Default A320neo blackout bug

Hey guys!

Been flying the A320neo default aircraft on msfs on xbox series s and out of about 4 flights twice I’ve had the cockpit instrument screens randomly just blackout for no reason. This evening on my final leg of descent into Zurich I was slowing the aircraft and monitoring pfd and nd when it just killed everything. Highly frustrating after 90mins of a very enjoyable flight. Had to take control manually and land without any instruments.

I have the latest hotfix installed but yet this persists. Anyone else have this issue?

I have precisely the same issue. Seems to happen most frequently about 30+ minutes into flight.


I haven’t tried yet since this happened to me tonight and I also just landed with no screens and taxied to the gate but after I shut my xbox off I did some research and some people were saying that the bug is all of the brightness in the cockpit going to 0% so you should be able to turn the brightness back up to turn them on again. So best case scenario is hit live pause and brighten the screens and unpause. That’s the best we can do for now until it’s fixed.


Been having the same issues on different aircraft I sent a ticket to zendesk still waiting for a response.

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hi there has anyone a clue of advice as to why when im flying the A320 neo on xbox that half way or even sometimes at end of a flight on approach the screens and avionics just go blank…flying bling when doing and IFR flight …HELP

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I have the same Problem, also with the 747 and TT the 787…after 20 minutes no avionics (Black screens) it’s not possible to do a whole flight…pretty frustrating…


Known bug mate. Raise it with a zendesk ticket. It’s a pain in the a**. Ruins all immersion with flights as it can happen whenever it wants. Unpredictable


so turning up the lighting in the cockpit will fix this problem? this that what im taking from this as it would actually help me for now…thanks for the advice ill try this but very nervous about wasting my time

Did not work for me but give it a try

is the 747 ok to fly?

It’s happens on all the aircraft even on pc as well bad bug we got here

ill chance my arm 1 more time with the a320 but leave the lights up in the cockpit this time

I’m gonna try the lighting tomorrow. Few people have said it’s just the lighting on displays playing tricks and dimming itself I’m doubtful but im gonna try and see if there’s a workaround of some sort because this is a joke. Happened to be in the Citation Longitude aswell right after takeoff!

Seems to me this hot fix did more breaking than fixing

Oh it did . It’s a merry mess.

I can confirm that the blackout bug happened again and changing the brightness on everything did absolutely nothing.

Between this and the hot temps at cruise altitude with live weather, I’m grounding my jet operations until further notice. What a bummer.


I am having the exact same issue

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I have this issue too while i was flying from WIMM to WSSS, around an hour flight. It happened while descending to the airport and all my screens went blank and i was flying at night. :sweat:


Well that dispels one “fix” as a myth then! Some pc players saying it’s been there since last year when the sim initially launched. Surely by now they’d have found a fix or at least noticed all the users reporting the same issue! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Some pc players saying it’s been there since last year when the sim initially launched. Surely by now they’d have found a fix or at least noticed all the users reporting the same issue! Its been 12 months :roll_eyes:

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