Deimos G39 Griffin

Yes, thats right… Ive never flown a Gripen but it feels very, very, very light on the landing, and flips very easily to the sides. Im not just talking about stall speed but the feeling of weight of th plane. Combined with better sounds at landing (maybe a bit more shaking, if you can control that), it would be really great. I know this mod will be loved - and is loved - by so many (maybe swedes especially?). Thanks for your work! =)

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A minor thing @DeimoS987, but how come the Griffin is listed as “Other” and not a “Jet” when filtering available aircraft?

Oh… good question, i’ll check it as well thanks

Yeah, landing is a bit like a light bouncy ball on ice.

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Exactly! Needs to be fixed ASAP.


I really love her. I can only recommend this plane.

My controller starts to vibrate every time the plane approaches 300 knots IAS. This happens at all altitudes.

What goin on? My plane is not supposed to shake and vibrate at normal cruising speeds.

Even at really high altitudes above mach 1, the controller vibrates like crazy.

This is the only jet fighter jet in the game that’s doing this. I’m on series X


You mean the real joystick or the one in the game?

Me too, Xbox controller on PC. The speed at which it occurs differs somewhat. Will keep track of it next time I fly it.

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Using standard Xbox controller.

I mentioned that in my post :sweat_smile:

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Hi Deimos,

There’s something funny going on with ALL your jets so I’m posting it here (the ones I have anyway):

" The roll rate has gotten extremely slow on the Mig, Felon and Griffen. They’re all rolling like fighters from the 1960s and 1970s like the sabre jet for example. Why has the roll rate gotten so slow all of a sudden?

  • I can’t pull as many Gs on the Mig now. Sometimes, I can barely pull 6 Gs, sometimes it will not go over 8 Gs. Since it has no FBW, I should be able to pull 10+ Gs whenever I want. The plane’s behaviour does not feel right, it’s very nimble and agile IRL but now it feels sluggish and a bit unresponsive.

  • The Felon’s roll rate has also gotten very slow.

  • Same for Griffen.

  • Why is the chase view so zoomed out on the Felon? It looks really tiny while the Mig and Griffin look absolutely fine at the standard 50% zoom level.


Just to add one more thing: the AB flames on the Felon are very dull and uninteresting. Shouldn’t they be brighter and more prominent, especially at full AB?

Edit: Griffin feels very weird to land. As if it has little weight or momentum. Just try it yourself on the Xbox with the standard controller to get an idea.

Correction: it’s just the Mig and Felon with the painfully slow roll rate. Not sure if it’s the sim or your planes? The other fighter jets are fine. Any way to turn of FBW on the Felon?


To be honest. The Griffin is the only mod not installed at the moment. It just feels weird (still). When choosen, it also seem to slow down the game interface over all. I was hoping much for the new flight model, and yes it was better - but its still nowhere near Gripen numbers.


I was referring to the Xbox version.

I don’t think these forums are the place to be discussing community mods. Those have nothing to do with the developer.

Many call all add-ons mods.

Right now I can’t fly the G39 because it lags so much. All other planes of mine working fine but I can barely navigate the menu after the G39 loads in.

Suddenly it was working again? Seems like something is unstable in the model judging by how some have problems, some don’t and some have intermittent ones.

Hi all, I bought it, I’m on Xbox X.
Wonderful plane!

Just one question (I did search but nothing), is there a way to toggle smoke, mapping a button?

Thank you


I imagine you’ve been busy lately as I’m not getting responses from you either in this thread or the Mig-29 and su-57 felon thread.

Both jets need work as well as the griffin.

Can you please provide some support? Not enjoying the Felon or the Mig all that much. Griffin is doable.

Hello! Sorry for delay!

  • put some weight on. Smokespods and the. When in flight just select the switch for that!
  • u can also select “L” to activate or deactivate them (also light will comes on