Default 737 plane

I want 737 NG too. I scared that PMDG will be very expensive. And I miss any 737 NG at MSFS2020. I flying NEO now but still much more like the way of FMC and MCP works in NG, the way how data are presented on ND screen and of course the way how nose section on 737 looks like.

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Just want to add that I too miss the 737 in msfs. A shame they didn’t model it. The A320 is good,but a completely different beast.

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I converted a 737 8max from a free fsx addon and integrated the 787 Asobo interior panel. You need a lot of time to set the right values but the panel works mostly :blush:

Do you have the Cfgs or code or URL?

Agreed. You are absolutely right.

Its available Simmarket B737Max

I wouldn’t recommend that one to anyone.

I would not recommend it either. If you just want a plane that looks like a 737, it should be alright. But if you want a plane which works like a 737, then you should wait for PMDG or any other serious company.

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Yes this may look like a B737, the cockpit is done very poor. I would not recommend it.

yuck, how to wish such a bad plane in real life. The B787 is a really good plane. I enjoy it!

If you want a 737 your best current bet is with X-Plane using the free Zibo mod 737.

Or P3D with PMDG’s 737NGXu

Cant wait for a Boeing, I need to learn to fly it, I find it intimidating at first

I’d be happy they do the 737 800 Max to test to see if they fixed the MCAS in the game

You still think this ? :laughing:

A 737…


Not a Dreamliner

a 737-400 would be good