Checking your list of open items, haven’t you guys noticed, that the PC-24 is far from fixed???
There are many updates in the PC-24 is completely broken topic
This is vital information for our test team, please do not skip it or your issue may not be able to be reproduced or fixed.
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 or 2024: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024
Version Build Number (Where do I locate that? ):
Game Platform (Steam, Xbox, MS Store): MS Store
Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue? Yes
If applic…
and even new topics addressing new or remaining issues:
The following issues were noted after update
Description of the issue:
As in the topic PC-24 completely broken already reported, only few general items have been fixed. But there are some career specific issues, which work in free flight.
Engine Start
The engines will not ignite in career mode, even though the aircraft has sufficient fuel at the beginning of the mission. The engines spool up, ignition is initiated, and the booster pumps are activated, but the engi…
Do we really need to start new topics like “Remaining and New Issues After Update XX”?
With all due respect, it seems that your quality control processes might need to be revisited.