Deimos G39 Griffin

1 - yes, i had a report about that, that if you touch the flaps (in that case) than the fbw go crazy… but i was not able to reproduce that issue! What i suggest (because i know for sure that this kind of update create problem) … when u update procede:

  • unistall the plane,
  • reboot,
  • install,
  • reboot

2- mmmmm nope, i mean, all the controls are using standard var of the game, so you should be able to use your yoke, if it is working also on the other planes;

3- nope…. Once the canopy is gone… is gone hahahh you need maintenance on the grounde and a lot of money to put it back hahahah

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I’d like to say thank you for your wonderful products ! They are flying beautifully in the sim and the hard work and efforts You are putting into these projects is very much appreciated!


Thanks so much!!!
Hope you all will love the upcoming updates for mig and felon as well!!!
Thanks again


Yeah it’s terrific!. A real soild job done there in your last update my friend :+1:. One thing missing and that’s a darn tower cam itching for a flyby to bust the tower.great job :+1:


What’s this like to fly compared to the F-14? Thinking of buying it :+1:

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The process you suggested worked and the plane’s weird behavior stopped, now it’s agile and highly capable of low speed and altitude flights as it should be
Just wanted to ask if you’re planning to update the HUD and the displays to look more like the real fighter and
adding free new liveries as well


Regarding hud and mfd not at the moment;
Wile for the liveries, thia is not a problem, not immediately, i first have to update the other planes, than i van start a new round of updates

If you have any special request just ask, i’ll try to do my best, OR, you can just download the paintkit, make some, and i’ll add them to the plane

Hello again! Ive not been playing for a cpl of weeks; just wanna check if the latest Griffin is out (the bigger version we talked about) ? Not sure Ive seen any updates for it lately, exept for that smaller update a cpl of weeks ago.


The last update was out last week, just be sure to

  • unistall old version;
  • revoot;
  • install new version
  • reboot
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Hi! Ive now tried the latest version of the Griffin and its much, much better. There are still some things that could be better:

  • The input of my joystick feels non-reactive in the sim with this mod. It feels a bit not-direct, if you get what I mean…

  • The HUD letters and numbers are the same size if you are close to it, or a bit away from it.

  • The “close to HUD” view is a bit too low I think, and should not be really that close (is that really the way you see the hud in the gripen?). Seems very close and low to me.

  • The checklist aid’s need some fix (arrows pointing back of the seat)

  • At startup I felt there was this sound revving up several times, like a loop.

  • The “opening canopy” sound is too abrumpt ended. Much better when closing.

I’ll get back if I find more. But its, like a said a very nice update. =)

Also… @DeimoS987

  • The Nosewheel steering seem to be not very sensitive
  • Still a LOT of flickering going on in the cockpit (FS issue?)
  • Still see beacon lights try floor (at pedals)
  • Still som memory problems?

…but it is very enjoyable as it is now. Where can I find a manual for it? Not sure how to use the navigation and autopilot instruments…

Lets hope this can be fixed as well in the near future (dont bother with the other mods you have…) :wink: Take care!

All well noted, thanks so much, i’ll reply to you in pvt because here i cant, btw thanks so much i’ll work on those issue.

Is coming a video manual also for the Griffin, that you can see just using a qr code inside cockpit.

First will be for A10 than will be available also for Griffin… working on theme

@DeimoS987 The biggest concern for me is the way this plane lands. Its like its not heavy at all. I can do a perfect landing, but it just too “light”. Also Im missing sounds, and overall feeling in a “landing”. No rollsound, or bump sound or…well…especeially not with headphones mode on.

Also…theres weird thing going on in the mirrors; dual blinking lights…and a very hard sun refflections, which would have been great if there was accurate mirrors. Now its just sunflare.

The canopy is still closing and opening a bit of its own…

I see the nose is dropping down all the time if you now trim or adjust constantly.

also the fuel consumption seem way off. I used the Afterburner for a very long time, and the fuel hardly got lower. Is it same consumption as when you do MIL speed?

The wheels, or the tyres also seem to stand vary flat on the ground, like theres almost air between them and the ground, like really hard pumped. :wink:

Thats it for now. =)


Ok thanks, yes you already told me many of those thinks… and i’ll work on them :wink:

Thanks for the other!

Regarding fuel, nope, if you use AB the fuel flow would be much much more….

Yes, for landing i thought to had fix it in the update but i made a mistake :sweat_smile:


Just want this mod to be as great as it can be. =)


I’ll do my best!!!


I’ll leave most of this up to the expert @DeimoS987 , but the Griffin is designed to be able to take off and land “on a dime”. If this is what you mean by “light”. It can land/take off from regular paved roads with not much room to spare IRL.


Well, i think he was talking about the stall speed actually… i noticed that the plane had still to much lift under 130/120 kts… i fixed that but for error i didnt enclosed that fix in the last update… will be there in the next one, sorry for that :slight_smile:


Wow, amazing! Thanks so much

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