I’m on a Series X and this relates to peripherals, but as it seems hard-coded in, I’m also imagining that it affects most systems.
I’m having controller input lag with my VelocityOne, but based on some older, closed threads, it seems as though this is an issue with how controls are coded into the sim itself.
The VelocityOne allows me to see what its control values are for a given input directly on its built-in screen. If I crank the yoke all the way to the left, it gives an instantaneous read of the correct value, showing all the way to the left. So I know that the peripheral itself is correctly picking up the value I want it to. My issue is that when it translates into the sim, there seems to be some hard-coded reactivity setting that I can’t get rid of. When landing in a Cessna 172 or any GA plane (and most planes in general) in real life, your control inputs need to be instantaneous to make tiny corrections for wind and micro calculations for position over the runway. You’ll see pilots look like they’re strangling the yoke with continuous, quick control inputs. With the default lag in the sim when using a yoke, it’s as if I’m telling someone else the control inputs they need to make and watching them do it a half second later. It makes it almost impossible to land, even from a stabilized approach. This seems at its core, counterintuitive to creating a realistic sim.
Is there some kind of base reactivity setting that’s hidden from the user, beyond the reactivity setting in the sensitivities page? I want to be able to practice some landings using my fancy new yoke, but it’s nearly impossible as of now. From what I’m reading and personal experience, XPlane 11 has not had this issue at all, and from flying FAA approved AATD’s running it, it’s instantaneous in its reactions. I would love if the team could tackle this issue or offer a solution. I love this sim and would love to be able to fly it accurately!
Is there anything noted that applies to your yoke, in the support area for Velocity One? They may know more about their product and how it interacts with msfs. Support
PS nice looking unit. I’d like your opinions on it after a few months of use!
Have the same issue. There is an actual fix for the Boeing 747. You have to edit the config file. This fixes it completely. Sadly didn´t find a fix for other aircraft. Searching for it online didn´t get much results.
I guess I’m a little late to the conversation. I am 100% aware of what you’re talking about. This is an issue that has affected the simulator a long time. I first noticed it in FSX gold edition 10 years ago. If you play racing sims at all, you notice you can put lightning fast inputs in for correcting a slide, things like that. The same is true for full scale airplanes, landing in turbulence, correcting a bounce, or steering a tailwheel on the runway. Particularly on small aircraft. All of which I have experience with in real life. It makes aerobatic aircraft, tailwheel aircraft, and helicopters almost unflyable.
I can kind of see why they do it, its hard to simulate the physical mass of the controls themselves, and the pressure on the stick, which changes with airspeed. The only way to do that would be a physically heavier stick, and force feedback, which is not likely to be common for a while.
I just wish they would provide the option to bypass the programming. What bothers me most is its lag that is intentionally installed in the sim. If anyone can find a way to bypass this programming, I would probably pay for it.
If they could fix this one issue, it would revolutionize this simulator, which I am still a fan of, despite its limitations. Anyone out there that could change this? It would likely have to come from microsoft themselves.