Dear Jorg, We would like to receive honest information when we can play, when there will be adequate server capacity

My request to Jorg would be to inform the community honestly about when there will be such an infrastructure, server capacity that will make the simulator usable and enjoyable. I have not been able to use the product I purchased for 4 days, I have not received honest information since then.

-The game does not load
-The textures are blurry
-Photogeometry is unusable
-The planes do not appear normally
-The instruments are missing from the cockpit
-Flight ends due to a server problem

The developer should be clear about when he can solve the server problems. In this situation, honesty would be very important. The internet is currently talking about the failure of MSFS 2024. Honesty would help a lot. I love the MSFS 2020 simulator, I was really looking forward to the 2024 simulator. I really trust that they will not abandon us and will make the current Beta version a playable, high-quality product.


Same here. I have already wasted three vacation days for nothing…


Just to try and help people connect, it might be worth reseting the FS2024 app in windows (if you are on PC) and also doing all of your windows store updates. That seemed to make a difference for me.


5 days in, this is what my London looks like:

Also this is my speedtest result - so, safe to assume the servers are still properly borked? :frowning:


5 days in and NEVER saw anything else than the loading trailer…


i feel for you. Weird that it is geographicly so diverse where it works and where it doesn’t.

Mod Edit: removed tags

Is it really too much to ask a daily post that communicates to all passionate simmers on this forum ((hard) core to tourist) where things stand, and what we can expect in the short and mid term?
I really, really think that this would make all the difference.

Can you imagine what a simmer feels when every day (s)he gets confronted with a banner, starting with “ Good news!”, when it isn’t even possible to get through the loading screen for the fifth day in a row, or when it is impossible to play the sim because all incompatible 2020 add ons are automatically loaded without the possibility to go vanilla?

Just a simple post saying: simmers, we hear you, we are working around the clock on these three issues for which we will release a patch in the coming week.

Something like that. What do you say?

And please don’t tag me with don’t ping the mods. I know, and never do. But this time I thought it was relevant to get to you directly with this question.


They’ll have a dev q&a Wednesday from what I remember

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Same for me. Since then I no longer have to use vpn (in uk) and the sim is loading and working fine. It’s odd that some people seem to be stuck in a wilderness of issues. Like their profile on the servers is messed up.

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A lot of systems cache dns addresses, so when something streaming from the cloud changes address, the computer or application holds onto the old address dns address. This can be one of the vpn downsides. If you run the command ipconfig /flushdns that can help sometimes too.

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I have a feeling the cache is not working properly and the thin client is just re-downloading the same files over and over again.

I set my cache to 64GB, yet aircraft cockpit textures which had already loaded in once were going blurry again after switching between external view, and my data usage only said around 3GB.

I can’t see why those 3GB wouldn’t be entirely stored in the cache.

I do not get it why it seems to be impossible for MS to increase the server capacity significantly.
IMO it would be much cheaper to do this for a limited period instead of dealing with this backlash for the long run.
It might get a long time to get the reviews up. And bad reviews will harm sales.

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What is server capacity for you?
I don’t even think it matters, problem might be a bottleneck in other areas. If it would’ve been that easy they would’ve done it. They probably had a few dozens of scenarios which they tried till now

I feel the same as the first reply. so something positive from Jorg and the team on when this is going to be Perfect for us all. because even now im getting terrible problems STILL. this is NOT acceptable MSFS2024 /Asobo. this is getting worse day by day.

And to be Honest the flight sim community Fans have been ROBBED. I am so annoyed and upset.


I am able to load into an airplane but after I try to start the flight 1 out of about 20 tries are successful. This would indicate to me it is related to the server and not to my system.
In case of a successful start the textures are very bad. This would also indicate that the pure volume of data is to much and the other tries it runs into a timeout.
Just my guess what is causing the issue. Might be wrong.
If I am trying during late night times 3am or so in my region it seems to work better. Less user maybe?

I think they have though. Almost all the people in my little sim community are now in and over the first few days of issues. What’s puzzling and surprising to me is that some people are still having issues.

I’ll count myself lucky I guess.

I’m personally fine. VPN on Wednesday and Thursday helped get me in. From Friday I no longer needed it.

Couldn’t agree more with the original post. I loved 2020, invested a lot of time and money into addons and flew along with various communities on line. This week has left me feeling disillusioned with the hobby that I loved at the start of the week. So far, I have flown for a grand total of 2 minutes (£100 per minute). I have a high end machine and fast internet. I really want this to work and have tried everything. Maybe this is a party that I’m just not invited to!


Wow, you have got such insider information?? Please ask them if they are going to extend support for my windows 10 installation after 2025, ask them with a pretty please.

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