DC Designs F-15

Regarding the debate about mods above, I will say again that I support only Jack’s, Severus and Silent’s work on my F-15 as it is by far the most accurate, and I say that both as a real-world pilot myself and also with confirmation from a former USAF fighter pilot who knows a hell of a lot more about this sort of thing than any of us. If they say it’s good, then it’s good enough for me, and all the trolling in the world won’t change that :+1:


Thank you
One more question, please : is it possible to modify the sound ?
Don’t get me wrong, I like it but I wish I could edit the sound from the cockpit, when I roll / pitch
By the way, I modified ( try not to laugh ) :smile_cat:
the flight_model file for F15D, I spent a few hours, I’m pretty sure, if you or Jack, fly it / test it, you’ll laugh
But I’m getting very very close to the way I like it to be
Now, I can " feel " the weight of the aircraft when I roll or pitch
Have no idea how the real F15D is in reality, but I’m very very happy with the modified version
Weird ( I’m still searching for a solution ) when I fly faster than 500 - 600 knt, it feels again a bit " stiff "

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The sound is created by Sim Acoustics but you can modify sound parameters in the sim’s main menu so you could probably alter things there. I don’t think the sound can be directly altered though. One thing you could try is the sound.xml and see if you can identify the rumble sounds when rolling and pitching, and remove the line ( but make a back-up first! )

At higher airspeeds, control surfaces have to work somewhat harder against the airflow but also produce more drag so the two effects cancel each other out to some extent. The flight model in MSFS is very much incomplete and quite hard to work with, but Jack and the team’s latest mod looks like it’s transformed the Eagles yet again and made them handle even better, so it may be worth checking that out when it’s released to see if it’s closer to what you’re hoping for :slight_smile:

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The next update will have visuals as well, or just the flight model ?
I wish you could make a better cockpit mirror or an option to disable / remove it
Thank you, just can’t wait for the next mod / update

The mirrors are on the list to be moveable so that we don’t get that nuclear flash in our faces every time the sun reflects in them. There are a lot of improvements planned, won’t list them all but I listen to the community here and elsewhere every day, and add changes to the fix list as I see folks asking for them, so lots of little things get done in each update.


Guys, I have a question about modifying the flight_model file.
Is there a faster way to do it, without closing the simulator ?
I mean, if I edit the flight_model, and I want to edit again, can I go to the main menu of MSFS 2020, minimize the simulator, open the flight_model file, editing, and start in again the aircraft ?
Does it work this way ???

If you download the SDK you can use the Aircraft Editor’s “Re-Synch” function, which will re-load the aircraft with changes while you’re in the sim :+1:


Thank you, I’ll try it

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I’m in the simulator right now
Developer mode is ON
When I click on the SDK INSTALLER, nothing happens
Do I need to install it outside the simulator, manually ?
Nevermind, I checked this video

When I click on the SDK INSTALLER, a browser window should open, but it doesn’t
I’m trying again

Aww, where’s NYZ at ? He was comedy gold


Excuse me Jack and other people,

I heard about claim what I plagiarized from Jack’s mod.

Just to be clear,

I have never referred or take data from Jack’s mod.

I already wrote my reworks references in my mod description, Because It is habituated from my master and doctorate candidate period.

Why did you or someone think I was taken data from his mod?

My initial work was started after day when it official released, and I decided to rebuild the flight model and engine model from the scratch (zero).
I was used Asobo’s default 747’s CFG files and CJ4 CFG files to rewrite parameters because I think it is more convenient for my work than fix or tweak default flight model and engine data.
Of course, I used same original configurations, like a payload station and fuel tank information and system configs in the stock DCD F-15s.

After Dean update his mod, I used updated stock files because of supporting Dean’s updated features. I add my own reworks on stock data except flight model and engine files.

Also, I saw the someone mentioned trap value, and evidence of MFD and I didn’t notice about it? Please talk to me, what I have taken from his mod? Also, please show me the evidence.
Also, I’m only using DCD’s stock MFD files from my work, and my reference is SDK documents and testing after try writing something because I don’t know well about coding.

Why do I need to take his data? Also, Why do you or someone think I stole his work?

I already have an experience about reworks. You can check my other works. (747-8i flight model and autopilot reworks - Also, I tried ND and FMC modification)

I feel this is really ridiculous and disappointed.

(Sorry about my English, I’m not living in English native region.)

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Where exactly is this Re-Synch function ?
Do I need to edit the flight_model file with the SDK, while I’m in the simulator, or manually, outside the FS2020 ??
Thank you

From the developer bar at the top of the screen, Aircraft Editor, Re-Synch, while you’re in the simulator using the aircraft you’ve changed.

It is possible that this might not work for a purchased aircraft, and only for one that is in full development for the sim. If so, I apologise as it means that I’m wrong and you cannot use the re-synch function in that case. I’ve never tried it with an already purchased aircraft you see.

@NYZ06000 Why do you feel the need to get in the middle of this, and try to instigate a problem? You posted private messages, you brought this to the public light. I was fine just letting this all go and moving on, but you feel vindicated for some reason and you shouldn’t.

You are exactly the person I would want to avoid when dealing with testers.
You have gone out of your way to try to make this a public issue.

And @YuriKAiRi when others tell you to “borrow” from another mod specific things, and then you release a mod update with those “borrowed” ideas, or something very similar, it seems extremely suspicious.
As a revision we did was literally linked to you telling you to and I quote “borrow ideas”.
Then you release a revision with those ideas. Maybe you coded it yourself, but the idea might not have come from yourself, and that was the only issue I think with all of this.
If someone didn’t tell you to go borrow ideas from others, on your flightsim.to page, and you seem to oblige them by adding it, none of this would have been a thing.

I was willing to let all of this go, I believe Jack was as well(but I wont speak for him), no reason to make a public stink about something as minor as this.

But for some reason @NYZ06000 found he would like to make private messages between him and others public, and try to create more drama and chaos in a community than is needed.

NYZ is upset that he couldn’t test the community revision mod 1.15 before we plan to release it sometime this weekend, and this is the result of someone not getting their way.

It is a free public revision of the official release that you can fly whenever we have it published if you wish.

If you feel Kairis revision is better, then go fly it.

@NYZ06000 Obviously this was a mistake for @CodenameJack447 to even involve you in the first place, and you shows what kind of person you really are.




I’ll try again in a few minutes
I wonder how Jack is testing. Everytime when he modify a file, he needs to close - reopen the flight simulator ??
It would take a lot of time
One more question, DEAN : I started to modify on the section FLIGHT_TUNING
Would you recommend me to try with the AERODYNAMICS settings, as well, or not ??
I go easy, step by step, I have no idea about aerodynamics and stuff

SilentG37 is one of Jack’s mod team, that’s why he’s here, and why others here care very much what he thinks. You’ve already had many of your posts deleted by the mods for being abrasive, disruptive and insulting. Either can it, or leave; you’re doing nothing but provoking arguments and insulting people.


“NYZ is upset that he couldn’t test the community revision mod 1.15 before we plan to release it sometime this weekend, and this is the result of someone not getting their way.”

No - I was upset because I was accused of doing something and judged without even being asked. So yes that’s what I was upset about. Not testing a stupid plane.

It’s a complex process to be honest, and changes in one file can affect things in others. I would first make back-ups of any files you might wish to change, so you can revert to them if you need to. Then change one thing at a time, as you say, and practice. If Jack or any of the other modders here know of a quicker way to test updates I’m sure they’ll post in reply before too long.

Another great resource for this work is the site FSDeveloper.com, which has much in the way of information on how to work on aircraft ( and scenery ) in MSFS. Hope this helps :+1: