DC Designs F-15

Take care.

Shaking my head, rolling my eyes. Some peopleā€¦

Iā€™m a little speechless at this point. Jack, everyone reading, I hope the rest of your Friday night is better than this little bit!


How about everyone go enjoy the jet lol


Guys, please
I posted something on this thread, a few hours ago
Any advices ?

The hud glass tint thing is on the 3d model I believe. I could be wrong but I think that is something dean would potentially have to address. I donā€™t think that is editable in the files provided.

Thank you
What about the flight model - printscreen I attached?

Aviatore, I hope to publish v1.15 this weekend, I have made corrections on the input parameters of the joystick. Those options that asobo has introduced cannot be put in the flightmodel, but they will act on my values as scalars or downscalars. As for the tinted windows, if you still have version 0.2.0, I could try to give you backward compatibility with my mod, but I need time to do it.


Thanks a million, Jack
Right now, with those values attached in the printscreen, for my personal taste, F15 feels much better than before
Thatā€™s why I asked if itā€™s possible to go ( try ) a bit further than - 2, for Aileron and Elevator
Thanks again, Jack

LE : I have the latest version, I donā€™t know if itā€™s 2.0 or 2.0.x

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I meant 0.2.0 which was the previous version with not tinted glass

So, do I need to use again 0.2.0 in order to have the clean HUD glass?

Yeah because the model file used was compiled with clean glass. Is not related with texture.

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So, I could use the 0.2.0 with the latest update - sound, cockpit textures and stuff ?

I will have to see if it is possible to do it, of course the mod yes, because the flight model and the engine is simple to do. when it comes to textures and so on, I wonā€™t know until I see it. but Iā€™ll look at it. The important thing is that you keep version 0.2.0 since it is something that I do not have permission to distribute something since is not my property and I would be committing a crime

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I have a backup for the F15 first version
What about the sound, by the way?
Thank you very much

I did a cursory look around and I could be wrong, but I didnā€™t see anything in the textures that looked related. I am curious. Not that I have any problem with it as it is. But people were talking about it and Iā€™ve been playing with and learning about textures. I posted a texture file for less obvious, less symmetrical canopy scratches on here a while back and figured if it was just a map, I could make an untinted one for people so inclined. If it IS in a map and and people can tell me which one, I can probably modify that.


Ah, I started that post before Jackā€™s comment about it not being in the textures. Nevermind. :frowning:

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Thank you, I really appreciate it

Thanks for the info though, I was unsure, but glad you and jack stepped in.

Glad we potentially have a solution for those that want it removed

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Umā€¦excuse me guys, may I ask a question?

Did I make some issue or caused something?

I think I saw my nickname from above.

Iā€™m not English native speaker, So I failed to understand some sentences properly.

Iā€™m really worried about it.

The tinted windscreen is something that some folks love, and others donā€™t. What I will do with the next update is include it as a texture, so that folks can remove it if they want to, and leave it if they like it - at the moment itā€™s embedded in the glass material so it canā€™t be altered.

A few folks have suggested a HUD brightness knob to control the emissive nature of the HUD. This wonā€™t actually work, as the brightness of the display simply clashes with certain lighting conditions in the simulator in terms of the hue, so even when brighter it would still clash, and youā€™d have to be constantly adjusting it all the time while flying.

Iā€™ll keep working on this, and might try tinting the HUD glass itself rather than the windscreen with a removeable texture.