, not happy at all , blurry hud , spamming skit brake knob …and that’s just 10 min of testing.

The blurry HUD is a known issue with the sim, The IFE T-45 has a HUD and the same issue applies. So, if you buy a mod with a HUD in it not made by Asobo (like their 787) it’s going to blur under certain conditions while using TAA. So, perhaps that adds to your regret, but it’s not reasonable to complain about here. Go complain to Asobo.

“spamming skit brake knob” I’m not sure I understand what you are talking about there?

Maybe give it more than 10 minutes and read up on this thread for possible solutions before b-tching and moaning on here. It’s not perfect, but it is a LOT of fun in my opinion!


it costs 40+ euro

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It’s kind of a known quantity at this point. There’s tons of reviews of it out there, good and bad. This thread here contains AMPLE discussions about the less than perfect aspects of the add on and fixes for some of them (Go get [CodenameJack447’s latest mod for various improvements). So, if it was a lot of money for you, I’d have advised you to research it a bit before spending the money.

This is well known. The issue only affects TAA antialiasing. This also affects other third party Jets with HUDs like the just out T-45C. It’s a sim/Asobo/DX11 issue and there’s nothing this or any other dev can do about it until that gets fixed a the sim level or the methods Asobo is using for the HUD in the 787 are explained and documented enough for third parties to start using that method.

Yes, the work around is to use another AA mode. Any other AA mode than TAA.


Still no news about the tinted glass HUD ?
Any chance to revert back ?
Thank you

The Blurry HUD is a legacy code problem (on the F-15 and T45c) and Asobo is probably not going to update/fix that (The 787 HUD is made with HTML5/js/Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG ) and does not have this problem, but it is not properly documented in the SDK manual and some developers don’t like to dig a bit into the currently existing sim code or currently don’t have the knowledge to figure this out, while freeware mods/addons seem to not have a problem with this somehow.)
This legacy gauges code (xml/BMP) also causes several performance issues on Ultra graphics settings with high level of detail set.
For devs that want to dig in the modern gauges here is a primer: https://youtu.be/7jUvkljG0gg
And maybe have a look at FBW code as it is open source and they are using it too.


This has been explained clearly, just before your first post and again in several ways after you started posting. You are simply confused, perhaps not taking the time to read this thread, maybe English isn’t your first language, not sure where your continued confusion is coming from.

These releases by Jack the others helping are NOT official DC Designs releases. Jack may call some of his releases “official”, meaning they are official in the context of the community mod. Jack and others have tested them. Sometimes he released less than well tested files for people to try. Do no confuse the community work and DC Designs work. The mod releases themselves are not supported by DC Designs. Dean/DC gives support TO those making the mods, that’s what Dean means when he says “supported”, he is NOT saying HE supports them in use by the public. They are community mods to the add on. Dean does “Support” them in that he helps them with information and he welcomes these mods. He does not “Support” them in the same sense he supports the F-15 product he sells. He does take some of the parts of these mods he likes and puts them in to his actually official updates.

All of this is very openly discussed and explained on here. Dean/DC Designs is open about how this works and when changes from the community mod make it into his official releases he says so in the release notes and give credit where credit is due.

Sorry you are dissatisfied NYZ. Personally I love the way this has been working and give credit to Dean and the whole community who enjoys this jet and contributes in which ever way they do. Be it constructive feedback here or making code like Jack and his community partners in that mod do.

I suppose it may be hard to get up to speed by reading this entire, quite long topic, but since you’ve posted several people have tried to help you solve YOUR confusion and you still simply do not understand the situation and continue to complain. This jet has great support by the dev and the community. The community surrounding it as evidenced in this thread has been great. If you are unsatisfied, that’s unfortunate, but you do seem to be to be committed to being unsatisfied. You’ve ignored or misunderstood multiple people trying to help you understand.


Interesting, I’m no coder but I’ll be checking that out when I have the time. So FBW has figured this out? Has any other project outside Asobo picked this up?


Your words “NOT official” vs Dean " only mod that I officially support".

Are you speaking for Dean? If not then…

My English is just fine, not sure about yours. Don’t start insulting.

My post was directed at Dean, that are where my dollars went, not you.

Still no news about the tinted glass HUD ?
Any chance to revert back ? I tried again but I can’t fly it like this, more than 5 minutes.
I think I found my favorite flight model settings for F15 , after I tried different settings / values / for Aileron and Elevator
Here is a printscreen
I wish I could go a bit further with the Aileron and Elevator
- 3 or even - 4
Is it possible to modify those values from the flight_model.cfg file ???

I am actually trying to help you. If you are insulted, that’s not my intention, but in my estimation you are insulting the dev, his business and the excellent community around this product.

No, I am just wanting him to make it official. Yukri highjacked his product with better marketing on here. Because this trend was just started by someone asking if anyone bought it yet.

Dean could of started a new trend stating The Official DC F-15 or something like that. He jumped in Jan 24 and started working with group. Its blurred in weeks of trends. How does the consumer know… Just a better business practice.
If someone is mudding your product (1.8K views) and you don’t care for it you can also post and say that you don’t support that mod. That is the ownership and responsibility I am talking about. This all towards Dean, he should of stopped it with a few posts on the other trend. Or start a new one. Again.

I’m just a customer.

I’m also done talking about this.

Look, I understand your point that posting the mod in here can be confusing, but this is how we choose to post our mod.

Dean has no responsibility to the mod what so ever, and any responsibility to distribute the mod is on the community mod team. We don’t really care to advertise it anywhere else, so any blame about not having the mod more easily accessible, or in its own thread, is solely on the mod team. Dean has nothing to do with the mod, its direction, nothing.

And regarding other mods out there, people are free to fly any mod they wish. If someone feels the need to use portions of our mod such as engine or flight model, HUD/ MFD xmls, all we ask is you ask for permission and cite the mod as your source.

Cut to the chase, the real deal here is it was a open test with many, now few and closed official mod with wait to see dates. Why, because it was stolen now egos were hurt (no money involved). You should of made that known, heck could of asked me I would made it know for sure, as you can tell not shy. Nobody wants that, stolen property.

This is what I was told, how would you feel if all you did was test and provide positive feedback?

"For my part there would be no problem that you tried it, but I am getting too many reports from some users in which some of you have been urging kairi to “borrow” several of my ideas to his mod. That “loan” becomes into a modification on the intellectual property of another person without any permission (it is not a code redone from 0 or new code, as he says, since the files are overwritten and we know it because we have set trap values ​​and he hasn’t noticed about it), and then he attributes it to himself as his own personal work and inventiveness.

It is evident from the dates that I publish a mod and he releases it later as has been the case with the MFDs, in addition to the requests or suggestions that some of you have made to this person, taking my work as a reference.

I am not suggesting that you were the cause, and it is not that I care that third parties copy my ideas or my work and improve it, since I do not pursue an economic purpose (after all, everyone can open the files since they are not encrypted and compare) … but in this mod we work already 4 people including Dean and 10 testers and those people are silently complaining about what this modder does, attributing the work as his own, either an idea or a template, and ask for donations in exchange to modify 4 values about something that has not been developed by himself. We already have Bredok3D and we don’t want more people like that.

Many users who have downloaded his mod on the other hand, have told me that both the flight model and the engine are too imprecise and that it even makes 2.0 mach at sea level. That, as you already know is unrealistic, and you don’t need to have a Ph.D. in space engineering to figure it out (as he says he has). However, you personally have stated that you prefer his mod because it is more realistic in your opinion, but I don’t know what to tell you, probably if you ask many others they will say you are wrong…

Therefore, I must filter who can and who cannot test it before its launch, since at the slightest plagiarism we will have to carry out actions against it.

Hope this helps, Take care have a good evening.

Let’s see if it’s clear to you at once. I am not a modder, I am an anonymous consumer who, like you, bought a product that partially met my expectations and I decided to make my own mod of it. Why did i do it? Because I wanted to do it, that simple and because I know how to do it.

He offered me publicly to work for him and I refused because I had no financial reasons to do so. However, I asked him for permission to continue working on the product because I am a fan of his work and he told me to go ahead.

I didn’t expect people to like it or that it could have such a positive impact. I just wanted to show that the simulator allowed supersonic speeds when Asobo denied it. People encouraged me to continue and I did.

I don’t feel like posting my mod on flightsim.to or any other, simply because I’m not professionally dedicated to this, nor do I intend to do so. I have simply provided my collaboration for free, nothing more.

And to this day I do not consider it a mod, if not my own review of the product that several people have joined, including @ silentg37 and @severusaviation, so I no longer consider it a mod, but a review of the community with ideas contributed by all of you.

I honestly do not understand your harassment and takedown campaign, neither towards me nor towards the developer.

The world is not black or white, there is a gray scale, and I am not going to be governed by what personally seems good or bad to you. If people like what we do, we will gladly continue to do it, because we enjoy doing it. The moment it stops being fun, we will stop doing it.


I left you out of the beta for a simple reason, because both you and others have been leaking information to a third-party modern, urging him to “borrow ideas about my mod.” That is to say, what was to improve the original product has gone on to improve my mod, for reasons that I do not understand.

I see that you are not happy with that, last night you tried to open a post trying to publish private messages between you and me, as you just did now, so I further reaffirm that leaving you out of the beta is the best idea I have had, since you yourself are putting yourself in evidence about the kind of person you are.

They have closed your post for a reason, and was for trying make a personal drama and wanting to provoke a battle between several people. Not happy with that, you have tried to attack me, my colleagues and the developer himself, and you wanted this to have a public reach, in which I do not have to give explanations to you or anyone else about what I have said to you in private.

You are acting like an 8 year old kid. But I warn you, you are not the first or the last to try to boycott Dean’s product or our work, but you are going to be one of many who tries and fails. You should be banned for campaign of fame and shame and constant harassment. But, I personally care the least what you have proposed to do


No, I was just testing providing feedback. I thought they were two different mods. I didn’t leak anything at all. How is it leaked when everything was downloaded from the trend.

I really appreciate your work. Thanks, I’m sorry if we got crossed.

Please except my apologies.

I’m not accepting any apology from you. You are not a person I trust or someone who should continue to intervene in this forum. But I’m not the one to tell you what to do. I hope you take responsibility for your actions and abandon this goal that you have set for yourself.